ABSTRACT The study is an investigation of availability and utilization of library oriented software packages (LOSPs) among university libraries in North Central Zone of Nigeria. The study was carried out in four University libraries in North Central Zone of Nigeria namely: Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Library of the federal University of Technology Minna, Francis Sulemanu Idachaba Library of the federal University of Agriculture Makurdi, Benue State University Library Makurdi and Chief Ason ...
This seminar paper reviewed work approach uses related article written by different researchers has tried to application KBS for sustainable agricultural development. KBS is a computer program designed to simulate the problem-solving behavior of an expert in a narrow domain. Agriculture plays a key role in food security and economic development. Agricultural production has evolved into a complex business requiring the accumulation knowledge and integration of data and information from many di...
ABSTRACT The ways of generating additional income in academic library is the pivot on which all academic activities revalue in an academic environment. Libraries help the institutions to achieve their stated goals and the fulfillment of this enormous task is dependent on the adequate income of libraries to ensure the realization of the goals and objective of the parent institution. Infact the issue of generating additional income in academic libraries has been a typical for virtually everyon...
ABSTRACT Academic libraries play a prominent role in providing information services in various forms to researchers, scientist, policy makers, planners etc. a well organized academic library should have ICT to assist both patrons and information professionals in the libraries. This research work highlights the use and problems of I.C.T in Nigeria academic libraries particular interest on the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. ICT facilitates access to electronic information which has become i...
ABSTRACT This research work is on the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in the provision of reference service in public library user in Nigeria. A case study of Imo state Library. The literature review is on the concept of ICTs types of ICT infrastructure applicable in public library, funding of ICTs in public libraries in Nigeria the importance of reference services in public libraries and factors affecting the role of ICT in public libraries in Nigeria. The questionnai...
ABSTRACT The research work is on the role of information communication technology in student’s academic record. The sample of study consist of 45 respondents selected through purposive sample the following research question were answered, what are the function of ICT in student’s academic record, what are the component of ICT, what are the proper ways of funding ICT in students academic records, what are the problem militating against the role of ICT in students academic record...
ABSTRACT This research work investigate the relevance of information and communication technologies in academic FUTO Library. The data collection instrument for this work was questionnaire. The research population comprised of the staff of both libraries. The findings revealed the various type of ICT facilities available in both libraries and the level of utilization. The findings showed the problems of utilization in these libraries. Based on the findings the recommendation was made on ways...
ABSTRACT This is a research on problems of acquisition of materials and services to users in special libraries in Nigeria. A case study of Imo State House of Assembly. Questionnaires were used in getting the relevant information needed for the research. The responses from the questionnaires were analyzed to arrive at conclusion. The study revealed that library and information services provide reference and research support to the general assembly and its staff and legislatives information to...
ABSTRACT This research investigated the importance of internet to students of academic institutions in Nigeria by library students and students of Imo State University Owerri. A sample size of 399 of the students was surveyed. The instrument for data collection was questionnaires were used for data analysis. The study reveals that the importance of internet to student constitutes the most important aspect of academic enhancement; it helps and support students in acquiring knowledge especiall...
ABSTRACT The public library is a social institution which is tied to the political and social realities of the communities, where it is situated. Library helps an organizations to achieve this stated goals and its achievement is dependent I the adequate fund available to the library involved. Looking at one goal set out by public library to achieve and with the fact that less is achieved due to poor materials and infrastructural facilities in our present day societies, its discovered that in...
ABSTRACT The study is on strategies for effective management of college library resources. The study is broken down under the following concepts college library resources, feature of college libraries, strategies for library resources management in college library and sustainable approach to library resources-management in college libraries. The process of data collection of the study was suided by eight objectives and research questions formulated for the study. The objectives of the study ...
ABSTRACT For the purpose of the study, it is assumed that library users exists in the academic libraries studies. These users cause damage to library materials. The study covers the various means and devices to safeguard library materials from being vandalized by obnoxious and antisocial library users. In order to portray the relevance or importance of the research questions, the researcher made use of questionnaire method, oral interview and observation to get needed information. It was rea...
ABSTRACT The topic is on staff development programmes in academic libraries which deals with the management of staff in academic libraries on how they can be motivated, taking care of and being treated well in the programme conducted for them in order to render good services to the users of academic libraries. The objectives of the study include: to identify staff development programmes that are carried out in Imo state polytechnic library and also to state polytechnic is effective and consi...
ABSTRACT This study concerned the security problems that confronted academic libraries in Imo state University library, research questions for the study were constructed. The description survey method was used on the total of 50 staff, this 50 staff were made up from the Imo state University libraries. The sample and sampling techniques was done in a systematic way, it was found that the major cause of security problem was high cost of books and periodicals, it is also found that the major s...
ABSTRACT This research work examined the “PROBLEM OF SELECTION AND ACQUISITION OF LEGAL MATERIALS BY LAR LIBRARIES IN NIBGERIA. With Imo state Judiciary library as a case study. It uses a survey research method with questionnaire as the instrument for data collection, conclusion and recommendations were made based on the findings of the study. The findings confined the existence of legal materials in the library under study as well as the problems effecting effective selection and acqu...