Law Research Papers/Topics

Human Trafficking: Labor Export In Uganda

Are the proceeds of labour export really worth it? Does the end justify the means

Family Law

Introduction   Although the conflict of law issues in relation to family law cover three main areas, namely: (1) marriage; (2) matrimonial causes; and (3) children, the present chapter will focus only on the first one, that is, “Marriage”.  When the court has to decide whether a marriage is valid, foreign elements may be involved: one or both of the spouses may be foreign, or the marriage may have been celebrated in a foreign country.

Family Law Research Work / Essay; Case Re G Re Z 2013

Based on the topic: “Family law is traditionally flexible, giving the court scope to deal with each case on its own merits. Fertility law, in contrast, is often driven by a Parliamentary wish to create clarity and certainty at a wider public policy level. The two approaches do not always sit together comfortably.” Gamble, N, ‘Lesbian parents and sperm donors: Re G and Re Z’, Nov [2013] Fam Law 1429 HFEA 2008: Re G; Re Z [2013] EWHC 134 (Fam)

Position of the Law and Legal Implication of an Resignation Pending Desciplinary Proceeding

It is common practice for employees to tender their resignation during the pendency of disciplinary proceeding or investigation regarding an infraction on their part, especially in situations where the employee admits guilt of the allegation(s) or is likely to be indicted. To render the resolution and sanctions arising from such exercise nugatory, an employee would hurriedly tender a resignation to avoid a final deliberation to dismiss or terminate the employment in a form that would be detr...

An inquiry into the independence of the Director of Public Prosecutions in Uganda

This paper inquired into whether or not the incumbent Constitution of Uganda contains sufficient guardrails to stymie infringement upon the independence of the Director of Public Prosecutions (hereinafter “the DPP”) in Uganda. The paper employed a qualitative approach and relied upon the text analysis method of inquiry. It, therefore, reviewed the text of the incumbent Constitution as to the independence of the DPP. It also gleaned the literature regarding a constitutional climate that he...

Beyond Compliance and Structuring in the Tech Industry: Focus on Values-Based Dispute Resolution Cover

Companies in the tech industry are often presented with mundane problems: that of what do we do with pending and imminent litigation? How to derive positive result from one? Whether protracted litigation or litigation generally may be prevented or preemptively resolved? How value assessment of concluded litigation may be used to identify potential areas of opportunity to mitigate risk? This paper offers answers to these questions and attempts to raise the reader’s consciousness toward the i...

The Amendment of the Rules of Professional Conduct 2007: How Effective?

This article considers the effectiveness of the amendment of the Rules of Profession Conduct 2007. It examines the procedure of the said amendment and explains the implication of same.

Renewable Energy Regulatory Landscape; Towards a Sustainable Environmental Development in Nigeria

Abstract Despite being aware of the need to promote sustainable environmental development through renewable energy, Nigeria still grapples with enacting and implementing policies that will reduce environmentally damaging activities through the use of fossil fuels, which has increased Nigeria’s global share of greenhouse gas emissions. Accordingly, this paper examines the global attitude to clean energy and further explores renewable energy sources, the existing regulatory enactments geared ...

Pension Reform Act 2014 and Its Application to Persons and Firms in Nigeria

This article simply examines the Pensions Reform Act 2014 and applicability to individuals and organization in Nigeria. It goes further to discuss the guidelines and procedure to register under a micro pension plan provided for under the Act. It concludes by emphasizing that smaller organizations can participate under the via a micro pension plan. 

Re-Shaping Institutions for Industrial Dispute Settlement in Nigeria: Perspectives on the Status of the Industrial Arbitration Panel

This work intends to make an analysis of the Industrial arbitration panel as an institution forTrade dispute resolution in Nigeria under the Trade Dispute Act of 1990. Subsequently, anexamination into the defects that has rendered the institution ineffective will be made andthereafter to proffer solution with a view to re-shaping the machinery for Trade disputeresolution in Nigeria. A comparative study of the dispute settlement mechanism in SouthAfrica, Tanzania and the United Kingdom would b...

Consumer Redress Channels Under Nigerian Laws: A Comparative Analysis

The relational disparities between the Nigerian consumers and suppliers have been pronounced that a Nigerianconsumer can only be described as a subject but not a king. It is however, palpable that there is no economy in the world that is devoid of consumer abuses and exploitation. It is regrettable that Nigerian consumers appear to be the most abused and most exploited by manufacturers (local and international), suppliers and retailers. This paper seeks to catalogue consumer redress channels ...

A Review of the Customary Law of Inheritance and Succession amongst the Efik and Qua Communities in Cross River State, Nigeria

CustomaryLawembodiescustomsaspracticed by the people which they regardas binding on them.1It is any system oflaw different from Common Law and aLaw enacted by legislation, but which isenforceable and binding within Nigeria asbetween the parties subject to its way.1This article reviews the Customary Lawtheoriesofinheritanceandsuccessionamong the Efik and Qua communities inCross River State. To this end, it examinesthevariousclassificationsoftheCustomaryLawofInheritanceandSuccessionasapplicable...


The 20th century is remarkably characterized by an increase in inventiveness due to more breakthroughs in science and technology and the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. Recent records show that AI systems, in addition to being an aid in the inventive process, are now capable of making independent inventions using data and instructions inputted by their programmers. Meanwhile, Intellectual property law (IP) ensures that one’s intellectual outputs (labour) is not exploited ...

The Discombobulation on the Legality of Child Marriage

Introduction If one child choses to marry another is there anything wrong with it? Let’s reinvigorate our minds to reminisce the traditional social settings of the African People, children were allowed to marry in fulfillment of parental wishes. However today, we are concerned with the existence of certain customs that appear to be repugnant to both State laws and international legal instruments. Whilst we promote the of rights children, the right for them to marry is not pro...

Relevancy in Evidence

Two kinds of fact are very important in the Law of Evidence. They are facts in issue and relevant facts. The concept of facts in issue has been dealt with by several authors and jurists. However, it is necessary to discuss it here because it has a very interesting relationship with relevant facts. Think of the relationship between facts in issue and relevant facts as that which exists between baking a plain cake and baking a chocolate cake. Yeah. This sounds weird. But stay with me. If you�...

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