policies in Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Library. The study was an attempt to evaluate the level of the implementation of collection development policies. The researcher employed six objectives and six research questions. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Sample of 15 respondents was chosen for the study. The instrument used in collecting data were; interview, observation and the use of questionnaire. The data collected for the study were analyzed u...
ABSTRACT Record engenders competence in management and maintains the trend in the history of learning and improvement processes. NEMA has been talking disaster related issues through the establishment of concrete structures and measure such as the education or the public in order to raise their level of awareness and reduce the effect of disasters in the country. The local government are the first responders, then the state and finally federal. The system of record keeping is also important i...
The main purpose of this study is to restructure manual information services to electronic in Dr Aliyu Obaje university library, Kogi State Unversity, Anyigba. To Achieve this, four research objectives were drawn which include; to indentify manual information services rendered in Dr Aliyu Obaje university library, Kogi State Unversity, Anyigba; find out electronic information services rendered; to know the challenge associated with rendering electronic information services and suggest strateg...
This study examined “impact of library information resources on student performance in SSCE public secondary schools Zaria.” Nigeria. It identifies the Concepts of Public School Libraries, extent of Availability of Public Senior Secondary School Libraries, type of Resources available in Public Senior Secondary School Libraries, extent of Utilization of Public Senior Secondary School Libraries and their resources, influence of Library Resources on Student Performance, performance Differenc...
This study examined “the preservation and conservation practices in Fce, Zaria library for effective academic activities” It identifies the Concept of Preservation and Conservation, types of information resources, preservation and conservation practices in federal college of education library, Zaria. Need for libraries adoption of preservation and conservation practices, challenges associated with preservation and conservation in the federal college of education library, Zaria. Strategies...
This study examined “the information seeking behaviour of undergraduate students in faculty of Art, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.” Nigeria. It identifies the Information Needs of the undergraduate Students of Faculty of Arts Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, it also identified how undergraduate Students of Faculty of Arts Ahmadu Bello University Zaria search Information Resources, the Information Services Available in the Library to Undergraduate Students of Faculty of Arts Ahmadu Bello Un...
ABSTRACT In the advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its integration in the Library and Information Science profession, the search for information resources by students, researchers, and even librarians is now easier and faster but then it all depends on the level of ICT or Computer literacy skills possessed by the individual(s) in search of such information resources. The aim of this study was intended to find out the strengths and weaknesses of students of Kogi Stat...
Acquisition and Distribution of serial materials to national Library of Nigeria, yobe state branch
ABSTRACT This research work examined the attitude of undergraduates towards a Career in Library and Information Science: A case study of Delta State University, Abraka. Four research questions were raised to guide the study. The scope of the study is limited to 100-400 undergraduate regular students of library and information science Department, Delta State University, Abraka. The descriptive survey research was used for the study. One hundred and fifty (150) undergraduates in the Departm...
Abstract This study examined the “utilization of private school libraries by teachers and students in sabon gari local government area of Kaduna State” Nigeria. It identifies the concepts of private school library, the extent of availability of private school libraries; it also identified the types of Resources and Services Provided by Private School libraries, the utilization of private school libraries and the hindrances to utilization of private school libraries. The study adopted th...
This study examined the “assessment of the utilization of school library resources by secondary school students in Rimi College” and the objectives of the study were to examine the use of libraries by secondary school students in Rimi College Kaduna. Specifically, the study intends to identify the types of information resources available in Rimi College Library, Kaduna. To find out the extent to which students in Rimi College make use of resources in the school library. To identify the ch...
ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to investigate the information needs and information seeking behavior of the researchers in Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute, Ilorin, Kwara State. The study used questionnaire and interview method to obtain data from the respondents. Out of the sixty copies of questionnaire distributed to respondents, fifty-three copies were returned and found useable for the study. There was also an interview with the Director, library services in the institute. ...
ABSTRACT This research work examined the attitude of undergraduates towards a Career in Library and Information Science: A case study of Delta State University, Abraka. Four research questions were raised to guide the study. The scope of the study is limited to 100-400 undergraduate regular students of library and information science Department, Delta State University, Abraka. The descriptive survey research was used for the study. One hundred and fifty (150) underg...
This work revealed factors influencing academic performance of Library and information science students in Ahmadu Bello university Zaria.
ABSTRACT For the purpose of the study, it is assumed that library users exist in the academic libraries studies. These users cause damage to library materials. The study covers the various means and devices to safeguard library materials from being vandalized by obnoxious and antisocial library users. In order to portray the relevance or importance of the research questions, the research have Six (6) research questions which was raised in line with the six (6) objectives. The literature revie...