Computer Engineering Research Papers/Topics

2D Radar Antenna Orientation and Control

ABSTRACT The RADAR system is the first step and much more important and it has much more effect than the other step in the RADAR system works. The RADAR is used in different applications and systems, almost of these applications need high precision, and it's depending on the accuracy of RADAR ANTENNA orientation. Much research has been done and different systems designed to obtain a result within a permissible range. Design RADAR ANTENNA orientation and control system using FPGA and stepper m...

Performance Analysis Of A Single -Server Queue Communication System On A Local Area Network: Case Study: Sharing Youth Centre Cyber Cafe

ABSTRACT This study is primarily focused on investigation of major causes of performance bottlenecks on the respective Organization's Internet Cafe Local Area Network. This investigation is based primarily on analysis of a single-server queue which the system utilizes. The server queue perfotmance is analyzed using various measures of performance, the applications of which are highly referenced from published literature. The study also encompasses other minor elements of performance in the sy...