Applied Mathematics Research Papers/Topics

Convergence theorems for a fixed point of η-demimetric mappings in banach spaces

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to propose and investigate an algorithm for solving a fixed point of η-demimetric mappings. We establish the strong convergence of the proposed algorithm under some mild conditions in Banach spaces. We apply these results to obtain new strong convergence theorems which are connected with the η-demimetric fixed point problems in Hilber/Banach spaces.

On dynamics of heart rate variability

Abstract: Heart rate variability refers to the variations in time interval between successive heart beats. An understanding of its dynamics can have clinical importance since it can help distinguish persons with healthy heart beats from those without. Our aim in this thesis was to characterise the dynamics of the human heart rate variabilty from three different groups: normal, heart failure and atrial fibrillation subjects. In particular, we wanted to establish if the dynamics of heart rat...

Modelling substance abuse in Botswana in presence of multiple amelioration stages and outpatient rehabilitation, optimal control and fractional-order dynamics

Abstract: Substance abuse in Botswana is a growing problem with a variety of drugs being abused including cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana and alcohol among others. At the front line of attempting to address the drug abuse problem is the Botswana Substance Abuse and Support Network (BoSASNet) which operates outpatient rehabilitation and support ser vices that constitute its clinical programme. Due to the criminalisation and stigma associated with drug use and dealing in drugs, the...

Research Proposal on the Mathematical Model of Three Flaviviruses

Majorly, the world has experienced and is experiencing several outbreaks of infectious diseases that has resulted into an epidemic. The call for proper evaluation and optimal control strategies for such outbreaks is of topmost priority and also reduction or eradication of such infectious disease is paramount. Mathematical models have been developed to this effect to determine, evaluate, predict the spread and ascertain any future effect of such infectious diseases. Our main focus will be main...


Overtime the parameters commonly used to measure the population of a location are number of population in figure, population density in and population growth in percentage. These parameters are not enough to quantify the intensity of the population of the entities of a place. The previous methods of measuring population which are number of population in figure and population density in have huge, lengthy and large figure which is difficult to work with and interpret. Knowing the magnitud...

Establishment of Kifilideen coefficient tables for positive and negative powers of n and −n of Kifilideen trinomial theorem and other development based on matrix and standardized methods

The generation of coefficients of terms of positive and negative powers of n and −n of Kifilideent rinomial theorem as the terms are progress is stressful and time-consuming which the same problem is identified with coefficients of terms of binomial theorem of positive and negative powers of n and −n. This slows the process of producing the series of any particular trinomial expansion. This study established Kifilideen coefficient tables for positive and negative powers of n and −n ...

Generation of Kifilideen’s Generalized Matrix Progression Sequence of Infinite Term

Considering a cluster of different hierarchical order with various barrier or cadre levels and steps within levels, there is no availability of a structural framework to help exclusively analyze, formulate, identify, differentiate, and design standardized provisional values to cluster members at various barrier levels and steps within levels. This study designs stepwise analysis, generation, and applications of Kifilideen’s Matrix Structural Framework for an infinite term of increasing...

Latest Article on Mathematical Modelling of Novel Coronavirus

This is an incomplete analysis with a mathematical model of the novel coronavirus that aims at presenting a mathematical model that will help give a suitable prediction of the impact of asymptomatic patients who are either diagnosed or undiagnosed. Also, it would be used in estimating the impact of delayed or prompt treatment with individuals who are already tested or diagnosed. 

Stepwise Analysis and Generation of Kifilideen Matrix Structural Framework for Infinite terms of Kifilideen Generalized Matrix Progression Sequence

Considering a cluster of different hierarchical order with various barrier/cadre levels and steps within levels, there is non availability of structural framework to help to exclusively analysis, formulate, identify, differentiate and design standardized provisional values to cluster members at various barriers levels and steps with levels. This study invents stepwise analysis and generation of Kifilideen matrix structural framework for infinite terms of increasing elements of successive co...

A.M. KIFILIDEEN Era of Generalization of Kifilideen Matrix Progression Sequence for Finite Terms with Decreasing Members for the Groups and (h+1) Members in the First Group

Kifilideen matrix had been in existence which emanate from the Kifilideen trinomial theorem for the arrangement of power combination of each term of the Kifilideen trinomial expansion in sequential order. The continuous interaction with the pattern, progression and sequential order in which the power combination of the positive and negative power of and of Kifilideen trinomial theorem are arranged in the Kifilideen matrix give incite that a general sequence can be developed to follow thi...

Four and Five Figures of Kifilideen (Power of Base 11) and Antikifilideen (Antipower of Base 11) Tables as a Tool For Mathematics Computation

The four-figure of power of base numbers of tables needs to be created for easy synchronization with the existing Logarithm table of power of base 10 which is working on four figures. Although the five-figure of power base numbers of tables are more accurate because it is having less approximation in its establishment. The four-figure table is easy to compute doing utilization because it is having less digits to work with. This paper presents the four and five figures of Kifilideen (Powe...

A Mathematical Model for the Transmission Dynamics of Malaria in Eastern Uganda: A case Study of Butaleja District

Abstract A deterministic mathematical model for studying the transmission dynamics of malaria in Butaleja district was developed using ordinary differential equations (ODEs) where hinnans and mosquitoes interact and infect each other. fhe model has live non - linear differential equa tions with two state variables for mosquitoes (S,~anc I,, ) and three state variables for humans (S~ I~ and A,~) The available literature on previous work in this area was reviewed. Susceptible humans (S, ) are i...


The sequence of the power combination of expansion of the Kifilideen trinomial theorem of positive power of N is arranged in groups and patterns. Having a clearer view or picture of how the formulas of the components of the Kifilideen trinomial expansion were derived can lead to the discovery of formulating formulas for the series and sequences which follows the same pattern of progression as that of the trinomial expansion where series and sequence are not generated from trinomial expan...


This paper presents the four and five figures of Lekan (Power of base 5) and AntiLekan (Antipower of base 5) tables as a tool for mathematical computation.

Proofs for the Four Fundamental Equations of the Backpropagation and Algorithms in Feedforward Neural Networks

This paper will focus on proving the four fundamental equations of the backpropagation. Then I will show how to use this algorithm combined with the stochastic gradient descent technique to implement the network for recognizing the handwritten digits. Parts of the proof are provided by the author Michael Nielsen in his online book Neural Networks and Deep Learning. Meanwhile, this paper will provide more details of his proofs and some basic definitions of gradient.

1 - 15 Of 91 Results