Education Management Research Papers/Topics

Validity of Primary School Examination as a Predictor of Secondary School Examination Score among Public Secondary School Students Kenya

Abstract/Overview The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of KCPE as a predictor of KCSE scores among public secondary school students in Kisii central Sub-county, Kenya. This study was guided by a conceptual framework where KCPE was the independent variable and KCSE the dependent variable. It adopted Correlational and Ex-post-facto research designs. The study population was 3,897 KCSE candidates from 55 public secondary schools. Stratified random sampling based on school ...

School Differences in the Predictive Validity of Primary School Examinations among Secondary School Students in Kenya

Abstract/Overview The purpose of this study was to determine school category differences in the predictive validity of KCPE among public secondary school students in Kisii central Sub-county, Kenya. The study adopted Correlational and Ex-post-facto research designs. The study population was 3,897 KCSE candidates from 55 public secondary schools. Stratified random sampling based on school type (day and boarding) was used to select 16 public secondary schools for the study. Saturated sampli...

Challenges Faced by Principals in Managing Teachers Employed by Board of Management in Public Secondary Schools in Bondo Sub-County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Principals are professionally trained as teachers yet they carry out management roles of teachers employed by Board of Management (BoM) thus assume the role of human resource managers. Multiplicity of principals’ roles brings muddling of the whole process that presents with it numerous challenges. The purpose of this study was to examine challenges principals face in managing teachers employed by BoM in public secondary schools in Bondo sub-county, Kenya. The research ...

Influence of Teacher Motivation to Academic Performance of Pupils in Primary Schools in Kenya

Abstract/Overview This study investigated the influence of teacher motivation to the academic performance of pupils in primary schools in Nyamira South Sub-County. The population of study was 147 head teachers and 836 teachers in Nyamira South Sub-County. Stratified sampling was used to get a sample of 84 teachers and 15 head teachers .A mixed method design was adopted for this study that used qualitative and quantitative approaches in collecting and analyzing data concurrently. A questio...

Feedback on teachers' journal entries: a blessing or a curse?

Abstract/Overview Giving feedback on journal entries in the context of teacher education programmes is a contested issue. While some educationists argue that it is necessary if Course Participants (CPs) have to conceptualise the complex process of reflective journaling, others argue that this has ethical implications that may curtail CPs from achieving critical analysis level of events, issues and situations leading to deeper reflections – one of the goals of feedback. This study sought...

Teachers’ lack of deeper analytical reflections: who is to blame?

Abstract/Overview Reflective practice through journal writing is among the concepts that are introduced to teachers by my institution during the six-month long Certificate in Education Programmes (CEPs). The objective is to enable teachers to develop professionally by learning from their own practice after completion of the programmes. However, this can only occur if teachers are able to critically analyse issues, events and situations within their practice. Over the years, it has been re...

Suitability of the Regular School Curriculum to Learners with Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms in Primary Schools in Kisumu County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview This research was carried out to examine suitability of the regular school curriculum to learners with disabilities in inclusive classrooms in Kisumu County in Kenya. It has been observed that teachers teaching in inclusive classrooms encounter problems in trying to adapt the curriculum content to accommodate all learners since they respond differently. Although education systems the world over have for long provided special education and related services to students wit...

Implementation of Pair Work and Group Work for Creation of Interaction Opportunities for Learners in Large Classes: The Viability of the Two Strategies

Abstract/Overview This paper is based on an action research carried out in two Kenyan Primary schools in Nairobi. The purpose was to implement group work and pair work to improve teaching and learning in large classes by creating interaction opportunities for learners. This was a mixed method study of dominant/less dominant design where interviews and structured and unstructured observations were used as methods of data collection.The study established that systematic incorporation of coo...

Leadership Styles of Headteachers and their Impact on Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools, Nyamaiya Division, Nyamira District, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The nerve centre of this study was that despite the critical role played by the head teacher in secondary school management, students’ academic performance has persistently been poor. Factors leading to this dismal performance have not been adequately investigated and well understood in Nyamaiya Division hence the need for this study. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the leadership styles of the headteachers and their impact on the students’ acad...

Mathematics education and use of mathematical language in enhancing understanding of mathematics in secondary schools.

Abstract/Overview There are many factors attributed to the poor performance of mathematics at high school level, for example, students‟ attitude to mathematics, low cognitive abilities, poor teacher-student relationships, poor study environments, poor usage of mathematical language as a tool for communication among others. This paper sets to investigate the use of mathematical language as a means of communicating mathematics being a core subject and the influence it has on academic achi...

Assessment of school factors related to academic achievement in mathematics among secondary school students of Masaba South Sub County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Performance in mathematics in Masaba Sub-County, Kenya has been poor for many years. In 2010 the mean score was 3.2282, while in 2011 it had a mean score of 3.9528 and in 2012 it had a mean of 4.0660 which is far below the maximum mean of 12.00.The purpose of this study was to assess factors related to academic achievement in mathematics in Masaba South Sub County. The research objective of the study was to; establish the relationship between school factors and academic ...

Determining the attitude of undergraduate students towards physics through concept mapping

Abstract/Overview The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of using concept mapping strategy in teaching physics on the attitude towards physics. Participants were (46) first year students from two classes enrolled to the course “Fundamentals of Physics I”, in Dhofar University, Oman. One of the classes was randomly selected as experimental group (23), while the other was a control group (23). The data was collected via the pre- and post attitude scale. The study was conduc...

Relationship between meta-cognitive learning skills and academic performance among orphaned secondary school students of Kenya.

Abstract/Overview The study investigated the relationship between meta-cognitive learning skills and academic performance among orphaned secondary school students of Kenya. The research was informed by Social Cognitive Theory. This study adopted an ex-post-facto research design with which a saturation sampling technique was employed. The study population constituted 300 secondary school going orphans and 23 principals. The sample of the study comprised 300 secondary school going orphans a...

Pre-School Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Methods Of Identification Of Gifted And Talented Pre-Schoolers In Nyakach Sub-County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The purpose of this study was to explore pre-school teachers’ attitudes towards identification of gifted and talented preschoolers. Objectives were to: find out attitude of preschool teachers on objective method of identification of Gifted and Talented (GT) preschoolers; determine the attitude of preschool teachers on subjective method of identification of GT preschoolers. The study used multiple intelligence theory. Concurrent triangulation design within the mixed met...

Influence Of Classroom Physical Environment On Mastery Of Number Activity Concepts Among Pre-Primary Learners In Embakasi Sub County, Nairobi

Abstract/Overview The kind of environment in early childhood classroom enhances multiple sources of stimulation which encourage development of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social skills needed by learners to master concepts in various activity areas. The physical environment is crucial when it comes to mastery of various activity concepts specifically number activity concept. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of physical classroom environment on preschool l...

1 - 15 Of 24 Results