TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................................................................................................. !APPROVAL ......................................................................................................................................................... !DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................................................
ABSTRACT The study is an exploratory design carried out in Uganda, which sought to; examine the role of the various human rights defenders in promoting equality in multiparty governance in Uganda; to investigate the cause of human rights imbalances experienced in multiparty governance in Uganda since 1986; and examining the efficacy of the law in countering human rights imbalances in Uganda. The study relied on qualitative methods of data collection and analysis to generate data. Study findin...
ABSTRACT This research paper analyses pre-trial detention (remand) in Uganda. It digs deep into the causes and effects of lengthy pre-trial detentjon and provides suggestions to end it. The paper gives appropriate history of the wider context of pre-trial detentions in Uganda that 5pans from the immediate post-colonial times of Uganda to the recent, highlighting major historical events that have shaped the law on pre-trial detention. It goes ahead to provide an analysis of the literature both...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ....................................................................... iACKNOWLEDGMENT ....................................................... iiACRONYMS ..................................................................... iii·r ABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................... ivCHAPTER ONE ........................................................ 11.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................... I1.1 DEFINITION O...
ABSTRACTThis study aims to explore the characteristics of juvenile justice system in Makindye West division in Kampala district that is challenges of the juvenile, basic needs, diseases, theirremedies in court that is foster care, custody, guardianship orders, maintenance order among others.This study includes, the socio economic back ground, factors behind child deviancy, and rehabilitative mechanisms and its effectiveness are analyzed using the primary data collectedfrom a pu...
AbstractThis study was conducted in Central Uganda with the research entitled 'A critical analysisof the impact of mortgage transaction on Uganda's development. Uganda economy issmallholder agro-based employing over 80% of the population which is mostly rural.Women contribute the bulk (over 70%) of the agricultural labour force. Traditionallyproceeds from these activities mostly accrue to men as they perceive themselves asowners of the land which women cultivate and as heads of households. On...
1.7.9. Introduction ............................................................................ 151.8.0 The purposes of data collection are: ..................................................... 151.8.1. Source of data ..................................................................... 151.8.2. Data processing ....................................................................... 151.8.3 Data analy.sis ..........................................................................................
ABSTARCTThe topic of research was "The law and land tenure conflicts in Buganda: a case study of Mukono district". The main aim of the study was to investigate the law and the land tenure conflicts in Buganda.The research findings were analyzed basing on the specific and a recommendation and conclusion drawn accordingly.TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ......................................................................... iiAPPROVAL BY SUPERVISOR ....................................
AbstractTrafficking in persons which is akin to contemporary slavery is highly prevalent across the world.It is affecting thousands of persons in all corners of the globe. While men and boys can beexposed to trafficking, the women and girls constitutes a significant majority of victims oftrafficking. Uganda is among source countries of many women and girls exposed to trafficking.Each year thousands of Ugandan women and girls are trafficked across international border tomainly Middle East coun...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................... iAPPROVAL ...................................................................... .iDEDICATION .............................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................... .ivLIST OF STATUTES ......................................................................... vLIST OF INTERNATIONAL LEGAL INSTRUMENTS .......
ABSTRACTThe right to education as enslu·ined in chapter four of the constitution is one of the fundamental human rights. It therefore follows that such a right is inalienable. The notion is premised on the key roles that these rights play in the life of a human being without which life is antagonized. It is therefore conceivable that any act that has the effect of alienating the right to education amounts to an abuse of the right and the victim is entitled to an adequate ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... .iDECLARATION ........................................................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................ vLIST OF STATUTES ....................................................................................................
ABSTRACT The right to a fair hearing is one of the fundamental human rights that is recognized under article 28 of 1995 constitution of Uganda. The right to a fair hearing, like any other right to be promoted and protected throughout East Africa, especially Uganda. It is fundamentary entrusted in the hands of judicial officers and administrative officers in general who are charged with the duty that the principles contained therein are enjoined while administering just ice. The researcher was...
ABSTRACT On 30th December 2007, following the announcement of the presidential election results in Kenya; violence broke out in several places across the country amidst claims that the electoral commission of Kenya (ECK) had rigged the presidential election. Sporadic eruptions continued for many weeks, bringing death and destmction to thousands of Kenyans. The general purpose of the study was to examine the contribution of the postelection violence to the growth of electoral democracy in Keny...
ABSTRACT The study is designed to establish enforcement of environmental law and how it has caused an impact on environment. In particular the study will determine both the social and economic impact of the laws on the environment in Uganda. The study will also look at the tools of environmental law enforcement such as environmental standards and institutional framework for environmental management such as courts. Focus shall be placed on factors affecting environmental law enforcement and wa...