Law Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of Domestic Violence On Students' Perfomance In Kagadi District.

Abstract The study was about study is to explore the causes and effects of domestic violence on Students performance/ the objectives were to identify various forms of domestic violence experienced by Students in to identify causes of domestic violence against Students in Kagadi District and to determine the effects of domestic violence on performance of students in Kagadi District The study found out that Domestic violence has far-reaching impacts to the victims/ which are physical, psycholog...

SSA Research 51 PAGES (10285 WORDS) Law Project
Analysis Of The Legality And Impact of the Death Penalty In Kenya

ABSTRACT The death penalty is associated with two fundamental human rights; the right to life and the protection against cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. This research sought to establish whether the death penalty as practiced in Kenya conforms to comparative and international human rights norms. It analyzed the legality of death penalty in Kenya with respect to the right to life and its impact. The research was historical and was also based on the reports and views of va...

SSA Research 64 PAGES (18466 WORDS) Law Project
Legal Realities Versus Culture: A Perspective On Land Acquisition In West Moyo District In Uganda

ABSTRACT: Land is the most essential pillar of human existence and national development, according to the Government of Uganda (Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, 2011: 2). It is a source of identity and cultural heritage. With 87 percent living in rural areas, of which 34 percent lives in poverty, land in general and access to land in specific is a crucial issue in Uganda (FAO, 2010.) Indeed there is an upsurge in large scale land acquisition including a rush for land that for...

Save SSA Research 70 PAGES (23025 WORDS) Law Project
Criminal Justice System in Uganda And Its Impact on Mob Justice.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL BY SUPERVISOR ................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................

SSA Research 53 PAGES (11931 WORDS) Law Project
The Implementation of Children's Right to Education in Pader District

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................ .iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. iv CHAPTER ONE .................................

Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Legal Framework on the Protection and Enforcement of Work Rights in Uganda.

ABSTRACTThe main objective of this study was to provide an analysis of the effectiveness of the legal framework on the protection and enforcement of work rights in Uganda. The study found out that  numerous labour laws were enacted by parliament in the year 2006 to act as guidelines to both the employers and the employees in the pr?tection and observance of employees' rights in Uganda. These laws included the Employment Act of 2006, the labour Unions Act of 2006, the occupational health ...

Save Research Barn 71 PAGES (22173 WORDS) Law Project
The Impact of Imprisonment on the Health Rights of Female Inmates. A Comparative Case Study of Soroti Prison Uganda

ABSTRACT KEY WORDS; Prisoner Health Rights, Health Care Service Provision, Nutrition, Activity, Hygiene and Sanitation. BACKGROUND: Female inmates tend to suffer poor health on a range of indicators. This Study sought to explore Female and Male Inmates' perceptions of the Impact of Imprisonment on their Health Rights and Well-being. METHOD: This Qualitative Study involved both adult Female (20) and male inmates (I 0) who were either Remands or Convicts at Soroti Prison in Eastern Uganda. Part...

A Critical Analysis of Consumer Protection Laws in Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. ii APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................. iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...................................

Land Conflicts in Uganda-An Examination On The Policy, Legal And Institutional Framework

ABSTRACT The research aimed at investigating the extent of Land conflicts in Uganda, an examination on the policy and legal framework. It aimed at the exploration of the legal and institutional framework governing the land laws and how human rights are enforced and followed during land evictions in Uganda. It also expounds on the conflicts between the provisions of the Land Amendment Act and tenure system, the gaps between the exploitation of land tenure systems ...

Save Research Barn 62 PAGES (16536 WORDS) Law Project
The Legal Framework Governing Maritime Administration in Uganda

ABSTRACT  This research examined Ugandas maritime administration. Water transport is not a problem limited to Uganda. It is a wide spread problem in most communities both developed and developing world and as such it has attracted international attention by developing conventions aimed at smoothening operational safety and navigation on water resources. Uganda has ratified some of the instruments and conventions to signify her compliance with the obligations by developing comprehensive l...

Advancing Reproductive Health in Kenya. A Human Rights Perspective.

ABSTRACT Sexual and reproductive health are among the most sensitive and controversial issues in international human rights law, but they are also among the most important. Reproductive health cannot be separated from the right to life. When reproductive health rights are violated, lives are lost. Women, youths and the children, mostly bare the brunt of ill reproductive health. In Kenya for instance many women still lose their lives due to reproductive health complications. The still births, ...

Criminal Justice System In Uganda And Its Impact On Mob Justice

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL BY SUPERVISOR ................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................

SSA Research 53 PAGES (11931 WORDS) Law Project
Torture And Other Cruel, Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment: Their Impact On Human Rights Enforcement In Kenya.

ABSTRACT Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment. The Constitution prohibits such practices; however, security forces continue to use tmiure and physical violence during intenogation and to punish both pre-trial detainees and convicted prisoners.· Although authorities periodically issue directives against the use of to1iure by police, the problem persists and remains a serious problem. The Government has not provided information on the number of cases of torture that occur y...

SSA Research 76 PAGES (19433 WORDS) Law Project
The Principle of Legality and the Prosecution of International Crimes in Domestic Courts: A Case Study of Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT The study examined the principle of legality and the prosecution of international crimes in domestic courts. The study was guided by the following objectives;- to find out whether the principle of legality is really a challenge to prosecuting acts that have already been recognized as crimes under customary international law, to find out whether states are "wasting time" in "legal gymnastics" and needlessly adhering to strict positivism, at the cost of accountability and justice for v...

Research Barn 73 PAGES (23711 WORDS) Law Project
The Critical Analysis Of The Doctrine Of Separation Of Powers And Checks And Balances In Uganda

ABSTRACTSeparation of powers is the doctrine and practice of dividing powers of Government amongdifferent branches to guard against abuse of authority. Among the objectives that resultedinto the-Tfromulgation of the 1995 constitution were the need to recognize and demarcatedivision of responsibility among the state organs of Executive, the Legislature and thejudicially and create viable checks and balances between them.Therefore, the research exan1ines the provisions regarding separation of p...

SSA Research 55 PAGES (14454 WORDS) Law Report

166 - 180 Of 1184 Results