Educational Administration and Planning Research Papers/Topics

Capacity Building and Academic Staff Performance in Selected Primary Schools, Central Zone, Malindi District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Declaration A Declaration B ii Table of Contents iii List of Tables v Chapter One THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 1 Background of the study 1 Statement of the problem 3 Purpose of the study 4 Research Objectives 4 Research Questions 5 Hypothesis 5 Scope 6 Significance of the Study 6 Definition of Key Operational Terms 7 Two REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 8 Concept, idea and opinions 8 Theoretical perspective 13 Related Studies 13 Three METHODOLOGY 19 Research Design 19 Target p...

Correlates of Academic Performance of Orphaned Students in Selected Secondary Schools in Musanze District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT The researcher’s purpose is to identify and examine the correlates of orphaned students’ academic performance (academic achievement) in selected secondary schools in Musanze District ,Rwanda. Chapter One of this research work is devoted to portraying the background of this study, emphasizing on the present life of orphaned students in Rwanda. This includes mainly these students’ academic performanceJn Chapter Two, emphasis is laid on factors affecting academic performance in ge...

Reading Culture and Academic Performance of Postgraduate Students in Selected Private Universities in Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study established the relationship between reading culture and performance of postgraduate students of selected private universities in Kampala Uganda. Specifically, it identified (i) the demographic characteristics of the postgraduate students, (ii) degree of reading culture (iii) level of academic performance (iv) whether there is a significant difference in gender and performance and (v) whether there is a relationship between reading culture and academic performance of postg...

School Feeding Program and Pupils’ Enrolment in Selected Public Primary Schools, in Busanze Sector, Nyaruguru District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out whether or not the School Feeding Programme had enhanced the school enrolment in selected public primary schools located in Busanze sector in Nyaruguru district, Rwanda. The objectives of the study were: to determine the extent of the implementation of school feeding program in public primary schools of Busanze sector in Nyaruguru district, Rwanda; to detennine the level of and trend of pupils’ enrolment in public primary schools in Busanze ...

Resource Availability and Utilization as Correlates of Academic Performance in Selected Primary Schools in Oyam North County, Oyam District in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between resource availability and utilization as correlates of academic performance in selected primary schools in Oyam north County, Oyam district of Uganda. 14 out of 56 primary schools were sampled. A descriptive survey design of the ex-post facto was adopted. The head teachers, heads of departments, teachers, local leaders and pupils were sampled. Questionnaires, interview guides and observation checklists were developed to collect data. Th...

Decentralization and Education Service Delivery in Public Secondary Schools in Sheema District, Western Uganda

ABSTRACT ie study was set to establish the effect of decentralization on education service delivery Sheema district western Uganda. The study objectives included assessing the lationship between political decentralization on educational service delivery, assess the fect of administrative decentralization on educational service delivery and to find out Le effect of fiscal decentralization on educational service delivery. The study was )nducted from Sheema district in the public secondary schoo...

Determinants of Parental Attitudes and Girl-Child Education in Central District, Unguja Zanzibar-Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between parents attitude and girl child education in Central district, Unguja Zanzibar, Tanzania. The objectives were to determine the parent‟s attitudes on girl child education, to establish the level of girl child education and to establish the relationship between parent‟s attitudes and girl child education. The study employed descriptive survey design especially the descriptive correlation strategies. The population o...

Provision of ICT Facilities and their Usage at Kigali Institute of Education

ABSTRACT This study set out to investigate the provision of ICT facilities and their usage at Kigali Institute of Education. Answers were sought to the following questions: o What is the level of provision of ICT facilities at Kigali Institute of Education? o In which activities ICT facilities are being used at Kigali Institute of Education? o What determines the readiness of Kigali Institute of Education to become an ICT-enabling environment? In total, 33 academic staff, 2 deans, 4 heads of ...

The Predictors of Performance in Public Primary School Imenti South District in Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was set out to assess the predictors of performance in public primary schools with the case study being Imenti South District of Kenya. The study tested three research hypotheses that; i) home environmental factors ii) school environment factors,iii) teacher’s qualification and experience factors significantly influence pupils’ performance in public primary schools with the case study being Imenti South District of Kenya. The study employed both cross sectional and corr...

Moral Values and Drop Out Rates of Girl - Child in Primary Schools in Jagusi Island Sub County, Mayuge District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between moral values and drop-out rate of girl-child in primary school in Jagusi Island Sub County Mayuge District, Uganda. The specific objectives were: to find out the moral values of girl child, to assess the dropout rates of girl child to establish the relationship between moral values and dropout rates of girl-child. The study employed descriptive correlation design. Questionnaires and interview guide were used to gather data from 188 resp...

Reward Management and Teachers’ Efficiency in Selected Government Secondary Schools in Kinondoni District, Dar Es Salam, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between reward management and teachers’ efficiency in selected government secondary schools of Kinondoni district, Dares salaam Tanzania. The objectives of the study were; i) to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, qualifications and teaching experience; ii) to determine the level of reward management; iii) to determine the level of teachers’ efficiency and; iv) to establish if there is...

Head Teacher’s Supervisory Practices and Professional Development of Teachers in Selected Secondary Schools in Gicumbi District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Selected Secondary Schools in Rwanda in the District of Gicumbi. The main objective of the study was to examine the supervisory role of headteachers in the professional development of teachers in secondary schools in Gicumbi District. But more specifically, the objectives of the study were to determine: (1) the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender and educational level; (2) the level of headteacher’s supervisory practices in secondary sch...

Stress Management Strategies and Work Output of Teachers in Selected Primary Schools in Nyamira Division, Nyamira County Kenya

Abstract This study entitled Stress Management and work output of teachers in selected primary schools in Nyamira Division, Nyamira county, Kenya was conducted based on four objectives namely: To determine the profile of respondents; to determine the level of stress management strategies; to determine the level of primary schools teachers’ work output in Nyamira Division , Nyamira county Kenya ; and to establish the relationship between stress management strategies and teachers’ workout p...

Teacher Motivation and Attrition in Secondary Schools of Huye District Southern Province in Rwanda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine whether financially based motivation as well as other non financial motivations in secondary schools of Huye District have a relationship with teacher attrition. Four objectives were formulated to guide the study. The literature review focused on motivation and teacher attrition. The study used the descriptive correlational survey design. The population of the study was all teachers and head teachers in secondary schools of Huye District. Th...

Social Economic Factors and Girl Child School Dropout in Primary Schools in Torongo Division Koibatek District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the social-economic factors leading to Girls child school dropout in Torongo Division, Koibatek District Kenya. Specifically the study wanted to (i) establish the relationship between school based factors and girl child school dropout in Torongo division Koibatek district Kenya, (ii) to establish the relationship between out of school factors and girl child school dropout in Torongo division Koibatek district Kenya. The study employed a descri...

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