Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Challences Faced By Learners With Mental Retardation In Mwingi Zone Central Division Mwingi District

ABSTRACT The study was geared at to fmd out the challenges faced by learners with mental retardation in Mwingi Zone Mwingi District. The researcher set the objective the study as fmding out the problems faced by this learner inclusive settings, to establish the support services are available for the learner with metal retardation and to fmd out whether there were teachers trained on how to handle the mental retardees in the Mwingi zone mwingi district. The researchers set questionnaires...

Challenges Facing The Implementation Of Incluswe Education. A Case Study Of Selected Primary Schools In Kipsaraman Division Baringo District Kenya

ABSTRACT There are challenges facing implementation of inclusive education in schools of Kipsaraman division. Some of these challenges include lack of curriculum guidelines, teaching instruments, lack of references, inadequate personnel, negative attitudes towards persons with disability, poor and restrictive environment, inconsistent management of schools, poor teacher —pupil ratio and cultural beliefs and practices. However, there are also possible remedies to the above stated probl...

Attitudes Of Regular Primary School Teachers Towards Inclusive Education In Kamenu Zone, Thika Municipality

ABSTRACT This research paper aimed at. investigating the attitudes of regular primary school teachers towards inclusive education. It was carried out in selected schools of Kamenu zone in Kenya East Africa. It is made up of a total of five chapters. Chapter one is introduction. It gives an insight into a background of the topic thus attitudes of regular teachers towards inclusive education. It also looks into the theory, objectives, statement of the problem, purpose, research questions and s...

Problems Encountered By Headteachers In Inclusive Education In Maranda Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT The research was aimed at measuring the problems that significantly threaten government efforts in developing and implementing inclusive education setting in Kenya with specific reference to Maranda Division as a case study. The objectives which help the researcher to obtain data and the problems were: Profile of the respondents and the degree of problems in inclusive schools in terms of attitude of the teachers and community, resource provision in schools, environmental adaptat...

Primary School Attendance And Dropout Rates In Muvuti Zone, Central Division, Machakos District, Eastern Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research report was on “Primary school attendance and dropout rates in Muvuti zone, Central Division, Machakos District, Eastern Province, Kenya”. The researcher was intrigued by seeing children of primary school age loitering; some of them selling scraps of metals and plastic containers; others providing cheap labour such as house maids, bar maids (girls) and boys as touts, shamba (Garden) boys and carrying luggage for people in market places as in Machakos town and i...

Challenges Faced Bythe Intellectuallychalenged Learners Inan Inclusive Sehing -A Case Study In Selected Schools Of Bondo District - Kenya

ABSTRACT The intellectually challenged learners have been met with many difficulties and obstacles in life in the societies they live in. Examples of these problems are discrimination, rejection, neglect, child maltreatment, use of derogatory language and negative attitude towards them. Some of their parents see them as a burden and a sign of bad omen to the family. They are regarded worthless and cannot be benefited from. In some societies they are misused for uncivilized traditional p...

Health Services And Education Of The Multiply Handicapped In Special Schools Of Nyando District, Kenya

ABSTRACT In an attempt to investigate on the problem, the researcher identified Nyando District from which he objectively selected the special schools as the research environment. The study was guided by research objectives which included determining the health problems of the Multiply Handicapped; to identify therapeutic, medical and nutritional services provided to these learners with Multiple Handicap. To gather more information on the issue related literature was reviewed on areas ...

The Factors Affecting The Implementation Of Free Primary Education In Makuyu Division, Murang' A South District-Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of free primary education on the academic pe1formance of pupils in Makuyu division, Marang'a south district of Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine if poor physical facilities affects the implementation of free primary education; detennine if lack of enough trained teachers affects the implementation of free primary education; determine if high teacher- pupil ratio affects the implementation of fr...

Academic Performance Of Primary School Learners With Visual Impairment In Kiambuu County A Case Study Of Thika School For The Blind Thika District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL I DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viii LIST OF TABLES ix DEFINITION OF OPERATIONAL TERMS x CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 statement of the problem 2 1.3 Purpose of the study 2 1.4 Research objectives 3 1.5 Research questions 3 1.6 Scope of the Study 3 1.7 Significance of the study 3 CHAPTER TWO 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.0 Introduction 5 V 2.1 Historical Backgroun...

Effects Of Parents’ Alcohol Consumption On Education Of Learners With Intellectual Challenges In Magumoni Division, Meru South District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Although the Kenyan government is putting a lot of effort in ensuring that every child hasa right to education, many children are still not exposed to education. Most parentscontinue holding to the old notion that children with intellectual challenges are non— performers. Many parents are completely carried away by alcohol brewing and consumption thus having no time to educate and take care of their children. The mostneglected are children with intellectual challenges. It is with t...

Implementation Of Individualized Education Programme For Effective Teaching Of Learners With Cerebral Palsy In Two Special Primary Schools, Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study examined the implementation of IEP for effective teaching of learners with CP in two Special Primary Schools in Kisumu County Kenya. The study was guided by descriptive survey design. Multistage sampling was used which involved: Purposive Sampling to select sub-counties, schools, classes and head teachers. To select teachers and learners, stratified and simple random sampling was used. Sample size was 2 head teachers, 16 teachers teaching learners with CP, and 40 learners w...

Influence Of Use Of Instructional Materials On Acquisition Of Mathematical Competencies Among Grade One Learners In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Mathematics is an important aspect in life. Early development of mathematics skills leads to early acquisition of mathematical competencies. For effective acquisition of mathematical competencies in early years, instructional materials are required to enhance development mathematical skills. Studies conducted in Kenya have not adequately focused on the use of instructional materials to develop mathematical competencies. This has hindered learning, making learners assume a passive rol...

Causes Of Child Labour Among Learners With Mild Mental Retardation In Special Units In Igembe North District, Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to establish causes of child labour (CL) among learners with mild mental retardation (LMMR) in special units in Igembe North, Meru County, Kenya. The study aimed to find out causes of CL among LMMR with the following objectives: To investigate the role of socio-economic status of the family in influencing LMMR to engage in CL, to investigate social cultural practices that influence involvement of LMMR in CL, to establish school practices that can predispose L...


ABSTRACT The focus of the study was on how the curriculum pursued in special schools in Ghana influence the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities. There have been great concerns regarding the growth and development of persons with intellectual disabilities in the society. Among many issues, one important determining factor for their development both in and out of school relates to what persons with intellectual disabilities are taught. The study employed 35 teachers and 30 paren...


ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the supports teachers provide for pupils with low vision in regular classrooms in the Sekyere South District, Agona. The descriptive survey research design was used for this study. The sample size was 100 respondents. Purposeful sampling technique was used to select the sample size. The instrument employed to collect data was questionnaire. Data was analysed using frequencies, mean and standard deviations. The findings revealed that there were ...

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