Applied Statistics Research Papers/Topics

Modeling the Impact of Traveling Time on the Utilization of Maternity Services Using Routine Health Facility Data in Siaya County, Western Kenya

Abstract/Overview In Kenya, no studies have attempted to use routine health facility data disaggregated by level of care, to find out if there is a significant statistical relationship between physical accessibility and utilization of maternity services at the ward administrative level. A cross-sectional study design used publicly available geospatial data in combination with routine data from the web-based district health information software (DHIS2) platform. Access Mod (version 5.2.6) ...

Technical efficiency in public hospitals in Kenya: a two –stage data envelopment analysis

Abstract/Overview The paper uses the DEA technique to estimate efficiency scores in Kenyan public hospitals and then applies the Tobit regression to study inter-hospital variation in the scores. The DEA analysis reveals that small hospitals are more efficient than large hospitals, with efficiency levels ranging from 74-91% in small DMUs and from 57-78% in large DMUs. Tobit regression analysis shows efficiency scores are negatively correlated with the hospital’s distance from the manager...