Law Research Papers/Topics

Improving The Procedures For Resolving Tax Disputes In Namibia: A Case Study On Taxpayers’ Right To A Fair Hearing Within A Reasonable Time

Abstract This dissertation improves the procedures for resolving tax disputes in Namibia. There are procedural, legal and practical loopholes in the Namibian tax system which make it costly and difficult, if not impossible, for a taxpayer to be heard and to be guaranteed procedural propriety during the dispute resolution process. Due to the fact that the Namibian tax dispute resolution system does not have permanent courts and, in most instances, lacks a sufficient number of knowledgeable law...

SSA Research 167 PAGES (53460 WORDS) Law Thesis
A Critical Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of The Legal Framework On Drug Offences In Namibia

Abstract The purpose of the study was to critically assess drug offences (created by the Abuse of Dependence-producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centres Act, Act 41 of 1971) in Namibia. What the study set out to do was to determine if the current law dealing with drug offences was effective. The study primarily made use of qualitative, rather than a quantitative, research method. A documentary study was done by way of desktop review of relevant Namibian legislation, relevant academic publ...

Save SSA Research 183 PAGES (55106 WORDS) Law Thesis
“Legal Framework in Namibia: An Analysis of the impact of Competition Act, 2003 (Act No.2 of 2003) on Investment Promotion in Namibia

Abstract The aim in this thesis is to find out and analyze the possible impact of Competition Act, 2003 (Act No.2 of 2003) on the promotion of investment in Namibia as per the provisions in the Foreign Investment Act, 1990 (Act No. 27 of 1990) as amended by Act No.24 of 1993. Furthermore, the objective of the Foreign Investment, 1990 (Act No.27 of 1990) as amended is effectively supported by other Acts in Namibia, namely the Arbitration Act No. 42 of 1965, Bank of Namibia Act No. 15 of 1997, ...

The Reforming Of The Electricity Supply Industry: Competition And Regulation: An Analysis Of Esi Reforms In Namibia

ABSTRACT This study enquires into the choices to be made when selecting and implementing a reform model for the electricity industry. It argues that the appropriate reform model depends on the circumstances in the considered jurisdiction. Especially in small and less developed electricity systems a dilemma may emerge: the technical circumstances suggest the implementation of a model with few competitive elements, whereas political circumstances urge for a competition-oriented model. Hence, es...

SSA Research 154 PAGES (34683 WORDS) Law Thesis
Legal Impact Of Biofuel (Jatropha Curcas) Production On Communal Land In North-East Namibia

ABSTRACT However, research also revealed that, despite the fact that most traditional authorities regard other institutions as wearisome, they nevertheless seek assistance from these institutions when faced with conflicts involving external parties such as Jatropha companies. The research also focused on the socio-economic benefits that farmers stand to gain from Jatropha. This emanated from the fact that many researchers question the claimed benefits of Jatropha and believe that the current ...

Save SSA Research 151 PAGES (38573 WORDS) Law Thesis
Compensation In Murder Cases: Owambo Customary Law

TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement i Table of contents ii Abbreviations vii Table of cases viii Abstract x CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1. Background to the study 1 1.1 General introduction 1 1.2 Definition of the problem 3 1.3 Objectives 6 1.4 Research methodology and approach 7 1.4.1 Qualitative Method 7 1.4.2 Preparation Stage 8 1.4.3 Selection of the Interviewees 10 1.4.4 The Interview Situation 11 1.4.5 Analysis of Results 12 1.5 Limitation and scope of the study 12 iv iii 1.6 Limitation of ...

SSA Research 139 PAGES (29043 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Reforming Of The Electricity Supply Industry: Competition And Regulation: An Analysis Of Esi Reforms In Namibia

ABSTRACT   This study enquires into the choices to be made when selecting and implementing a reform model for the electricity industry.  It argues that the appropriate reform model depends on the circumstances in the considered jurisdiction.  Especially in small and less developed electricity systems a dilemma may emerge:  the technical circumstances suggest the implementation of a model with few competitive elements, whereas political circumstances urge for a competition-oriented model....

Edu Frontiers 154 PAGES (34683 WORDS) Law Thesis
A Critical Analysis Of The New Labour Act Number 11 Of 2007 In Light Of The Law On Labour Brokerage

ABSTRACT Labour brokerage is a term used to describe the relationship that exists between labourers, known as contractors or hired employees and the labour brokerage organizations that employ the labourers. The company to which they provide labour is not their employer. The term therefore refers to the situation in which the labour broker provides clients to render services or perform work for the third party that contracts with the labour broker and in return, the third party rewards the la...

Edu Frontiers 226 PAGES (62005 WORDS) Law Thesis
3D-Printing: A new Challenge for Intellectual Property?

Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................... 4 Chapter 2: Copyright ............................................................................................... 9 A. What is copyright and what does it protect? .............................................. 10 B. Copyright and 3D-printing ........................................................................... 12 I. The creation of the CAD ..............

An Investigation Into The Need For Consumer Protection In The Financial Sector In Namibia

ABSTRACT   This thesis investigates the need to strengthen consumer protection in the financial sector in Namibia. The necessity to intensify consumer protection in the financial sector has been necessitated by numerous complaints by consumers against unfair and deceptive practices by financial institutions. Namibia currently does not have national comprehensive consumer protection legislation nor does it have a single legislation regulating the relationship between consumers and financial ...

Edu Frontiers 195 PAGES (50393 WORDS) Law Thesis
A Critical Examination Of Namibia's International Legal Obligations In Terms Of The United Nations Convention Against Corruption In Comparison With The French Legal System

Abstract  Corruption is, like elsewhere in the world, a problem in Namibia.  Various international, regional and sub-regional legal instruments have been ratified by Namibia which specifically deals with the problem of corruption, including the much-hailed United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC).  The problem is that the incidence of corruption does not seem to decrease in the country despite several national complementary pieces of legislation.  In a review of Namibia�...

Save Edu Frontiers 124 PAGES (33164 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Reforming Of The Electricity Supply Industry: Competition And Regulation: An Analysis Of ESI Reforms In Namibia

ABSTRACT This study enquires into the choices to be made when selecting and implementing a reform model for the electricity industry. It argues that the appropriate reform model depends on the circumstances in the considered jurisdiction. Especially in small and less developed electricity systems a dilemma may emerge: the technical circumstances suggest the implementation of a model with few competitive elements, whereas political circumstances urge for a competition-oriented model. Hence, e...

Trade Policy Implications Of Economic Partnership Agreements Between The European Union (EU) And Namibia

ABSTRACT Namibia which forms part of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) 

A Critical Assessment Of Namibian Refugee Law In Light Of Global And Regional Trends Of Refugee Migration

Abstract Southern Africa is relatively less affected by refugee movements than for instance, Central Africa, but the impact of refugees on Southern African societies and the increasing retreat of Southern African governments from their responsibilities towards refugees are nonetheless causes for concern. Namibia is a signatory to both the 1951 and AOU Refugees Conventions. In line with its international obligations, the country has promulgated the Namibia Refugees (Recognition and Control) A...

Evaluation Of The Namibian Legal Framework On Money Laundering And Associated Offences

ABSTRACT The Money laundering offence was identified as such in the late part of the 20th century in the United States of America. Since this period, it has been a crime that has received immense attention for various reasons. This study aims to illustrate that, although the crime has received so much attention over the years, there still exists some areas on the subject matter that still require further research. In this study it is demonstrated that the concept of money laundering is not p...

181 - 195 Of 210 Results