Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Locatilon On Enrolment Of Physically Impaired Learners In Regular Primary Schools In Riana Zone, Homabay District

ABSTRACT The study aims at investigating on how location (physical environment) affect the enrolment of the physically impaired learners in regular primary schools in Riana zone, Homabay district, The objectri es of the study included among others the state of the physically impaired learners in regular primary schools, categories of learners with physical impairment, methods used to support learners with physical impairment and the effects of location on the enrolment of the physically impai...

The Effect Of Hearing Impairment On The Academic Performance Of Learners With Specific Learning Difficulties In Mathematics In Kiptoim Zone

ABSTRACT The researcher report is about the Effect of hearing impairment on the academic performance of learners with specific learning difficulties in mathematics in Kiptoim zone of Koibatek District. The statement of the problem was identifying major problems facing learners with hearing impairment and the solutions to these problems. The content of this report consists of five chapters. Chapter one details out the background information of the research environment, purpose of the study, st...

Effects Of Hearing Impairment On Academic Performance Of Children In An Inclusive Setting, Ran En Zone, Rongo District Kenya

ABSTRACT This paper explores the relationship between HJ and academic perfi~rmancc of pupils in some of our public primary schools in Ranen Zone. Rongo District. Kenya. It employs both quantitative and qualitative analysis covering the entire zone which is about 68 square kilometers in area. The research findings revealed that there were many 11.1 children in our regular primary schools as there was 100% response from respondents on this fact. ilie figures were bigger in lower primary than up...

Teachers Attitude And Academic Performance Of Learners Wlth Learning Disabilities In Mundj.Ka Zone Busi.A District- Kenya

ABSTRACT This study illustrates the impact of teachers' attitudes on learners with learning disabilities. As a result of this deficiency, learners with iearnmg disabilities have gone through unfriendly experiences that have affected their academic performance. In Kanjuu primary school, Ngariama zone Kirinyaga district. The study has therefore investigated some of the factors that lead to this negative attitude and how it can be changed in order to maintain the victims in the learning institu...

Teaching Aids And Academic Performance Of Pupils In English Language, A Casestudy Of Kasheeshe Primary School In Rukungiri District

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the effect of teaching and learning materials on pupils' performance in primary schools in English language. It involved reviewing of related Literature so as to form basis for conclusions, contracts, recommendations and similarities between the various schools, with the data obtained from the field. This involved secondary source document appraisal by reading and noting crucial points. It was accomplished by various visits to public Libraries, readin...

Effects Of Instructional Materials To Learners With Hearing Impairment: A Case Study Of Athi River District In Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS ECLARA TION ..................................................................................................... i PPROVAL ........................................................................................................... ii EDICATION .... ................................................................................................... Ill CKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................... iv st of Tables ...........

Absenteeism And Academic Performance Of Learners Affected By Hiv/ Aids In Selected Primary Schools In Mulala Zone Kibwezi District Kenya

ABSTRACT The research looks at the effects of absenteeism on the academic performance of learners affected by HIV/ AIDS. The study was interested in to looking performance and ways of supporting these learners. The study was conducted due to the rising number of HIV/ AIDS affected learners and their continued absence from school leading to poor academic performance. The study revolves around two hundred school going HIV/ AIDS affected learners in ten schools within the same academic zone and ...

Factors Affecting Performance In Mathematics For The Hearing Impaired At Kcpe In Takaba Division, Mandera West District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the performance in mathematics of the hearing impaired learners at KCPE in Takaba Division, Mandera District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate some factors responsible for the poor performance in mathematics of the hearing impaired learners. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to gather information on the attitudes of female students. The findings there were some pro...

Difficulties Encountered By Teachers Of Learners With Low Vision In Regular Primary Schools In Kasarani Division Nairobi

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Declaration Approval iv Dedication Acknowledgment vi Abstract CHAPTER ONE 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Rationale of the study 1 1.2 Theory 3 1.3 Statement of the problem 3 1.4 Objectives of the study 4 1.5 Significance of the study 5 1.6 Limitations and delimitations 5 1.7Scope 6 1.8 Operation definition of terms 7 CHAPTER TWO 8 2. 1 Review of related literature 8 CHAPTER THREE 14 3.0 Research methodology 14 3.1 Research design 14 3.2 Environment of the study 14 3.3 R...

Challenges Faced By Mentally Handicapped Learners In Selected Special Schools In Vihiga Division Of Vihiga District, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... i DECLARATION ....................................................................................... ii APPROVAL.····························································································· Ill DEDICATION.···································�...

Challenges Affecting The Rights To Education Of Mentally Retarded Children In Primary Schools In Mbale Municipal

ABSTRACT The study set out to investigate and asses the challenges affecting implementation of the right to education of the mentally retarded children. It was guided by the following objectives; to identify and asses the strength of relevant international, regional and domestic human rights instruments enhancing the right to education of mentally retarded children, to carry out a situational analysis of the implementation of the inclusive education in the mainstream schools and include the ...

Challenges Faced By Learners With Hearing Impairment In Primary Schools. A Case Study Of Two Special Needs Schools In Arua District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT This study investigates the challenges faced by learners with hearing impairment, a case of Ocoko and Ediofe Primary school for the deaf in Arua District. It is based on data obtained from a survey by the researcher in 2009 complemented by secondary information from various Non-Govermnental Organizations providing a helping hand to persons with hearing loss in Arua District. The investigation reveals that three quaiiers of the people living in Arua District have a negative attitude ...

Intellectually Challenged Learners And Academic Performance. A Case Study Of Lorraki Division, Samburu District - Kenya

ABSTRACT Samburu community is found in Northern Rift Valley province of Kenya. a long period, they have had a diverse type of disability such as physically handicapped, mentally intellectual, hearing impairment, epileptic cases etc. Samburu belief that some of the causes of disabilities are diseases while other causes are believed to be curse from ancestors, punishment from God due to sins committed by either parents of grandparents and witchcrafts. Despite the government of Kenya making bas...

Abuse And Academic Performance In Selected Schools In Mavindini Division, Makueni District, Kenya

Abstract This study set out to identify the effects of drug abuse to academic performance in Mumberes division, based on the fact that the teenage are adversely affected, has caused indiscipline in schools. Efforts should be made to find solution to curb the vice. This should be focused on identify the effects of drug abuse to learning and general health. The targeted population involved head teachers, teachers, pupils and parents sampled randomly from five schools in the division. Data coll...

Social Economic Problems Faced By Learners Who Are Hiv/Aids Orphans In Ngariama Zone Schools Kirinyaga District

ABSTRACT In the above study of social -economics problems faced by learners who are HIV/ AIDS orphans ,the aim of the researcher was to investigate and find out ways which the government uses to curb down the fast increasing number of orphans to , to find out the social economic problems faced by learners who are HIV/ AIDS orphans ,to establish possible solutions to the social-economic challenges faced by HIV/AIDS orphans ,to find out the negative impacts faced by learners whom are HIV/ AIDS ...

106 - 120 Of 277 Results