Education Management Research Papers/Topics

Learning Materials, Physical Facilities and Performance of Pupils in Selected Primary Schools in Kithangari Zone of Imenti South District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The study aimed at establishing the effect of learning materials, physical facilities on performance of pupils in selected primary school in Kithangari zone of imenti south district was carried out. The study was specifically guided by these objectives; to find out the relationship between text books and pupils performance, determine the relationship between the library and pupils performance, and establish the relationship between classrooms and pupil’s performance. The study us...

Pupils Academic Performance in Kcpe from Selected Private and Public Primary Schools in Inoi Zone Central Division Kirinyaga District

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was compare pupil’s academic performance in KCPE from selected private and public primary school in Inoi zone central division Kirinyaga district. Specifically, the study wanted to; (i) to establish school based factors that affect pupil academic performance in private and public primary schools, (ii) to establish out school factors that describe the level of pupil academic performance in private and public primary schools, (iii) to compare pupil’s aca...

Behaviour Reinforcement and Learning Capabilities of Students in Selected Secondary Schools n Kangundo District,Kenya,

ABSTRACT  This study identified behavior reinforcement and learning capabilities of students in selected secondary schools in Kangundo District of, Kenya. four research questions and one null hypothesis. Objective one dealt with students’ profile, as to age, gander, Year of study and previous grade in exañ’iination. Second objective dealt with level of behavior reinforcement of students, Objective three dealt with learning capabilities of students and the fourth objective dealt correlat...

Cultural Factors and School Enrolment in Selected Secondary Schools in Nyamira North District, Nyamira County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Purpose of this research was to investigate the cultural factors and students' enrollment in selected secondary schools of Nyamira North district, Nyamira County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the profile of the respondents in Nyamira North district in terms of gender, age, education level economic status and professional qualifications to determine the levels of cultural factor in Nyamira North district (in terms of early marriages, stereo type belief...

The Effect of a Learning Material in Probability on the Academic Performance of Form Three Students in Mnyenzeni Secondary School, Kenya

ABSTRACT  This study determined the effect of a learning material entitled “Probability Made Easier” on the academic performance of form three students in Mnyenzeni Secondary School in the Coast Province of Kenya. The performance of students in Mathematics in National Examinations in this school is deplorable. The study sought to establish and recommend the kind of learning materials that can be used to enhance the learning of mathematics, specifically probability and hence improve perfo...

Curriculum Trends and Academic Performance of Learners in Selected Primary Schools in Wareng District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The study was to establish the relationship between curriculum trends and academic performance of learners in selected primary schools in Wareng district, Kenya. The study was guided by the four objectives, which included; I) to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, qualification, and teaching experience, ii) to determine the level of curriculum trends in selected primary schools in Wareng district, Kenya, iii) to determine the level of academic performa...

Insecurity and Education Service Delivery in Secondary Schools in Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between insecurity and education service delivery in secondary schools in Mogadishu. The study objectives were to examine the level of insecurity, to identify the extent of education service delivery and finally to establish the relationship between insecurity and education service delivery in secondary schools in Mogadishu Somalia. The study was conducted from Mogadishu from 3 districts in Mogadishu. Questionnaires were ...

Cultural Practices and School Drop Out in Selected Primary School in Tana Delta District, Coast Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study correlates cultural practices and school dropout in selected primary school in Tana delta district, coast province, Kenya. The purpose of the study was to; (a) Test the null hypothesis of no significant relationship between cultural practices and school dropout, (b) Validating the “influential, theory” of Fin (1993), (c) To bridge the gaps identified in the literature rev~ew, (d) to contributes to the existing knowledge in the field of cultural practices and school drop...

School Based Factors and Teacher Effectiveness in Selected Government Aided Secondary Schools in Arua District, Uganda

ABSTRACT Most Education professional agree that one of the most important factors for the promotion of learning in a school situation is the teacher who does his work in the school by interacting with students, colleagues, the school administrators and parents. The teacher also uses school facilities in the execution of their duties in order to be effective in their duties. The major problem this research has attempted to address is whether a relationship exists between school based factors a...

Learning Materials and Performance of Primary School Teachers in Selected Schools in Igoji Division, Meru County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The researcher used questionnaires to collect data. The list of questions was derived from the objectives of the study. The questions were categorized in four, those inquiring on respondent profile, those that deal with the level of teachers~ performance and those dealt with the learning materials. The study utilized descriptive correlation survey research design and data were collected from 168 respondents. The researcher analyzed the data using Statistics Programme for Social Scien...

Teaching Methods and Teachers’ Effectiveness in Selected Secondary Schools in Adjumani District Uganda

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between the level of teaching methods and the level of teachers’ effectiveness in selected secondary schools in Adjumani District Uganda. The problem in this study was teachers’ effectiveness which needed to be solved for improvement of standards of teaching, students’ academic performance and growth of human capital as well as achievement of broader aims and goals of education. The objectives of the study: to establish the level of teach...

Socio-Economic Status and Students Dropout in Selected Secondary Schools of Gakenke District Rwanda

ABSRTACT This study arose from the popular assumption that the economy of Rwanda in Gakenke district is collapsing and it has relationship with students’ dropout. Thus the study attempted to solve the problem due to socio-economic status and students’ dropout in selected secondary schools of Gakenke district-Rwanda. The research was guided by three research questions which intended to know if there was relationship between parents’ level of education, attitudes, and income and school dr...

Assessment of Girl, Child Education in Rwanda Case Study Gasabo District.

ABSTRACT Rwanda has made enormous strides forward in improving access of boys and girls to education at all levels, and in promoting gender equality within the education system. There have been extensive studies on differential education opportunities among genders. King and Hill examined the barriers to women’s education in developing countries, and conclude that despite the decrease in the gender gap, girls still receive less education than boys (King and Hill, 1993). There is also discri...

Students' Indiscipline in Selected Secondary Schools in Rujumbura County, Rukungiri District

ABSTRACT The research set out to investigate the causes of indiscipline in secondary schools in Rujumbura County. The study in particular looked into the roles played by School administrators, teachers, parents and students in managing discipline. The study used a descriptive design with both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The respondents included 300 students, I 00 teachers, I 0 head teachers I 0 deputy head teachers, I 0 chairperson disciplinary committee and I 00 parents .. Self-...

Unenabling Environment and University Education (learning & teaching) In Selected Universities in Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT This study investigates the challenges un-enabling environments that face the Higher education institutions in Mogadishu, Somalia since the collapse of the central authority in 1991. Since all educational systems and infrastructure have been destroyed by the civil war, the study seeks to explore the negative consequences of unenabling environment on university education, to explore how unenabling environment affects students, Lecturers. A descriptive cross sectional survey design gui...

106 - 120 Of 155 Results