ABSTRACT The use and integration of ICTs in the classroom practice of pre-service student is very important for student teachers to become more proficient in integrating technology in their teaching. The main purpose of this study was to investigate primary student teachers’ field experience of information and communication technology use and integration during school-based studies. The exploratory sequential mixed methods design targeted pre-service student teachers that were majoring in...
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that contribute to boys dropping out of secondary schools in the Khomas Region. According to statistical reports of the Educational Management Information System (EMIS) Education Statistics at the Ministry of Education, on average, early school leaving is a greater problem among male learners than among female learners. This is an exception only in two regions. Another aim was to identify the needs which are specific to the educat...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to establish how selected Grade 2 teachers in the Oshana region used manipulatives when teaching number sense aspects in mathematics. The study wanted to establish in what way the teachers’ understanding of number sense and use of manipulatives influenced the Grade 2 learners’ performance in selected number sense skills. The target population was all government schools with Grade 2 classes in the Oshana Region. The sample for the study was pur...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the teaching and assessment methods of English literature as a second language in the junior phase. Literature showed that studying literature in a second language has many benefits which range from integrating language skills to increasing learners overall reading proficiency. Social constructivism formed the theoretical framework for this study. The study followed a qualitative case study design by investigating the teaching strategies...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to establish the extent to which parents in the Ohangwena region is involved in the learning processes of their children. The target population was parents, grade ten teachers and learners in the Ohangwena Region. ECS was randomly selected. Seven grade ten teachers and ten parents whose children were doing grade ten at ECS in 2011 were selected as respondents for this study. Learners were randomly selected. This study used both qualitative and qua...
Abstract The study was conducted to determine the extent of application of working capital management practices in small and medium scale enterprises in Enugu State. Four research questions were developed and answered by the study while four null hypotheses were formulated and tested at p ≤ 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and was carried out in Enugu State. The population for the study consisted of registered 150 small and medium scale busi...
Abstract The study was conducted to determine the impact of Fadama II project services on skill acquisition in agricultural practices among rural farmers in the North Central Zone, Nigeria. To enable the researcher to achieve the purpose of study nine (6) research questions were generated and answered, also five (5) hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Ex post facto Research The design was adopted for this study. The area of the study was the North Central zon...
Abstract The study was carried out to develop and validate cell phone maintenance training modules for national diploma students. Five research questions were answered while five null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted research and development (R&D) design and was carried out in Lagos State, Nigeria. The population for the study was 137 which comprised 35 Lecturers, 14 Instructors of Electrical/Electronic Technology from Department of Elec...
Abstract The 21st-century workforce has experienced numerous changes one of which is the high demand for soft skills, including emotional intelligence, by employers in every occupation. It thus becomes essential that mechanical technology occupations in South-south Nigeria should be staffed with emotionally intelligent workers and that their emotional competencies should be measured with appropriate instruments. The study, therefore, sought to develop and factorially validate an emotional i...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out to determine the human resource management skills required by Business Education Graduates for effective management of small and medium scale enterprises in Adamawa State. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study was 5,722 made up of 5,687 of managers of small and medium scale enterprises registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission, Yola, and 35 Business Educators teaching at tertiary institutions in the State. A simpl...
ABSTRACT The study was aimed at determining the influence of service quality of electronics craftsmen on customer satisfaction in Plateau State Nigeria. Specifically, the study strived to determine the influence of electronics craftsmen’s reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, and tangibles on customer satisfaction in Plateau State. To achieve these specific objectives, five research questions and five null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted a descri...
ABSTRACT This study carried out an analysis of fabrics treated with dyes extracted from beetroot (Beta vulgaris), cube-root (Lonchocarpuscyanescens) and roselle(Hibiscus Sabrina) indigenous plants for Clothing and Textiles Education. Specifically, the study; extracted dyes from beetroot, cube root and roselle plants; applied the extracted dyes to cotton (100%), stone silk (60%silk,40%polyester) and polyester (100%) fabrics; tested the colourfastness, and; organoleptic attributes and acceptab...
ABSTRACT Reducing poverty, hunger and illiteracy among rural farmers is a major challenge facing governments, rural development experts and stakeholders. Over 70% of the poor live in rural areas and where 48% of these already live in extreme poverty and hunger. The poor concentrate in the rural communities where agriculture remains the major economic activity. It was the assumption of this study that the basic approach to reducing poverty and hunger among rural farmers is to teach rural farm...
ABSTRACT The major purpose of the study was to identify the competitive intelligence that are typically required to support the various phases of the product innovation process and use the baseline data to develop a Competitive Intelligence Framework for Product Innovation (CIFPI). Seven specific purposes were developed in line with the major purpose of the study. Research and Development (R&D) design was adopted for the study. The study answered seven research questions and testedfournull h...
Abstract The major purpose of this study was to determine the level of application of product differentiation strategies by small and medium scale enterprises in South-East geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted in this study. It was guided by six research questions and eight null hypotheses. The null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population for the study comprised 282 registered SMEs in the South-East geo-political zone that are engaged...