ABSTRACT The study determined the Effect of Cooperative Learning on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Algebra. The study was carried out in Obudu Local Government Area of Cross River State. The research design for the study was quasi-experimental design. A sample size of 163 senior secondary one (SS I) students was used. Data were collected from the subjects using structured questionnaire tagged Mathematics Achievement Test for Senior Secondary Schools (MATSSS) with rel...
In this paper, we undertake an article analysis approach to examine the profound shift in education towards a technologically-driven curriculum. We explore the positives and negatives of this transformative phenomenon, while placing particular emphasis on the prescient warnings articulated by Goldin and Katz in "The Race Between Education and Technology." Additionally, we delve into the thought-provoking insights presented by Vidal in "Digital Education: The Approach of a Modern Teacher," spe...
Music and action integration have been used in a lot of pedagogical studies in the field of science education. This study sought to situate demographic factors such as sex and educational background to teach mitosis. Using the experimental-correlational design, the level of significance was identified using a t-test for the performance based on the pre and post-tests. Results showed that music-action integration was an effective tool in teaching mitosis compared to the traditional lecture...
The study identified the outdoor learning activities in Basic Science and Technology (BST) curriculum. The study assessed the extent of the use of outdoor science learning activities in teaching BST in the junior secondary schools in the study area. It further examined the perceived influence of teachers’ use of outdoor learning activities on students’ learning in the study area. This was with a view to providing information on the outdoor science learning activities in BST Curriculum tha...
ABSTRACT The paper discussed the technological industry ' s perception of risk associated with its activities and the extent to which the industry uses management techniques. This was achieved on the basis of oral interviews conducted on a random sample of thirty (30) respondents comprising of technologists and contractors / suppliers in Oyo and Osun States. The results showed that though, little is relatively known about risk management among the technologists and contractors, greatest prio...