ABSTRACT Breast self-examination (BSE) is a screening method used to detect early breast cancer which involves the woman herself looking at and feeling each breast for possible lumps, distortions and Swellings. The main aim of the study was to determine the knowledge, attitude, and practice of SBE among mothers who attend maternal child health clinic at Kabwohe health center IV. The study took place at the health center IV. A disproportionate stratified sampling technique was used to select...
ABSTRACTThe study focused on factors affecting health workers in implementation of EMTCT services atBushenyi Health Centre IV and the objectives of the study were, to find out the health workerbased factors affecting health workers in implementation of EMTCT services, to establishmaternal based factors affecting health workers in implementation of EMTCT services and toassess mothers, knowledge in relation to participating in EMTCT services at Bushenyi healthCentre IV. The study was carried ou...
ABSTRUCTIntroduction: Insulin is a drug used in the treatment of diabetes type one. Patients must be actively involved in self-administration and hence it requires them to be much more equipped with good knowledge and practices towards use of insulin. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to assess the knowledge and practices of diabetic patients on insulin self-medication attending KIU-TH medical ward.Methodology: The study was descriptive cross-sectional, Quantitative ...
ABSTRACTIn Mulago national referral hospital Kampala, Uganda, 57% of the nurses and midwives had at least experienced one needle stick injury in the past year. The most important risk factors for Needle Stick Accidents (NSA) was lack of training on such injuries, working for more than 40 hours per week, recapping needles for most of the time and not using gloves. To assess health workers’ knowledge, attitude and practices about prevention and management of Needle St...
ABSTRACTThe literature on mental illness demonstrates poor knowledge of mental illness amongthe general population and also indicates that people often have stigmatizing attitudestowards mental illness.A descriptive cross-sectional study and quantitative approaches were employed in datacollection and 67 respondents were involved both males and females who were selectedusing simple random sampling method.The results indicated that generally knowledge on mental illness was poor althoughmajority...
ABSTRACTThis research was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of mothers towards caesariansection among mothers attending MCH clinics at Rwekubo HCIV Isingiro District. Thestudy was conducted from 60 respondents using a descriptive cross sectional studydesign in which the quantitative data was collected for assessing the knowledge andattitudes of mothers towards CS. From the study, a majority 55 (91.7%) of the mothershad knowledge about caesarian section and 40 (66.7%) had ever undergone th...
AbstractThe continuing rates of aneaemia among children under 5 years has left many wondering whether mothers or caretakers of these children are knowledgeable about the factors contributing to anaemia among children under 5 years in paediatric ward in Kitagata hospital. The study was conducted to explore the factors contributing to anaemia among children under 5 years at Kitagata hospital.It was a descriptive and cross sectional study design and a total of 30 respondents who were care takers...