Environmental Biology Research Papers/Topics

Management of Tuta absoluta with introduced and native biocontrol agents

Abstract: Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L. (Solanaceae) is severely damaged by the South American tomato moth, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Surveys among producers confirmed that the use of synthetic insecticides increased since the invasion of T. absoluta. The risks associated with the residual effect of insecticides in edible food and the negative effects it may have on ecosystem services,also increased. The aim of this project was to investigate the management of T. ...

Species composition and pollinator efficiency of Ocimum Kilimandscharicum flower visitors along Kakamega forest ecosystem

Abstract: Pollination is an important ecosystem service in the maintenance of biodiversity and most importantly in food production as it brings about fruit formation and seed production. Pollination is, however, on the decline due to several factors including habitat loss, exotic pest invasions, pollution, overharvesting, and land use changes. The Ocimum kilimandscharicum plant is known for its medicinal values and has gained more attention locally and internationally for its commercial use ...

Diversity and Pollination Activity of Flower Visiting Insects Associated with Avocado along the Slopes of Taita Hills in Kenya

Abstract: Avocado is a horticultural crop of increasing economic importance in Kenya and around the world. Avocado production has been declining partly due to inadequate pollination. This decline in avocado pollination is currently linked to habitat fragmentation and climate change that negatively affects insect pollinators, especially in high altitude areas such as Taita Hills in coastal Kenya. However, there is scarcity of information on avocado flower visiting insects in Taita Hills. The ...