ABSTRACT This study was based on the Problems of Books Acquisition in Academic Library. A case study of Imo State University Owerri (IMSU). The study was also made to find out what roles money play in the acquisition of book in the academic libraries. It also determined the level to which students and lecturers are consulted during selection of books to be acquired in their library through the findings it is observed that academic libraries acquires books through purchases gifts, exchange ...
ABSTRACT The study investigate the enhancing the availability and accessibility of library materials to students through reprographic services in academic libraries in Imo State using a comparative approach to study Alban Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri. The survey method was used in which a total of fifty six questionnaires were administered to staff in the library under study. Collected data were analyzed using simple percentages and frequency tables. The analysis revealed that ...
ABSTRACT This research is on the effects of poor implementation of collection development policy in academic libraries in Imo State. In carrying out the project, five research questions and objectives were drawn on the effects of poor implementation of collection development policies; its effectiveness, problems encountered in implementing the policies and the solutions to these problems are X-rayed. Questionnaire was used in eliciting response from the staff of academic libraries and their ...
ABSTRACT This project work is on the challenges in training and education of library and information science professionals with a particular case of those in IMSU and FPNO library school. The objectives of this include finding out the challenges of librarianship profession. Also discover the perception of the profession by the general public and also recommend on how he identified problems could be solved. The research design of this work was drawn, procedure for data collection and the meth...
ABSTRACT This work is on book acquisition in academic libraries sources and methods. A case study of Imo state Polytechnic Library Umuagwo. It emphasized the need for acquisition of library materials for its primary clientele 8 questionnaires forms were administered to the institution under study. It was formed out that the institution under study their library involves in acquisition of library materials. Chapter two reviews what the topic is talking about. Chapter three deals with the meth...
ABSTRACT The research was designed to investigate the availability and accessibility of information resources of federal polytechnic nekede students. The library promoter’s economic and social growth of the student daily needs to be more appreciated in our society. The available resources of the library emanate from direct purchase, gift, inter library organize the information material preserves and makes them accessible to user of the library. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Certificat...
ABSTRACT This project discusses about the Automation of academic libraries in Imo state, the challenges and gains. A case study of Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri, Library. It discusses mainly on the challenges and gains of automation on various functions of academic libraries as well as its impacts on the library staff. Twenty five (25) questionnaires were administered and all of them were returned which represent the 100% return. The study shows that automation has great impacts on acade...
ABSTRACT This work is on acquisition and management of serials in Imo state university library Owerri. The research was centered on the acquisition, storage, utilization and management of serials and their attendant problems involved in the Imo state academic library. The research employed the survey method of research, using questionnaires, interview schedules and direct observation to collect data. Apart from the methodology and procedures of investigation. Which were given the presentatio...
ABSTRACT This research study exposes the problems encountered in running private libraries. The library chosen as the case study is a private subscription library. The faith foundation library Aba. The instrument used in this study for data gathering, are interview, questionnaire, observational method and existing data in the library. The findings show that the problems encountered in the running of private libraries are inadequate accommodation, inadequate fund, inadequate staff, lack of wri...
Periodicalsare the bedrock of research activities. These periodicals can be acquiredthrough subscriptions; these could be through overseas, agents, gifts purchase,standing orders, donations membership of an association. Periodicals serve as atool of dissemination of knowledge in the library and in the society.Periodicals could be acquired through the use of selection tools like BritishNational Bibliography (BNB), African Book-in-Print (ABP) but rarely byexchange, catalogue, book agent/vend...
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study Withinlibrary Technology, serial publications have been considered traditionally as a separately distinguishable library resource because there are differences in their contents, format, bibliographical relationships, and the methods of acquisition and service. Definitions of the term “serial” vary from authority to authority and from library to library, as A. Osborn makes clear in his study.’ For this article the term is used to incl...
it is only proposal for your work
Abstract, background of study and table of contents
TABLE OF CONTENT Title page i Certification ii Dedication iii Acknowledgement iv...
ABSTRACT The study examined the students’ attitude to cataloguing and classification in an academic institution. The case of Federal Polytechnic Offa, Library and Information Science Department. It was a survey study. Questionnaire was the instrument for the collection of data. Ninety-five (95) questionnaires were used for the analysis. The sample was drawn from the total population of the students. Random sampling method was used in selecting the sample from HND II, HND I and ND II studen...