f'his research report discussed debt management and the performance of an enterprise in motor care Uganda limited. Debt management is the process of establishing and executing a strategy lor managing the company's debt in order to raise the required amount of funding, achieve its risk and cost objectives, and to meet any other sovereign debt management goals the Company may have set. such as developing and maintaining an efficient market for Company securities. In the section two it looked at...
Mwanza is one of Tanzania's fastest growing urban areas, with various industries being put up in the city. Mwanza city comprising of Nyamagana and Ilemela districts, is not only the major industrial and commercial center of Mwanza region but also the largest industrial and commercial center in northwest Tanzania. It is the second largest city in Tanzania after Dar es Salaam. It covers a total of B3 7 km2 out of which 900km2 is covered with water and the remaining area is 437km2 is land. (Mwan...
This study is set out to asses the image, attitudes, and behavior on parents, teachers, and students on the studying science and mathematics and its performance to girl students. A case ofMoshi Municipality. It is the case whereby representatives of three groups that is teachers, parents and students with different age urge. However, the majority of respondents in the study claimed that, despite the efforts which government has been put to improve girl students from poor performing in SMT, st...
The research contains five chapters. The first chapter gives introduction to the topic in view which is on the effects of employee welfare on their level of performance. It also introduces to Windsor Golf hotel and country club which is the organization that the researcher intends to get comprehensive information fi·om. This is a hotel based industry, a fast growing and also a major source of revenue in our country and hence where welfare of all employees is of much essence. It indicates the...
This study sought to investigate the effect of family characteristics on placement of learners with mental retardation. A case study of Moyale School for the Mentally Retarded in Moyale County was taken. The study was guided by the following objectives; To identify the profile of respondents in terms of age, gender,marital status and work experience, to determine family characteristics of learners with mental retardation, to determine levels of mental retardation in institutions and to determ...
This study was carried out to investigate on the impact of budgeting on the performance of small scale businesses. It aimed at achieving the following objectives, to establish the impact of budgeting on organization performance to identify indicators of perfmmance in organization and to establish the relationship between budgeting and performance of organization. The study was carried out to establish the reasons why many organizations have continued to perform poorly despite management effmi...
A qualitative survey was carried out in 13 primary schools of Subukia educational zone with the purpose of examining the factors affecting the implementation of free primary education. The following objectives guided the study; to establish if the infrastructure affects the implementation of free primary education, To establish if physical facilities affects the implementation of free primary education in Subukla zone; To assess if quality of education has been affected by the implementation ...
This study was carried out in order determine the current mode of lecturer assessment at Kampala International University WC so as to come up vvith a better assessment method. Descriptive, explanatory and evaluative research designs were adopted in order to come up with valid and reliable information. Information was obtained from both primary and secondary sources. Secondary data and questionnaires were used to get information from the respondent. Research findings revealed that the current ...
The research therefore, found out that, poverty, children are forced into sexual practices by their parents, information technology, exposure to video shows, discos and music stages, corruption, domestic violence, restriction on children to express their views and lack of counselling prograimnes in schools. The study also found out that school drop outs, children die during pregnancy, children become helpless, children abandon their homes and subjection to sexually trai1smitted diseases are t...
The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is established under section 4 of NEA as the principal agency in Uganda for the management of the environment to coordinate, monitor and supervise all activities in the field of the environment. /s an institution sci up in May 1995 and became operational in December 1995, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has been since then an ever seen in the protection of the environment through sectors like the civil society, local go...
This study was to establish the relationship between income tax administration and profitability of small-scale business enterprises in Kampala Capital City, Kampala district. The study aimed at assessing the profitability of business enterprises in Kampala Capital City; finding out if taxpayers are aware of all their tax obligations, know how income tax is administered, policies and problems affecting them as well as their businesses. The study was guided by the following research objectives...
Training is important in building and improving skills and knowledge of people. In the US, 40% of adult are functionally illiterate, and experts have defined literate as individuals who have acquired a sixth grade education or level (Bihlander, et al: 2001). According to Sierra & Rico (1996), performance of primary school teachers in Spain who acquired specialty training in mathematics, music and foreign language improved. In the UK, newly qualified teachers serves probationary period of one ...
Despite the importance of pre-school as a foundation for the country's formal education, the Ministry of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The General objective of the study was to determine the impact of Free Primary Education on Early Childhood Education. The research study was conducted between January 2010 and November 2010. The study was carried in Waberi Zone, Garissa District. The study benefits the early childhood pupils since their well being is...
Recent research statistics has shown that the prevalence of girls dropping out of schools in Kenya is expanding rapidly to the distraction of the society. Kenyans cannot afford to complacent about it, thus there arises an immediate need to conduct an investigation on the factors responsible for school dropouts especially among the girls. The study adopted a descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the factors responsible for school drop out...
For many years, procurement has been advancing day by day due to technology changes .the manual system of direct buying and selling is being sized out slowly with the improvement in technology “electronic procurement” coming on board in the procurement sector Karehka (2008) explains Electronic procurement as the business to business purchase and sale of supplies and services over the internet. An important part of business to business sites E procurement is also referred to by other terms...
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