Abstract The aim of this work is to characterize properties and microstructure of stainless steel used as a coating on welding of carbon steel sheets. Two carbon steel plates were set as the metal base and the stainless steel coating was applied on the weld bead. The applied process used was the submerged arc welding (SAW) and tests were carried out for the tensile strength and Vickers hardness, in addition to observation of the microstructure by optical microscopy. The results indicated that...
ABSTRACT This project shows the construction of a microcontroller based security door using Smart card. It is aimed towards programming the microcontroller to control the Hardware in sliding door. The system consists of a microcontroller 89S52 which Sends a signal to the multiplexers on insertion of the smart card in the card slot. The multiplexers consist of ICS which prompts for a display of the identity of the Card user in the liquid crystal display (LCD). The LCD displays the status of th...
ABSTRACT Power inverter is an electrical appliance that can be used with DC battery as an alternativesource of energy supply in the event of power failures and energy crisis. It is cheap, clean,very conducive and silent when in operation and a very reliable source of power supply as togenerator. Modern research and technologies have shown that inverter is one of the cheapestforms of energy generation. Throughout the world, it is readily available and can be partnerto solar energy particularly...
BSTRACT Automatic door control is becoming popular due to its numerous benefits. Automatic door control refers to the control of doors and domestic features by just sensing the present of human being at door and automatically open the door with the persons interface or by remote control. Artificial Intelligence provides us the framework to go real-time decision and automation for Internet of Things (IoT). The work deals with discussion about different intelligent home automation systems and t...
This work is on design and Construction of Automated door security system with GSM notification. Is an electrical Electronics Engineering Project.
ABSTRACT This project presents a design and implementation of new advanced Securitypower control using Android power switch system that uses WiFi technology as anetwork infrastructure connecting its parts. The proposed system consists of twomain components; the first part is the server (web server), which presents systemcore that manages, controls, and monitors users’ home. Users and systemadministrator can locally (LAN) or remotely (internet) manages and control systemcode. Second part is ...
This Project present the design and construction of a microcontroller based under and over voltage protection device, which is achieved using a microcontroller, transistor and other discrete components. A microcontroller PIC16F877A is at the heart of the device which performs the major control of the device. The device is simple and low cost. It can withstand loads of up to 2KVA, while allowing the supply Voltage to be connected load to vary from 200-240 volts.
ABSTRACT A power transformer is a very simple device. It is a vital link in the electronic distribution system. A power transformer is associated with faults. The design and construction of the phase fault detector is to provide simple, reliable and comprehensive electrical phase fault detections and response system. The system includes means for detecting any of the various electrical faults, such as impermissible low voltage levels, impermissible high ...
ABSTRACT The AVR is an automatic voltage regulator and it is a device which is used to regulate or stabilize electrical power supply for electrical or electronic appliances. Inthisprojecttherefore,weareinterestedintheconstructionof this allimportantdevice.Furthermore we shalldiscuses the techniques,processes,switching stages and then the working principleoftheautomaticvoltageregulator Chapteroneofthisprojectdwellsontheintroductionofthe projecttopic.Italsotalksabouttheobjectivesoftheproject,br...
ABSTRACT Nowadays, there is an increase in the demand to connect to the internal networks of organizations by their branches from distant locations. Members of such organizations often need to access internal networks from their homes, hotels or other far away business places and external networks over the internet which is insecure by virtue of its public nature. The security of information transferred in the network becomes a major challenge when staff or partners in business access in...
Content Pages DECLARATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii DEDICATION iv TABLE OF CONTENT v CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Problem of Study 2 1.3 Objectives of Study 3 1.4 Scope of Study 3 1.5 Significance 4 CHAPTER TWO Literature Review 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Types of Street Lights 6 2.3 Photovoltaic Effect/Process 9 2.4 Charge Controller 10 2.5 Inverters 10 2.6 Battery 10 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 13 3.1 Introduction 13 3.2 Research Design 13 3.3 Re...
ABSTRACT The aim of this project, the design and implementation of an RF communication link, is to design a communication link between a source and a destination and study the properties of the signal being generated by the source (generator). The area of interest in this work is how the signal suffers limitations like attenuation, interference and distortion etc and to observe how these limitations affect the smooth transmission of the signal as well as the amplitude of the transmitted signa...
Research and optimization of cooling of electronic components using heat sinks becomes increasingly important in modern industry. Numerical methods with experimental real world verification are the main tools to evaluate efficiency of heat sinks or heat sink systems. In this research, the physical problems associated with heat removal of electronic systems at different scales were studied. ABSTRACT Research and optimization of cooling of electronic components using heat sinks becomes increa...
Abstract This temperature control fan can be controlled using a microcontroller when it detects a certain temperature that has been set. The purpose of this project is to prevent the waste of voltage usage when it is not hot enough for fan to be needed. The temperature control fan has three different speeds. Each speed will change according to a certain level of temperature that is set. This project is a combination of electric supply, fan, temperature senso...
ABSTRACT Whenever we think of redefined security, we think of coded electrical door lock. It is a microcontroller based security door lock that can be used in homes, offices, laboratories, etc. for more reliable and high fidelity door control system, powered by electrons panel or electromechanical panels. Due to high rate of insecurity, especially intrusion into homes and offices, this project provides the users with an electronic keypad to enter the password required to get access into home...