ABSTRACT The study investigated the comparative effect of threee teaching techniques (modeling, coaching and scaffolding) on students’ achievement, interest and retention in Radio and Television in Technical Colleges in kogi state. Six research questions were posed and answered, while nine hypotheses were formulated and tested at p > 0.05 level of significance. The study was conducted using quasi-experimental research design. The population for this study comprised all 212 second year stude...
Abstract This study focused on the development of a motivational training programme for enhancing the entry of almajiris into cotton production occupations in Northwest, Nigeria. Six research questions guided the study and five hypotheses were formulated and tested at the probability of 0.05 level of significance. Research and Development (R & D) design was used for the study. The population for the study was 2,717 comprising 1,528 Agricultural Extension Agents; 1,138 Teachers of Agricultura...
ABSTRACT Female entrepreneurship particularly in the informal sector has taken a centre stage among stakeholders and policy-makers in an attempt to provide decent work for women and thereby reducing unemployment in general. According to the Ghana Living Standards Survey Round 6 report, women are the most dominant in the formal sector, which provides jobs for more than 80% of Ghanaians (Ghana Statistical Service, 2013). However, these female entrepreneurs especially those in the bakery indus...
ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the forms of clothing regalia and its symbolism used by chiefs in Anlo State in the Volta Region of Ghana. Ethnographic research design embedded in qualitative paradigm was adopted for the study. Data was gathered from a purposively sampled eight (8) key informants, two (2) for each chief, through the use of a semi-structured interview guide and a non-participant observation. The results identified various forms of clothing regalia used by the Anlo State...
ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the forms of clothing regalia and its symbolism used by chiefs in Anlo State in the Volta Region of Ghana. Ethnographic research design embedded in qualitative paradigm was adopted for the study. Data was gathered from a purposively sampled eight (8) key informants, two (2) for each chief, through the use of a semi-structured interview guide and a non-participant observation. The results identified various forms of clothing regalia used by the Anlo State...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the Glycemic Load (GL) of four types of rice (local brown rice, local polished white rice, perfumed rice and polished perfumed white rice) popularly consumed in Ghana in order to examine its implications on health nutrition. The study sampled 12 healthy individuals into the trial. They consisted of six males and six females. Also, they were made up of six young people and six old people. After a fasting blood sample test, participants wer...
ABSTRACT Despite the highly attractive and durable nature of most Ghanaian printed cotton fabrics they tend to depreciate faster in colour and strength over a short period of use due to poor laundry culture and fabric care. The effects of two Ghanaian locally produced soaps (Key soap and Azumah blow) on colour; strength and elongation of two Ghanaian printed cotton fabrics (GTP and ATL) were investigated using an experimental approach. Simple random sampling method was used in selecting sam...
ABSTRACT In a 2×3×3 factorial experiment, which included two brands of threads, three ranges of stitch density and three cycles of washing, the performance of plain seam in a Real Wax cotton printed fabric from Tex Styles Ghana Limited, formerly Ghana Textile Printing Company (GTP) was investigated. The performance properties investigated were strength, elongation and efficiency. Specimens were washed using the Standard Launder-Ometer (Gyrowash 315). Each washed specimen was dried in the ...
ABSTRACT Job opportunities for women in technical fields have remained relatively unexplored. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore and identify the factors considered by women technicians and artisans to be militating against their participation in technical and engineering related occupations which are male dominated. The instruments used in the study were questionnaires and interview schedules. The respondents comprised women employees in technical organisations, self employ...
ABSTRACT Glycemic load and index of local foods is becoming a topical issue in food science. Therefore, determining glycemic load and index of locally consumed foods in is necessary. The aim of this research was to determine the glycemic load of boiled yam, boiled cassava and boiled plantain among the people of Abura. In finding answers to the problem being investigated, three research questions and one research hypothesis were set to guide the study. Theoretical and empirical literature wa...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the utilization of miracle berry (Synsepalum dulcificum) and its sensory evaluation with a focus on the students in the University of Cape Coast. The study adopted an experimental research design. Four research questions were set in finding a solution to the problem under study. The data collected were in two folds, fruits and sensory data from the panellists. Purposive sampling technique was employed in sampling the panellists from the University of Cape Coast ...
ABSTRACT One of the important features of technical institute programmes is its orientation towards the world of work and with its curriculum emphasizing practical skill acquisition necessary for the job market. The main purpose of the study was to explore and describe the challenges confronting technical institutes in practical skills acquisition in the two public technical institutes in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Specifically, the researcher sought to; examine the conditions under whi...