ABSTRACT This research reviewed the challenges that are posed by the inherited colonial legacies towards the sustainable service delivery in the Mutare Rural District Council. The success of Local Authorities lies in the ability to bring about sustainable service delivery in their respective areas of jurisdiction in a country riddled with the effects of colonial legacies. This in turn enhances the much sought for socio-economic development throughout the country. For Rural Local Authorities ...
ABSTRACT The 21st Century political arena has seen the rise of factionalism in Zimbabwean politics disturbing almost all the political parties in the land, with this phenomenon becoming a topical issue in the media and in political debates. It is therefore the aim of this analytical study to unveil the major causes of factionalism in Zimbabwean political parties with a case study of the two major dominant political parties the ZANU PF and MDC from 2005 to 2015 where these issues started to r...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to analyze the impacts of W.A.S.H projects in Runde Rural District. The gradual decline of W.A.S.H services from the 1990s due to the economic downfall affected both urban and rural communities. This created wide disparities between the rural and urban communites in terms of access to clean water and good sanitation with the rural areas being the most affected. As a result the livelihoods, health and well being of the rural people decreased significantly ...
ABSTRACT This dissertation is a critical examination of the role that has been played by civil society organisations in their quest to promote peace, reconciliation and democracy in Zimbabwe, the case study being Masakhaneni Projects Trust. It traces the history of politically motivated violence as far as the liberation struggle for independence. It is also through this study that I seek to expose how a violent political culture has been institutionalized in Zimbabwe‘s politics as a means o...
ABSTRACT The concept of sustainable development has become a ubiquitous feature in most developmental policies across the breadth and length of the world. Therefore, this research analyzed the impact of the extraction of black granite on sustainable development particularly making use of the case of Mutoko District in Zimbabwe. Mining of black granite in Mutoko commenced way back in the early 1970s. The people in Mutoko District expected that the exploitation of the natural stone would bring ...
ABSTRACT Social exclusion and the phenomenon of street children have been contentious issues in many states around the globe. The research is titled an investigation on the impact of social exclusion of street children on their rights. This research therefore is concerned with elucidating the impact of social exclusion on the rights of street children in Gweru. Street children are alienated from the mainstream society and thus have constrained access to social relations, access to resources a...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the effects of The Zimbabwean Fast Track Land Reform in promoting agriculture development to mitigate poverty. The study targets the beneficiaries to establish the relationship between land reform programme and agriculture production and it is an assessment of how the beneficiaries of Insiza district have performed in terms of agriculture production after the implementation of the policy. The theoretical framework suggests the land of a nation is for the peopl...
ABSTRACT This paper has focused much on the independence and performance of internal audit in Zimbabwean Local Authorities. The research objectives of this project are to examine the relationship between internal audit and the management in all council operations, to assess effectiveness of internal audit controls both existing and proposed functions, to examine challenges faced by Masvingo city council in upholding independence of internal audit and accountability including management’s be...
ABSTRACT Mutare has been under a gradual decline of its glow because of urbanization. A city which was normally known for its unique settlement patterns due to its good geological structure, excellent hygienic standards and abundant clean water has now turned into a city characterized by with mischiefs. This research is derived from the mission to scrutinize both the negative and positive influences of urbanization .The study focuses on the impact of urbanization on service delivery in the t...
ABSTRACT Worldwide, public administration has been considered to be the most crucial aspect in the field of administration where all administrative duties are supposed to be performed in order to serve the interest of the general mass. Local authorities perform their duties as a sub division of the central government and decision making at local council should be exercised as an independent action which should not be influenced by partisanship nor do central government meddle in the decision...
ABSTRACT Zimbabwe is currently characterized by droughts caused by El Nino. The droughts have become a common feature for agriculture in Zimbabwe, a country whose majority of the population (70%) depends on agricultural-based activities as their livelihoods resource. The research is carried out in Tsholotsho district ward 13 which is characterized by erratic and inadequate rainfall. Drought frequency is very high occurring at a rate of four in every five years. The main purpose of this resea...
ABSTRACT Public service delivery is essential to citizens worldwide. Service delivery therefore is providing basic needs which are essential in life such as housing, water supply, waste management, sewerage reticulation and treatment and if residents are denied those basic needs the environment becomes unfriendly and they are subjected to a lot of discomfort and prone to diseases. However, looking at the Zimbabwean context due to economic instability and financial constraints it has crippled ...
ABSTRACT This research was an investigation into the influence of factionalism to political economics. The study was naturally focused on factional tendencies within ZANU-PF and the consequences to Zimbabwe’s political economy from 2013 to 2016. In this case, this study automatically adopted a qualitative research methodology due to its confidential nature and pre-requisition to directly interact with society and the components under investigation. The study employed a two-dimensional sampl...
Abstract Most governments in African societies are characterised by failure to address their electoral promises hence the degree of public service delivery is not all inclusive in the sense that it is mainly anchored on political affiliation while marginalising descending voices. It is against this background that this study seeks to assess the effects of party politics on public service delivery in the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development. The agricultural sector...
Abstract Youths in Zimbabwe constitute a greater proportion of the total population and are the most marginalised group within the African societies in terms of resource distribution. Therefore, the government of Zimbabwe involves the youths in the economy by introducing the Indigenisation and Economic policy, which was supported by numerous programmes. To address the issue of unemployment the government decided to establish the Youth Development Fund in conjunction with the financial institu...