Law Research Papers/Topics

A Critical Assessment Of Namibian Refugee Law In Light Of Global And Regional Trends Of Refugee Migration

Abstract Southern Africa is relatively less affected by refugee movements than for instance, Central Africa, but the impact of refugees on Southern African societies and the increasing retreat of Southern African governments from their responsibilities towards refugees are nonetheless causes for concern. Namibia is a signatory to both the 1951 and AOU Refugees Conventions. In line with its international obligations, the country has promulgated the Namibia Refugees (Recognition and Control) A...

Evaluation Of The Namibian Legal Framework On Money Laundering And Associated Offences

ABSTRACT The Money laundering offence was identified as such in the late part of the 20th century in the United States of America. Since this period, it has been a crime that has received immense attention for various reasons. This study aims to illustrate that, although the crime has received so much attention over the years, there still exists some areas on the subject matter that still require further research. In this study it is demonstrated that the concept of money laundering is not p...

General Deterrence As A Satisfactory Justification For Punishment

ABSTRACT It is a universal phenomenon that peace, law and order only exist where justice prevails. Justice is an ingredient of the rule of law. In Namibia crime has become a topical issue. The nation focuses its attention and its fears on the threat of crime. Rights which are guaranteed by the law particularly in the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia such as a right to liberty; to own property and right to dignity are violated by offenders with impunity. For many, the criminal justice ...

“Water Wars”: Legal Pluralism And Hydropolitics In Namibian Water Law

Abstract Namibia is the driest country in the SADC Region. Conflicts and multifarious questions about water are manifest. Central to the enquiry on water law in Namibia is the question as to who owns water in Namibia and what the implications are of the environmentally sensitive water law reforms introduced by Namibia. Research on miscellaneous issues under these two major themes was based on both empirical or field research and desk research. This required a combination of quantitative and ...

The Multiliteral Trade System And The African Regional Integration Systems: The Use Of Soft Law And Hard Law Strategies In The SADC, SACU And COMESA

The paper seeks to explore the relationship between the Multilateral Trade System (MTS) and the African Regional Integration System(s)(RIS). This is done through the analysis of norm formation on trade in Regional Integration Systems (RIS). In this analysis, the manner in which the African Regional Integration Systems use the soft and hard law strategies to reproduce themselves institutionally on trade issues is carefully explored . This is done by looking at specific case studies of COMES A,...

Investigating The Powers Of The Supreme Court Of Namibia To Reverse Its Own Decisions: A Case For Balancing The Interest Of Justice And The Doctrines Of Judicial Precedent And Res Judicata

ABSTRACT The rule of law informs acts and decisions according to prescribed rules and procedures to promote certainty, uniformity and consistency in the application of the law. This is expanded by the demands of the interest of justice and the well-entrenched common law doctrines of stare decisis (stand by the decided) and res judicata, which dictates that a competent court cannot revisit issues already determined. Article 81 of the Namibian Constitution, read with section 17 of the Supreme ...

Harmonization Of Competition Law In Southern Africa: The Correct Approach

ABSTRACT In the light of globalization, the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, and the establishment of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in 1992 and the Southern African Customs Union of 1969 (SACU), this research examines the approach (both internationally and regionally) towards one of the important disciplines, namely, competition policy. While the WTO-GATT Agreement of 1995, does not contain a chapter on competition law, Article 25 of the SADC P...

Do Supra-National Competition Authorities Resolve the Challenges of CrossBorder Merger Regulation in Developing and Emerging Economies? The Case of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern

Abstract The case for cross-border merger control and the need for a supranational merger control system has been debated upon and several scholars have written extensively on the subject. What is immediately evident from literature is that it is not easy to regulate such mergers because of the challenges encountered. The challenges are pronounced in developing and emerging economies (DEEs) as arguably they have less experience in the enforcement of merger laws and lack adequate resources for...

PSN Africa 282 PAGES (93661 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Role Of The Inter-Parliamentary Union In Strengthening Parliaments In Africa

ABSTRACT The parliament, as one of the institutions of democracy, is unique. For democracy to take root, citizens need ways to make their voices heard and incorporated into policy decisions. Parliaments provide such ways to articulate popular will. They serve as the peoples’ branch of government alongside the executive and the judicial branches as necessary institutions for democratic good governance. Parliaments in Africa face enormous capacity challenges, especially in countries where a s...

SSA Research 172 PAGES (44317 WORDS) Law Thesis

The parliament, as one of the institutions of democracy, is unique. For democracy to take root, citizens need ways to make their voices heard and incorporated into policy decisions. Parliaments provide such ways to articulate popular will. They serve as the peoples’ branch of government alongside the executive and the judicial branches as necessary institutions for democratic good  governance. Parliaments in Africa face enormous capacity challenges, especially in countries where a st...

A Comparative Appraisal Of The Practice And Procedure Of Courtconnected Alternative Dispute Resolution In Nigeria United States Of America And United Kingdom

ABSTRACT Court-connected Alternative Dispute Resolution (CCADR) or Multi Door Courthouse (MDC), adopted by two Nigerian States and the Federal Capital Territory, is the integration of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) into the court system to facilitate access to justice. Several studies have examined the operations of the three MDCs in Nigeria, but studies on their practice and procedure in Nigeria compared with those in the United States of America (USA) and the United Kingdom (UK) have...

A Comparative Appraisal Of The Practice And Procedure Of Courtconnected Alternative Dispute Resolution In Nigeria, United States Of America And United Kingdom

ABSTRACT Court-connected Alternative Dispute Resolution (CCADR) or Multi Door Courthouse (MDC), adopted by two Nigerian States and the Federal Capital Territory, is the integration of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) into the court system to facilitate access to justice. Several studies have examined the operations of the three MDCs in Nigeria, but studies on their practice and procedure in Nigeria compared with those in the United States of America (USA) and the United Kingdom (UK) have...

Evaluating Ghana‟s Regulatory Readiness for Safe Nuclear Power Generation Using International Law and Comparative Study Approaches

ABSTRACT The National Nuclear Research Institute of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) has over 16 years experience and good safety record in operating a 30kW Chinese-built tank-in-pool Miniature Neutron Source Reactor for research since 1995. Ghana however does not have a nuclear power plant. In 2007, Ghana officially expressed to the IAEA an interest in deploying a nuclear power plant to form part of the electricity grid to assist her achieve economic growth targets. Nuclear power re...

SSA Research 306 PAGES (100610 WORDS) Law Thesis
Is State Police the antidote for effective policing in Nigeria?

This study is embarked upon to ascertain the viability of state police in Nigeria and whether a state police model would be the antidote for effective policing in Nigeria. The study examines the policing system in Nigeria and the advocacy for change in how the country is being policed, this is against the backdrop of the centralized structure of the Nigeria Police Force(NPF) and the increased waning of confidence in its ability to effectively control the upsurge of violent crimes across the c...

Aisha Tosan 262 PAGES (88022 WORDS) Law Thesis

There has been arguments as to the existence of any form of Law in Africa before colonization by some authors like Driberg, Holleman, Smith and hosts of other; who denied the existence of African Philosophy of Law on the one part and others like Elias, Idowu and some other African authors; who had favourably argued the existence of African Philosophy of Law on the other part. This study intends to support the view of African authors that there exists African Philosophy of Law in Traditional...

196 - 210 Of 212 Results