Agricultural And Environmental Engineering Research Papers/Topics

The water retention properties of biochar derived from broiler poultry litter as applied to the Botswana soil

Abstract: Crop farming in Botswana is very modest and of high risk compared to its neighboring countries because of significant dependency on reduced and unreliable rainfall and as a result of soils with poor water holding capacity and low cation exchange capacity. For this reason, only about two thirds of the available arable land are planted and of the planted land only about half is harvested, which translates into only one third of productive arable land. This study examines how addition...

Sulphate removal from acid rock drainage using steel slag

Abstract: The removal of sulphates from acid rock drainage (ARD) using basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag was investigated. The results indicated that sulphates removal using BOF- slag increased with temperature increase (25-45oC), time (0-24 h) and solid loading (2-12 g BOF-slag/50 ml ARD). The maximum sulphate removal was 65% when 12 g BOF-slag/100 ml ARD was used at 45oC and 24 h residence time. Adsorption followed the Langmuir isotherm with maximum adsorption capacities at 25, 35 and 45oC o...

Interfacial layer and shape effects of modified Hamilton's Crosser model in entropy optimized Darcy-Forchheimer flow

Abstract: In this analysis, the interfacial layer and shape effects has been inspected numerically for the Darcy Forchheimer electromagnetic flow of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with base fluid (water) nanofluids. The influence of nonlinear thermal radiation and homogenous and heterogeneous chemical reactions are also taken into account. A revised Hamilton Crosser model is implemented for measuring interfacial layer and shape effects of ca...

Impact Assessment of Water Scarcity at Somntongo In The Lowveld Region Of Swaziland

Abstract A survey was conducted to assess the impact of water scarcity in Somntongo, in the lowveld region of Swaziland. The study adopted the use of questionnaire, interview schedules and focused group discussions. Information sought included sources of water, distances between water sources and places of residence, and the effect of water scarcity on the various aspects of human activities. The study revealed that only two rivers and five boreholes were the major sources of water while dist...

Effects of Particle Size, Composite Mix And Cold Water Treatment On The Compressive Strength Of Eremospatha Macrocarpa–Cement Composite

Abstract Effects of particle size, composite mix and cold water treatment on the compressive strength of Eremospatha macrocarpa–cement composite. Rattan–cement composites were manufactured using different particle sizes (0.60, 0.85 and 1.18 mm) of untreated Eremospatha macrocarpa cane and those treated in cold water using cement–sand ratio of 1:3 and 10% of rattan based on the cement mass. Specimens were tested for compressive strength after 28 days of curing. Increasing the particle si...

Development of A Green House Roof Cleaner

ABSTRACT The efficiency of a greenhouse is influenced by the cleanliness of the glazing material through which heat and light penetrate into the enclosure. The common cleaning method for most greenhouses in developing countries is the use of a ladder to climb onto the roof to clean which is labour intensive, time-consuming, imposes severe loads on the roof that could cause failure and is dangerous to the cleaner. Consequently, many greenhouse roofs are rarely cleaned and the accumulated dirt ...

Variable Irrigation Scheduling Effects on Growth Parameters of Celosia Argentea in Humid Tropical Environment

ABSTRACT This work experimentally determines crop water requirements as well as effects of varying irrigation schedules on growth parameters of Celosia Argentea. Irrigation treatments of refilling the soil back to 100%fc, 75%fc and 50%fc were applied to predominant three soil samples from different locations within the South Western part of Nigeria having the same sandy loam textural class. Irrigation application was based on daily maximum crop evapotranspiration. Leaf Area, Number of Leaves...

A Comparative Analysis Of Barn And Platform As Storage Structures For Yam Tuber In Ibadan,Nigeria

                                                                                ABSTRACT An experimental study was undertaken to evaluate and compare the performances of a local barn and a platform, as storage structures for yam tubers (Dioscorea rotundata poir.) The criteria used for evaluation and comparison were the degree of weight loss during storage, tuber sprouting and rotting of yam tubers during a 17 week storage duration between March and Ju...

Evaluation of Farm Transportation System in Osun and Oyo States of Nigeria

ABSTRACT An assessment of farm transportation system to ascertain the availability of transportation for the evacuation of farm produce was undertaken in Osun and Oyo states of Nigeria employing printed questionnaires and personal communication as means of information collection. 20% of the farmers reside at between one and three km from their farms while for the remaining 80%, it ranges from four to 16 km. 17.6% of the farmers travel between one and three km to sell their produce while for t...

Strengths and Sorption Properties Of Cement Bonded Composites Made From Calamus Deeratus And Laccosperma Secundiflorum Canes

ABSTRACT Two layered rattan cement composite were made from Calamus Deeratus and Laccosperma Secundiflorum particles using cement:

Evaluation Of Three Methods For Estimating Leaf Area Index Of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata)

ABSTRACT Leaf Area Index (LAI) is a concept that cuts across agricultural sciences and agricultural engineering with an encapsulating feature in environmental engineering. It is one of the most difficult 10 quantify properly owing to large spatial and temporal variability.

Comparative Evaluation Of Climatic Data Observation Methods In Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Sustainability of agriculture is dependent upon availability of reliable climatic data for planning. Daily and monthly data were obtained for Ibadan, Nigeria from International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (niA) automatic weather station and Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NMA) manual weather station.

Development of a Wind Rosette for Farmstead Planning in Ibadan Environ, Nigeria

Abstract The prevailing wind speed and direction in an environment are critical factors in farmstead planning as they influence the appropriate location and orientation of structures in order to reduce wind load impact and promote a healthy environment. The failure of farm structures especially with roof blown-off arising from wind load has become rampant in Ibadan environ in recent time and an urgent solution is desirable. In this work, an attempt is made to develop a wind rosette for Ibadan...

Evaluation of Wobd Propertlea of C, ahjdurn Tree Grown in Akinyele Loeal Government Area of I badan, Mlgeria In Relation to its Utilization

Abstract: Fruit trees am hardly ever sought for their wood until recently. Fruit trees like C. alhidum is now being used for structural and non structural purposes in city suburbs, This study investigated wood properties and few tree chplracteristies of C. albidum grown in AkinyeIe Local Government h (ALGA), Ibadaa, Oyo State, Nirk The dm was to mitigate, the dearth of information on these &atut.cs in elation to its utitdon. Samples %re collected from five emerging settl&ents in the; study ar...

Optimum Soil Conditioning for Celosia Argentea Propagation Subjected to Irrigation Scheduling

ABSTRACT Celosia Argentea was planted on Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Department experimental field. 

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