ABSTRACT This study examines the ECOWAS Regional Action Plan and the Fight against Illicit Drug Trafficking in Ghana. It throws light on perceived challenges associated with controlling the drug situation in the country. Additionally, it analyses policy interventions, implemented to deal with drug trafficking and then finally, projects some achievements of the ECOWAS Regional Action Plan in Ghana and suggests measures for improvement. Using the case of security personnel from Narcotics Contro...
ABSTRACT Exploring Intellectual Property (IP) system to facilitate research activities and transfer of advanced technology to harness creativity and innovation has become an issue of global debate. Using Ghana as a case study for the period 2003-2013, the study examined the role, prospects and challenges for exploring IP systems to stimulate Ghana’s domestic creativity and innovation. The study employed qualitative research approach, utilizing a purposive sampling method to obtain primary d...
ABSTRACT Following post-electoral crisis in Kenya and Cote D’Ivoire, the International Criminal Court (ICC) indicted some political leaders from the two countries. Those indicted included Laurent Gbagbo and Uhuru Kenyatta of Cote D’Ivoire and Kenya respectively. The ICC’s action was subsequently criticized as injurious to democracy in Africa, particularly in the case of Kenyatta who had been elected as president of Kenya. This study examined the role of the ICC with regard to democratic...
ABSTRACT The study measured the extent of democratic consolidation through the spectrum of constitutional reforms, elections and the independence of the electoral commission, institutional structures, constitutionalism and rule of law, civil society organisations, freedom of the media, electoral violence, ethnicity and sub-regionalism, socio-economic challenges, corruption, security-sector challenges, and the role of the international community. It did a comparative analysis of the extent to ...
ABSTRACT Despite great strifes at resolving civil wars and political crisis in West Africa, interpersonal and group conflicts continue to threaten the stability and security of states within the sub region. Contemporarily, these states are described as having weak institutions, poor infrastructure and poor human resource capacity necessary for resolving the root sources of the conflicts. Given the aforementioned structural and agency difficulties, the study set out to investigate the efficie...
ABSTRACT Technology has become the byword in the era of globalization. It can be attested of in various aspects of life as we know it. In Ghana, however, most especially in the business world, the use of technology has been cited as a phenomenon to be feared as, according to the understanding of most workers in this field, that, the entrance of technology into an organization is most often than not, a way for organizations to purge themselves of mostly the older generations in the working sec...
ABSTRACT The 1992 Constitution of Ghana has provisions that follow the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, making particular reference to the rights of women and violence and discrimination against women, such as the Domestic Violence Act (Act 732) which was passed in 2007. Despite all well-intentioned constitutional provisions for women’s rights, however, gender-based violence is still prevalent in Ghana. This dissertation researches the effects of gender-based violence on the socio-e...
ABSTRACT The study sought to examine how anarchy affects the international system, particularly in the UNSC organ that depicts the realists‘ model of world politics. The study relied on both scholarly literature and key UN documents, particularly the UN Charter to analyze and discuss how anarchy affects the functions and roles of the UNSC to maintain international peace and security in the world. It is an arena where states conduct their foreign policy through the national interest as well ...
ABSTRACT Monetary union has become a contentious issue in recent times especially since the successful launch of the European monetary zone. The African Union has plans to create an economic and monetary union for its members. This will involve the creation of a new unified currency for the whole of Africa. This work seeks to give an appraisal of the significance of a monetary union to Africa, look at the challenges and prospects of such an agenda and determine whether or not a monetary union...
ABSTRACT Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (MSPs) have been touted by the UN as a sure way for harnessing synergy to realise the 17 Global Goals. Goal 17 aims to achieve Global Partnership. Targets 17.16 to 17.17 are specifically dedicated to MSPs. They identify, public, private and civil society partnership as a means to boost critical factors, which would equip states to achieve the goals. These include, financial resource mobilisation, technology and sharing of knowledge and expertise. Given ...
ABSTRACT Election observation has become a feature of democratic elections in most parts of the world as well as a key indicator of the credibility of elections. Consequently, continental, regional and sub-regional bodies have moved to form their own groups to observe and, in some instances, monitor elections in countries within their regions. Notwithstanding the relevance of election observation missions, there have been criticisms relating to the extent to which the actions of such missions...
ABSTRACT The United States has been known for its isolationist, neutrality and noninterventionist tendencies since independence as a result of the caution sounded by its founding fathers, such as George Washington, that future foreign policy makers should ensure they do not involve the state in any permanently entangling alliances. Things, however, changed after World War II when the US saw the need to exert its influence on the world stage to advance its interest by spreading their values th...
ABSTRACT The study examined ECOWAS’s consistency in its operationalisation of the 1999 and 2001 protocols in managing post elections crisis. The 2010/2011 Ivorian Crisis and the Gambian 2016/2017 crisis bordering on unconstitutional change of government were the case studies. Given the provisions of the 1999 and 2001 Protocols, it was obvious that ECOWAS was bound to intervene in the two crises to shore up to its legitimacy and redeem its image. In the two cases, ECOWAS deployed its pacific...
ABSTRACT Culture has been harnessed by states as a diplomatic tool for eons. Its role in fostering crosscultural and international cooperation is highly noticeable. Intercultural exchanges, especially those initiated by the state or even the private sector, is known to create an atmosphere of friendship and trust, as well as eliminate negative notions held of other cultures. Cultural Diplomacy, as one of the major soft power currencies of states, is used by Nigeria and the U.S., perhaps for ...
ABSTRACT In today’s world, cyberspace and cyberpower have become crucial elements of international security. This brings cyber-threats and the measures to counter them to the apex of the modern security dialogue. In the post-Snowden era, national approaches to cybersecurity seem to be sparking a ‘digital arms race’ rather than fostering more security. Hence, cyberspace presents a dilemma of epic proportions, which challenges the traditional notions of state-centric security within the ...