ABTSRACT The level of criminal propensity in areas faced with massive poverty is quite high. compared to the economically upgraded areas. This research has one of its objectives as ascertaining the relationship between poverty and crime in Kenya. A number of studies may have been carried out on the causes of crime but specific attention has not been previously had to the relationship between crime and pove11y especially the offence of theft. It is pertinent to note as is done in this researc...
ABSTRACT With the rapid growth of democratic processes on the continent, elections have become part and parcel of public life and government has come up with a legal framework governing elections.1 Among the objectives that resulted into promulgation of the I 995 constitution were the need to base the state on democratic principles whic~ empower and encourage the active participation of all citizens in their own governance. It is therefore the duty of citizen to vote. However electoral malpr...
ABSTRACT I7ze study apprised the rights of freedom of expression and association in Uganda. A review of article 29 of 1995 constitution of Uganda. It was carried out with specific aims of identifYing the major causes qf violation of rights of ji-eedom of expression and association under article 29 of 199 5 constitution; appraising the extent to which rights of freedom of expression and association have been enjoyed and recommended a way of how restraint law should liberalized examine the...
ABSTRACT The study apprised the rights offreedom of expression and association in Uganda. A review of article 29 of 1995 constitution of Uganda. It was carried out with specific aims of identifying the major causes of violation of rights of ji-eedom of expression and association under article 29 of 1995 constitution; appraising the extent to which rights ofji-eedom of expression and association have been enjoyed and recommended a way of how restraint law should liberalized examine the c...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration .......................................................................................... . .i Dedication ............................................................................................. ii Acknowledgement. ................................................................................. .iii Table of contents .................................................................................... .iv List of abbreviations .................................
ABSTRACT This research sought to investigate the Employment industry and its laws and regulations in Uganda. Specifically the study looks at the contradictions within the Employment laws regarding labor rights and the therein as applied to Uganda. The objectives of the research are to find out in general how the employment laws and regulations are being applied in Uganda, assess their applicability establishing the cun-ent working conditions of Employees, review the Employment Regulatory Bod...
ABSTACT This is a study on the principle of judicial independence. This is a doctrine that has attained universal force which requires that in the perfonnance of its functions, the judiciary must act independently. The judiciary is the only institution that is entrusted with the role to protect the freedom and liberty of persons by way of interpreting the law. It therefore means that for efficient protection of personal freedom and liberty the judiciary must not be subject to any person or au...
A priority of health care policymakers in Uganda is to ensure that the vulnerable groups of people (particularly women of child birth, the poor, elderly, and children) have access to high quality health services. Policymakers try to ensure that access in terms of distance (or time taken) to a health facility and cost are affordable to these groups and therefore not a deterrent to health service utilization. Consequently, a sizeable proportion of public resources may go to construction of addi...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................................
ABSTRACT This paper discusses the effect of media laws on media freedoms. Considering the media as part and parcel of civil society, the author argues that media independence is critical to in the achievement of a tree and democratic society. To do so, it traces the historical evolution of Media in Uganda showing how they have progressed over the years. However, it is postulated that the growth of democracy in Uganda can be grearly enhanced b) the support of media. Therefore the media laws s...
ABSTRACT The study focused on the Impact of Gender Law on Domestic Violence with particular interest in different communities in Kenya. The objective of this study sought to find out the causes of domestic violence and assess the impact of gender law on domestic violence. The research also resorts to investigate the possible solution to domestic violence. The selection and identification of 150 people was based on random selection of different community to represent the entire population. The...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION A ....................................................................................................... i DECLARATION B ...................................................................................................... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. iii CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................... ! THE PROBL...
ABSTRACT This paper is on the analysis of the Law on protection and conservation on forest resource in Uganda, carried out in Mukono District with the aim among others to identify the lacunae associated with forest law. The evils done on the forests which involve the ignoring of the rules and regulations, the political interference, illegal harvesting and trading of forest products and irrational use of forests are all explained. This study is basically doctrinal and the researcher has visit...
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION .... ......... .... ............. .... ........... .................... ..... ... .................... ........... ................. ... ......... ... iv DEDICATION .............................................................................................. ............................................. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .. ... ...... .. .. .... .. ...................................... ..................... .... .. ... .... .... .. .... .... ..... .... ........ ...
Abstract This dissertation evaluates the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) as one of the modalities of addressing the 2007 post-election violence and the culture of impunity that has marred Kenya. It scrutinizes the credibility of the TJRC and examines to what extent it meets international standards. The dissertation assesses the circumstances leading to the formation (TJRC), its composition, objectives, mandate and powers. The research analyzes the complimentarity principl...