Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Factors Affecting Education Of Children Living With Hiv And Aids: A Case Study Of Nyumbani Children’s Home, Nairobi (Kenya)

ABSTRACT The role that education plays in the life of an individual human being cannot be gainsaid. There are a number of factors that influence children‘s access to quality education. One such factor today is the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The onset of HIV/AIDS has upstaged various aspects of the education sector. The sector has been adversely affected by this epidemic with the resultant effect that children are losing out on education due to the death of their parents. Some of these children are...

Violent Behavior Against Women And It’s Effects On The Academic Performance Of Their Children In Selected Primary Schools In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effect of violent behavior against women on their children’s academic performance in primary schools in Kiambu County, Kenya. The possible causes and forms of violent behavior were contributed to drug abuse, others to economic disparities, power struggles within the family and discriminatory cultural norms. Forms of domestic violence identified were cases of physical, psychological, sexual and economic. The effects of exposure to domestic violence includ...

Determinants Of Academic Achievement Among Learners With Visual Impairment In Integrated Primary Schools Within Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the determinants of academic achievement among learners with visual impairment within integrated primary schools in Kakamega County Kenya. The concept of integrated education for learners with special needs which include visual impairment has been one of the major priorities for the government and teachers in Kenya today. However, the performance of learners with visual impairment in integrated primary schools in Kakamega County has been low f...

Hindrances To Effective Learning Of Pupils With Hearing Impairment In Meru North District-Kenya

ABSTRACT One is learning when he is increasing the probability of making a correct response to a given stimulus. One has learned only when he is capable of giving an appropriate response. The 8.4.4 Curriculum of Education is followed in education of hearing impaired in special schools and units. Hence just as the case in regular education, the hearing impaired are expected to learn and perform well academically. Statement of the Problem was that children with hearing impairments are typicall...

Factors Influencing Inclusion Of Learners With Special Needs In Regular Primary Schools In Rachuonyo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to find out the factors influencing inclusion of learners with special needs in regular primary schools. The study was undertaken to find out whether regular primary schools have characteristics that support inclusion. This was done by finding out school characteristics that support inclusion in regular primary schools in Awach Zone of Kabondo division in Rachuonyo south district, Nyanza province of Kenya. This was found necessary due to the fact that ...

Effectiveness Of Assistive Technology On Teaching Mathematics To Learners With Visual Impairments In Special Primary Schools In Kenya

ABSTRACT There has been a problem in Mathematics of learners with VI as a result of inadequate AT and reluctance of teachers to apply appropriate teaching strategies when teaching Mathematics using AT in special primary schools. To address these problems, four objectives were formulated to identify types of AT that were available, teaching strategies, their role and factors that had influenced their use of the AT. Therfore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate on effectiveness of Assist...

Influence Of Disability On Access To Hiv And Aids Information By Students With Disabilities In Institutions Of Higher Education In Rwanda

ABSTRACT This is a descriptive survey research design which sought to investigate influence of disability on access to HIV and AIDS information by students with disabilities in institutions of higher education in Rwanda. The sample size purposely included 154 students with disabilities, 5 deans of students, 5 medical doctors and 5 heads of HIV and AIDS clubs. Questionnaire focusing on objective of the study was used to collect data from students with disabilities. An interview schedule was u...

Exploration Of Mathematics Teaching Strategies To Learners With Dyscalculia In Public Day Secondary Schools In Kericho County

ABSTRACT Mathematics all over the world plays a pivotal role in individual or learner’s lives, it is a bridge to science, technology and other subjects offered in any formal educational system. Mathematics has long been recognized worldwide as important in the understanding of other subjects like chemistry, biology, and physics. Learning disability is a dynamic and expanding condition that is found across all ages. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mathematics teaching strat...

Teachers Perception Towards Head Teachers Instructional Supervisory Practices In Integrated Primary Schools In Tharaka South Subcounty, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the teachers’ perception towards head teacher’s instructional supervisory practices in integrated public primary schools in Tharaka South sub-county, Kenya. Specifically the study sought to; find out teachers perception regarding policy supporting supervision of instruction, establish the aspects of instructional supervision teachers want practiced by head teachers, determine the systemic challenges likely to affect supervision of instructi...

Determinants Of Effectiveness Of Peer Tutoring On Academic Performance Of Standard Four Pupils With Learning Disabilities In Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to analyze the determinants of effectiveness of peer tutoring on academic performance of standard four pupils with learning disabilities in Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya Literature was reviewed according to the objectives of the study. The study was premised on Vygotsky‟s social development theory as the theoretical underpinning. The study adopted descriptive survey research design utilizing both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The targ...

Factors Impeding Teaching Performance Of Teachers With Visual Impairment In Public Primary Schools In Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The rights and responsibilities of students who have disabilities have received much attention but the staff members who have disabilities have received far less attention. In the scholarly context, there has been a steadily growing body of literature which addresses issues related to the education of young people with disabilities leaving out teachers with disabilities. This study therefore sought to determine factors that impede teaching performance of teachers with visual impairm...

Analysis Of Strategies Used In Teaching Speech And Language: A Case Study Of Machakos School For The Deaf, Kenya

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate how learners with hearing impairments acquire speech and language skills. The learners with speech impairments are found in developed and developing countries. In developed countries, advanced technology of speech and language training has been in use for a long period compared to developing African countries. As such, speech and language skills among the HI in those countries were well-developed. This study was carried out in Machakos School...

Effect Of Kenyan Sign Language On Academic Performance Of Learners With Hearing Impairment: Case Of Kedowa Special School, Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of Kenyan Sign Language (KSL) on academic performance of hearing impaired learners in Kedowa Special School, Kericho County, Kenya. The government has done all it could to make KSL an acceptable mode of communication to the deaf and the hearing. This includes its recognition in the new Constitution and its inclusion as an examinable subject in the National examinations. Despite all these efforts, it has been noted that learners wi...

Teachers’ Perception Of Transition Preparedness By Learners With Physical Disabilities Towards Employment: Joytown, Joyland And Mombasa Special Secondary Schools, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study examined factors influencing teachers’ perception on transition preparedness for learners with physical disabilities (PD) towards employment: Joytown, Joyland and Mombasa Special Secondary Schools for physically handicapped in Kenya. The study was carried out in Joytown Secondary School in Thika West, Kiambu County, and Mombasa Secondary in Mombasa County and Joyland Secondary School in Kisumu County. Descriptive survey research design was used to establish teachers’ co...

An Analysis Of Determinants Of Psycho-Educational Assessment For Learners With Learning Disabilities In Brno City, Czech Republic

ABSTRACT A comprehensive psycho-educational assessment for learners with learning disabilities (LD) is a significant event for parents, psycho-educational assessors, teachers and leaners. This research study aimed to analyse the determinants of psycho-educational assessment for learners with learning disabilities (LD) in Brno City in the Czech Republic. Psycho-educational assessment for learners with LD remains a challenge in Czech Republic, hence, there is an extensive debate as to how to b...

166 - 180 Of 277 Results