Law Research Papers/Topics

The Need for the Implementation of Age Discrimination Law in Nigeria

In Nigeria today the only types of anti-discrimination laws under the constitution or any other statute are discrimination based on gender, disability, religion and ethnicity; there is currently no law preventing age discrimination.  The United Kingdom in 2006 enacted the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations then the Equality Act of 2010. This acts prevents discrimination based on Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion o...

Customary Law Rule of Primogeniture and Its Discriminating Effects on Women’s Inheritance Right in Nigeria: A Call for Reformation

ABSTRACTTOPIC: Customary law rule of primogeniture and its discriminating effects on women’s inheritance right in Nigeria: A call for reformation.BODY:The patterns of inheritance particularly intestate estate under the customary law in Nigeria , have almost as many variations as there are ethnic groups in the country and many of the variations are discriminatory in practice. The perception of many societies in Nigeria that women are inferior to men adversely affects women’s right of inher...

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