Molecular Medicine Research Papers/Topics

Molecular characterization of Plasmodium falciparum PHISTb proteins as potential targets of naturally-acquired immunity against malaria [version 2; peer review: 3 approved with reservations]

Abstract: Background: Plasmodium falciparum causes the deadliest form of malaria in humans. Upon infection, the host’s infected red blood cells (iRBCs) are remodelled by exported parasite proteins in order to provide a niche for parasite development and maturation.Methods: Here we analysed the role of three PHISTb proteins Pf3D7_0532400, Pf3D7_1401600, and Pf3D7_1102500 by expressing recombinant proteins and evaluated antibody responses against these proteins using immune sera from malaria...

Molecular detection of Leishmania donovani, Leishmania major, and Trypanosoma species in Sergentomyia squamipleuris sand flies from a visceral leishmaniasis focus in Merti sub-County, eastern

Abstract: Background: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) are of public health concern in Merti sub-County, Kenya, but epidemiological data on transmission, vector abundance, distribution, and reservoir hosts remain limited. To better understand the disease and inform control measures to reduce transmission, we inves‑tigated the abundance and distribution of sand fy species responsible for Leishmania transmission in the sub-County and their blood-meal hos...

Molecular characterization of Trypanosoma vivax in tsetse flies confirms the presence of the virulent Tvv4 genotype in Kenya: Potential implications for the control of trypanosomiasis in Shim

Abstract: Trypanosoma vivax is a vector-borne protozoan parasite of livestock endemic to Africa and South America. To date, fifteen genotypes of the parasite have been described in vertebrate and insect hosts in East Africa. However, information regarding T. vivax diversity remains limited in many endemic countries in the sub-region, including Kenya. Such information could deepen insight into the local epidemiology of animal trypanosomiasis in Shimba Hills, a wildlife area in southeast Kenya...