Introduction If one child choses to marry another is there anything wrong with it? Let’s reinvigorate our minds to reminisce the traditional social settings of the African People, children were allowed to marry in fulfillment of parental wishes. However today, we are concerned with the existence of certain customs that appear to be repugnant to both State laws and international legal instruments. Whilst we promote the of rights children, the right for them to marry is not pro...
Two kinds of fact are very important in the Law of Evidence. They are facts in issue and relevant facts. The concept of facts in issue has been dealt with by several authors and jurists. However, it is necessary to discuss it here because it has a very interesting relationship with relevant facts. Think of the relationship between facts in issue and relevant facts as that which exists between baking a plain cake and baking a chocolate cake. Yeah. This sounds weird. But stay with me. If you�...
This work would be premised on the admissibility of the Evidence Act 2011 and the applicability of common law rules of evidence. We shall be able to ascertain whether or not the Evidence Act, 2011 has abolished recourse to the common law rules of evidence. As a result, special care will be taken in this work to discuss the provision of section 3 of the Evidence Act, 2011 and the applicability of the common law rules of evidence whenever and wherever the Evidence Act or any other legislation v...
The Family Justice System, also known as the Juvenile Justice System developed out of a concern for the position of children and young persons in the society.
ABSTRACT Generally, many societies differentiate between the sexes over rights, duties and functions.
In a world facing a constant battle between the law and crime, yet another offspring of crime is unabashedly conceived and manages to seep out despite all attempts by the justice systems all over the world to eliminate or mitigate to the barest minimum crime in all its forms. Human Organ trade is a new trend in crime and is in fact fast topping the echelons of criminal strata and is indeed a very deadly crime to battle with. The question one might ask is, how long is the hand of the law or be...
ABSTRACT One of the most noticeable features of the social-cultural heritage of the Cameroon Grassfields is the chieftaincy institution. Chiefs are a permanent feature of the Cameroonian Grassfields society. Throughout history, Grassfields chiefs have been at the center of the political, social-economic and cultural life of their respective societies. This paper reveals that the violent de...
Abstract The unsettled and subjective nature of what constitute human rights abuse and extra-judicial killing affords most western nations and international media to misconstrue security-related matters in most developing world. More problematic is how such misconstrued reality on the ground and publicity inform policy decisions of these nation, thereby, undermining military counterinsurgency operatio...
Abstract The aim of this paper is to examine the concept of global commons, identify these global commons through the lens of international law and assess the challenges facing the governance of these global commons as well as the inherent benefits that can accrue by virtue of proper governance of these resource domains. The study revealed that there are governance systems in place...
Abstract This paper examined the implication of Nigeria’s ratification of international human rights instruments in relation to enforcement of socio-economic rights in the country and debunked the age-long postulation that Chapter II of the Nigerian Constitution is nonjusticiable. The paper proceeded to show that even if Chapter II of the said Constitution was to be held to be non-ju...
Litigation is often considered the last resort in the conflict resolution process. The litigation mechanism is commenced by the aggrieved party - the Plaintiff - taking out a writ against the other party in Court. Where a matter is contentious, the Rules of Court requires the Plaintiff to commence the suit by way of a Writ of Summons which should be filed along with a Statement of Claim and served on the other party (the Defendant). When served, a Defendant amongst other things is required to...
The object and purpose of the comparative study of any affair is to know which of the two things to be compared is more in the interest of mankind and promotes human dignity. In doing so, first of all each of the things to be compared is defined, its sources are mentioned, and its theories are traced. After doing that, similarities and dissimilarities between the things compared are pointed out. In this paper at hand, an effort has been made to discuss all these matters concerning Wes...
ABSTRACT Barely six months into its discovery, the wide spread effects of the coronavirus pandemic has appeared largely untameable. The pandemic has gravely affected the world economy, this is apart from the devastating health hazards and survival uncertainties. As part of its strategy to control the spread of the virus, the Nigerian government has ordered the lockdown of some major cities in the country. This decision has engendered criticisms and arguments. The purpose of this paper is to s...
Artificial intelligence is no new development to the world. It is evident to have existed over time and has proven to be beneficial to the various sectors it is applied. The legal profession in most technology advanced countries have taken advantage of this development. However, the legal profession in Nigeria appears to be behind on this technological advancement. This is as a result of the non IT inclined nature of the system of practice. This article highlights the existing challenges wh...
In our world today we have mainly two categories of rights based on degree of enforceability, enforceable and unenforceable rights. The Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which form part and parcel of the unenforceable rights were elucidated, stating the importance of same and why it should be enforceable.