Applied Mathematics Research Papers/Topics

Modeling of liver cancer risk factors and dynamics at community level

Abstract/Overview Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a malignant cancer of the liver arising from uncontrolled multiplication of the abnormal liver cells. It is an ignored public health condition where patients come late to the hospital at terminal stages. Its development is proceeded by liver inflammation arising from the risk factors of HCC affecting the liver. HCC is one of the few cancers with both infectious and non-infectious causes. The common causes range from infections with viral...

Mathematical modelling of liver cancer in Western Kenya

Abstract/Overview Liver cancer, also known as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a primary cancer of the liver and the fifth cause of mortality world-wide. It is a global public health problem which is poorly addressed in the developing countries. Data on prevalence and incidence is scanty leading to inability to predict the burden of HCC in the developing world and this leads to poor policy framework for management and control of HCC. More-over, management and control of HCC is poorly add...

On Characterization of Very Rotund Banach Spaces

Abstract/Overview It is known that the Hilbert space H is the most rotund space among all Banach spaces. The question whether if a normed space X is a rotund Banach space implies we can obtain other most rotund spaces is still open and represents one of the most interesting and studied problems. In this paper we investigate if there exists other most rotund Banach spaces. It is shown that Frechet spaces are very rotund and also uniformly rotund.

On Compactness of Similarity Orbits of Norm-Attainable Operators

Abstract/Overview The notion of compactness plays an important role in analysis. It has been extensively discussed on both metric and topological spaces. Various properties of compactness have been proved under the underlying spaces. However, if we consider these sets to be from similarity orbits of norm-attainable operators; little has been done to investigate their compactness. In this paper, we introduce the concept of compactness of similarity orbits of norm-attainable operators in as...

Characterization of Norm-Attainable Operators

Abstract/Overview In this paper we characterize norm-attainable elementary operators, we show that ๐›ฟ ๐‘ƒ,๐‘„ is norm-attainable if both P and Q are norm-attainable and๐›ฟ๐‘ƒ,๐‘„ is norm-attainable ๐›ฟ๐‘ƒ,๐‘„if is normally represented.

On denseness of similarity orbits of norm-attainable operators

Abstract/Overview The notion of dense sets has been extensively discussed on both metric and topological spaces. Various properties of the sets have been proved under the underlying spaces. However, if we consider these sets to be from similarity orbits where a topology has been developed on them, little has been done to investigate their denseness. In this paper, we introduce the concept of denseness of similarity orbits of norm-attainable operators in aspect of generalized sets in topol...

On Centre Properties of Irreducible Subalgebras of Compact Elementary Operators

Abstract/Overview In this paper, we characterize the centre of dense irreducible subalgebras of compact elementary operators that are spectrally bounded. We show that the centre is a unital, irreducible and commutative Cโˆ— -subalgebra. Furthermore, the supports from the centre are orthogonal and the intersection of a nonzero ideal with the centre is non-zero.

Properties of Spectrally Bounded Compact Elementary Operators

Abstract/Overview Spectrally bounded compact elementary operators on dense irreducible subalgebras of C โˆ— -algebras are characterized. Also, it is shown that left multiplications, right multiplications, generalized derivations and basic elementary operators are spec trally bounded compact elementary operators. Furthermore, several properties of spectrally bounded compact elementary operators such as completeness, convergence, continuity and total boundedness in a general Banach setting ...

Numerical Analysis of Holling Type Ii Functional Response Predator-Prey Model with Time Delay Optimal Selective Harvesting

Abstract/Overview Population dynamics indicate the changes in size and composition of population through time, as well as biotic and abiotic factors influencing those changes. Predator-prey (PP) relationship with harvesting and functional response involving prey refuge with Holling type I functional response (HTIFR) has been studied with recommendations on their extension to include Holling type II functional response (HTIIFR). There persists a problem in fifinding the numerical solution ...

On norm preserving conditions for local automorphisms of commutative banach algebras

Abstract/Overview Many studies on preserver problems have been focusing on linear preserver problems in matrix theory. Kadison and Sourour showed that the local derivations of Von Neumann algebras are continous linear maps which coincide with some derivation at each point in the algebra over the field of complex numbers. Most of the studies have been focusing on the spectral norm preserver and rank preserver problems of linear maps on matrix algebras but not on norm preserver problems for...

Estimation of Population Mean Using Three-Stage Optional RRT Model in the Presence of Measurement Errors under Stratified Two-Phase Sampling

Abstract/Overview In the present study, the problem of estimation of the finite population mean of a sensitive study variable using the three-stage optional Randomized Response Technique (RRT) model under measurement errors is addressed. A generalized class of estimators is proposed using a mixture of auxiliary attribute and variable. Some members of the proposed generalized class of estimators are identified and studied. The bias and mean square error expressions for the proposed estimat...

On Norm Estimates for Derivations in Norm-Attainable Classes

Abstract/Overview In this note, we provide detailed characterization of operators in terms of norm-attainability and norm estimates in Banach algebras. In particular, we establish the necessary and su๏ฌƒcient conditions for norm-attainability of the derivations and also give their norm bounds in the norm attainable classes.

Completely Positive Map from M4(C) to M5(C) on Positive Semidefinite Matrices

Abstract/Overview Positive Maps Are Essential In the Description of Quantum Systems. However, Characterization Of The Structure Of The Set Of All Positive Maps Is A Challenge In Mathematics And Mathematical Physics. We Construct A Linear Positive Map From M4 To M5 And State The Conditions Under Which They Are Positive And Completely Positive (Copositivity Of Positive).

Reconstructing Global Earth Observation Based Vegetation Index Records with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Approach

Abstract/Overview Long-term Earth observation based vegetation index records have been used extensively by researchers to assess vegetation response to global climate variability and change. However, the records exhibit multiple temporal gaps due to spectral and radiometric inconsistencies that inhibit accurate assessment of land surface vegetation dynamics. Here, we propose a new reconstruction procedure that approximates Bayesian time series model by using integrated nested Laplace appr...

Forecasting Monthly Sugar Cane Yields Using Box-Jenkinโ€™s Predictive Models in Kenya

Abstract/Overview Sugarcane is the main raw material in the production of sugar in Kenya. The supply of sugarcane affects directly the quantity of sugar supplied in the markets. Low supply of sugarcane leads to a decline in the amount of sugar supplied to the markets and vice versa. This creates the need of determining the quantity of sugarcane supplied by the farmers to the industries to facilitate planning. This study employed Box Jenkins predictive models in forecasting the monthly qua...

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