Environmental Studies Research Papers/Topics

Education for Sustainable Development: The Case of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST

Abstract The unit-based sustainability assessment tool (USAT) was administered at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST), Kenya, between January and March 2012. The assessment focused on establishing to what extent the University integrated sustainability concerns into its core functions of teaching, research and community engagement. Using a unit-based assessment tool allowed for ‘building the picture’ of the whole university, as well as concentrating on specific un...

Education for Sustainable Development: The Case of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)

Abstract The unit-based sustainability assessment tool (USAT) was administered at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST), Kenya, between January and March 2012. The assessment focused on establishing to what extent the University integrated sustainability concerns into its core functions of teaching, research and community engagement. Using a unit-based assessment tool allowed for ‘building the picture’ of the whole university, as well as concentrating on specific un...

Variation in Seagrass Carbon Stocks Between Tropical Estuarine and Marine Mangrove-Fringed Creeks

Abstract Seagrass and associated blue carbon ecosystems are important carbon sinks, and hence understanding their spatial and temporal variability is vital in appreciating their potential roles in climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Indo-Pacific region has the highest seagrass biodiversity, yet little focus has been made to compare seagrass habitat extent and carbon dynamics with their temperate counterparts. The present study assessed habitat characteristics and seagrass species ...