Environment and Resource Studies Research Papers/Topics

The Effect Of Bush Clearing On Soil Properties, At Cheetah Conservation Fund Farm In Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia

Abstract The thesis discusses the problem of bush clearing as they affect soil quality, its productivity and environment in the semi-arid areas. In this case, land clearing came as a result of bush encroachment control mechanism. Bush encroachment is a form of land degradation present prominently in semi-arid areas. Namibia is affected by bush encroachment on a massive scale. The phenomenon is currently understood to affect large part of the country, causing severe economic losses for Namibia...

Determining The Quality Of Mine Gushing And Mixed Water Using Coupled AHP And Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Methods

Abstract This study focused on analysis of the chemical characteristics of mine waters. The aim of this study is to correlate the degree of different ionic components in mine water and the influence of their convergence using a combination of the three-scale AHP and fuzzy evaluation methods for the comprehensive evaluation of water quality. Ion chromatography (ICS 1100) has been used to analyze the content of the water sample while portable pH/EC/TDS/Temperature meters (SX 811 and SX 813) we...

Agroforestry As An Adaptation Strategy To Climate Change In The Kassena Nankana West District, Upper East Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT  This thesis explored agroforestry as an adaptation strategy to climate change in the Kassena Nankana West District, Upper East Region.  Climate change poses a serious threat to agricultural activities in agrarian economies, such as Ghana, which requires adaptation. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to assess how farming communities are using agroforestry to be able to adapt to the negative consequences of climate change. Specifically, the study assessed farmers’ understa...

Hydrogeochemical Processes Influencing Groundwater Quality Within The Lower Pra Basin, Ghana

ABSTRACT Hydrogeochemical and social impact studies were carried out within the Lower Pra Basin where groundwater serves as a source of potable water supply to majority of the communities. The main objective of the study was to investigate the hydrogeochemical processes and the anthropogenic impact that influence groundwater as well as the perception of inhabitants about the impact of their socio-economic activities on the quality of groundwater and subsequently make recommendations towards p...

Urban Land Use Planning And Its Effects On The Provision Of Public Sanitation Facilities In The Wa Municipality, Ghana

ABSTRACT There is a connection between urban land use planning and urban sanitation management. The rationale of land use planning is to protect and create attractive urban environments. However, despite the land use planning rationale, there is a sanitation mess in the built environment of the Wa Municipality. This study investigates the implications of land use planning on the provision and management of public sanitation facilities in the Wa Municipality. The study adopted the mixed metho...

Scientific Weather Forecast Information Communication: Perspectives Of Rural Food Crop Farmers In The Lawra District.

ABSTRACT  The study explored perspectives of rural food crop farmers in the Lawra District on SWFI communication and uptake. The study was conducted in 4 purposively selected communities. A qualitative approach was adopted and employed exploratory case study design in collecting the data using a convenience sample. Study employed Semi-structured questions and data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussion, participant observations and audio-visual materials....


Nigeriaislikelytobeoneofthemostnegativelyimpactedcountriesintheworldasaresultof climatechange.Itsrisksareparticularlyhighasaresultofitslowlyingcoastlinethatishighly populatedwithaheavyconcentrationofGDPgeneratingindustryandinfrastructure.The NorthernpartofthecountryformspartoftheSahelwhichisatriskofdesertificationand droughts.Flooding,watershortages,increaseddiseasesandassociatedsocialdisruptioncould wellgiverisetoaviciouscycleofeconomicdegradationandsocialconflict. ThesectorsofNigeria’seco...

121 - 127 Of 127 Results