Entomology Research Papers/Topics

Population Dynamics of the Plantain Stem Borer (Cosmopolites Sordfdus Germar) and Factors Affecting the Severity of Damage to Plantain (Musa Spp. Aab Group) in Ghana

ABSTRACT A study was conducted to determine the behaviour of the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus Germar and the differential severity of its larval damage on four stages of plantain' (suckers, preflowering, flowered and recently harvested) in three different crop cycles. The results indicate that the population of the adult weevil increased in the ratoon crops, and that 3-day old traps were more attractive than 5-day old traps. The longevity of weevils decreased with increasing ratooning...

Studies On Bovine Coccidia [Apicomplexia: Eimeriidae] In Parts Of Plateau State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT A parasitological examination of 2,500 faecal samples of cattle was carried out in Plateau State, Nigeria, to determine prevalence, seasonal distribution and sources of various species of Eimeria in both sexes, age groups, breeds and husbandry systems. Effects of temperatures on sporulation of Eimeria oocysts and chemical analysis of the Eimeria oocysts were also determined. Out of 2500 samples examined, 1567 i.e 62.68% were positive for twelve species of Eimeria. E. alabamensis occu...

Thz Potential 07 Using Hydrothermal Treatment For Protection Of Stored Cowpeas.Against Callosobruchus Maculatus (F.)

ABSTRACT Laboratory experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of steaming cowpeas on the oviposition and larval development of the cowpea beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.). The possibility of oven and solar drying as well as the effect of the initial temperature of the cowpeas on the steaming effect were also investigated. Samples of four cowpea varieties (Soronko, Asontem, Amantin and US Blackeye) were steamed for 10 and 15 minutes and solar or oven dried. Some initially stored...

Studies On River Water Factors Influencing The Efficacy Of Vectobac® (Bacillus Thuringiensis (Serotype H-14) Formulation) Against The Larvae Of Simuuum Damnosum (Theobald) Species Complex

A B S T R A C T The principal goal of this work was to identify specific conditions of river water in West Africa, that influence the efficacy of the microbial insecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 formulation (VectoBac®) against Simulium damnosum sensu lato larvae for onchocerciasis control. One hundred and thirty assays of a standard formulation using the mini-gutter system were carried out over a period of 15 months at a field station situated near Pra River in southern Ghana. To ident...

Studies On The Suitability Of Parkia Biglobosa (Jacq.) [African Locust Bean] For The Development Of Sitophilus Zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).

ABSTRACT Maize is an important staple food crop in Ghana and is cultivated throughout the country. The Guinea savanna zone in the Northern region, which is fast becoming a major production zone, is also the natural ecological zone o f Parkia plants. Some insect pests, such as Sitophilus zeamais are a serious threat to maize production in Ghana. These insects appear to have adapted to and survive on some wild host plants. They may therefore emigrate from these alternative hosts to preferred h...

Some Insecticide Studies On The Rice Stem Borer

ABSTRACT Insecticide bio as 3 ays were carried out on JD. thoracica (a) adults by topical application of 1 pi drop of toxicant on their nota; and Ob) eggs by dipping them into insecticidal solutions for 30 min. LC50 values obtained from the tests on the adults were: Gamma BHC, 26.4Ctog/l; Pirimiphos methyl (PP511) 28.00 mg/l; Serin, 67.00 mg/l and Malathion, 580.00 mg/l. Values obtained from the eggs tests were: PP511, 1.30 mg/l; Sevin, 5.30 mg/l; gamma BHC, 18.30 mg/l andMalathion, 83.00 mg/...

Evaluation Of Cocoa Types For Resistance To Capsids

ABSTRACT Ten clones and 10 hybrids each of four cocoa populations; Nanays (Na), IMCs, Trinidad introduction (Ts) and Parinaris (Pa), were screened for attractiveness and resistance/tolerance to the capsid, Sahlbergella singularis (Hagl.). Two screening methods; a laboratory ‘microtest’ and an insectary test were used to determine the attractiveness of the genotypes to capsids. In addition, seedlings exposed to capsids in the insectary were observed under ‘ semi-field’ conditions to as...

The Dynamics Of Mycobacterium Ulcerans Transmission By Naucorid Species (Hemiptera: Naucoridae) In Parts Of Greater Accra Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Mycobacterium ulcerans disease (Buruli ulcer) is increasing worldwide but there is currently no effective chemotherapeutic treatment. Prevention and control has also not been possible because the mode of transmission remains illusive and at best speculative. Recent investigation however points to the possible involvement of aquatic bugs belonging to the familily Naucoridae in the transmission process. In the laboratory, infected Naucorid species have been shown to transmit the bacter...

Digenous Plants Against Three Stored Product Beetles

ABSTRACT Toxicity and protectant potential of isoeugenol, limonene and essential oil of Hyptis spicigera against Sitophilus zeamais (Motsch.), Callosobruchus maculatus F. and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst.) and the effect of the oils on germination of maize and cowpea were investigated in the laboratory using contact toxicity, grain treatment and repellency assays. The effects of acetone extracts from leaf and seed of Hyptis spicigera on oviposition and adult emergence of C. maculatus were also...


ABSTRACT Cowpea [Vigna ungriculata (L.) Walp] is a leguminous plant and is one of the staple crops much cultivated in Benin and neighboring countries and in Africa as a whole. Cowpea production is hindered by many biotic and abiotic factors, with the flower bud Thrips, Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom) being the most damaging pest at flowering stage causing yield losses of 20 to 80%. Control of flower bud thrips in the field is difficult due to its cryptic behaviour. Thus, the combination of ...

Description Of Sesamia Calamistis [Lepidoptera Noctuidae] A Pest Of Maize And Its Parasitoids In Selected Maize Farms In The Accra Plains Of Ghana

ABSTRACT A study to determine the species range of parasitoids of Sesamia calamistis on maize in some selected maize farms in Accra was conducted on small holder farms at the University of Ghana. Legon, and its environs. Collections of stembororers were made in pre-selected fields and farms. These were then reared on freshly cut pieces of maize stem in 500-ml storage bottles in the laboratory, and observed for the emergence of parasitoids or stemborers. Emerging parasitoids were identified an...

Insect Fauna of Upland Rice in the Kwaebibirem District of the Eastern Region of Ghana

ABSTRACT A survey was carried out in the Kwaebibirem District of the Eastern Region of Ghana to identify insect pests and natural enemies of upland rice both in the field and storage. The study lasted from September 1999 to October 2000. Field insects were sampled from five communities in the district i.e. Agricultural Research Station (ARS)-Okumaning, Subi, Abodom, Abaam and Prankese. Two line transects twenty five meters apart were fixed through each rice field. On the first line transect, ...

Exploiting The Insecticidal Potential of The Invasive Siam Weed, Chromolaena odorata L. (ASTERACEAE) in The Management OF Major Pests OF Cabbage And Their Natural Enemies For Enhanced Yield i

ABSTRACT Cabbage is an important crop for many smallholder farmers in Africa and Asia, due to its nutritional and financial benefits. It is one of the popular vegetables consumed and cultivated by both urban and rural dwellers in Ghana. The production of cabbage in Ghana, however, is faced with numerous constraints especially insect pest infestations. Farmers have limited control options and therefore resort to the use of synthetic insecticides. Indiscriminate use of these insecticides has l...

Studies on Insecticides Usage Pyrethroid Resistance in Populations of ANOPHELES GAMBIAE SENSU STRICTO in The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT Insecticide resistance due to knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations in Anopheles gambiae populations has been reported in neighbouring West African countries, such as Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Benin despite the absence of large-scale mosquito control in these countries. The hypothesis is that agricultural or household use of insecticides is responsible for the evolution of resistance. However, studies relating such uses of insecticides and the development of resistance in An....

Evaluation Of Two Trap Types And Two Attractants For Mango Stone Weevil Sternochetus Mangiferae (F) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) In Three Districts In Southern Ghana

ABSTRACT The Black pyramid and Circle traps were evaluated with single and double combinations of gas chromatography grade of benzaldehyde (BZ) and essential oil (EO) obtained from the mango blossom to determine their performance in attracting the mango stone weevil in three commercial mango orchards located at Ayikuma, Kpong and Somanya all in Southern Ghana. Eight trap and lure treatment combinations consisting of (Pyramid trap only, Pyramid trap + BZ, Pyramid trap + EO, Pyramid trap + BZ +...

331 - 345 Of 382 Results