ABSTRACT This study examined the spatial preference of urban residential location in Osogbo. It identified the types and qualities of residential housing units in Osogbo; described the spatial pattern of residential neighbourhood in Osogbo; and examined the factors influencing the choice of residential location in Osogbo. The data obtained for this work were derived from primary and secondary sources. Primary data were obtained through field observation and with the use...
ABSTRACT This study examines the spatial and temporal changes in land use and land cover of Madalla in Suleja Local Government Area (LGA) of Niger State between 1984 and 2013, as well as, the rate of change, factors responsible and suggests measures on how to check the trend in order to maintain sustainable development. The study utilized ILWIS 3.3 software for the processing and classification of the tri-date (19...
This work is a project on Perception of Noise Pollution in Jos North LGA of Plateau State Aim and Objectives The main aim of this research is to investigate the perception of noise pollution on residents ofJos North LGA, while its specific objectives will include: To determine the socio – economic background of residents of Jos North LGA.To determine the perceptual level of noise pollution in Jos North LGA.To determine the sources of noise pollution in Jos North LGA.To determine the effects...
The work is on the distribution pattern of filling station in Benin metropolis, it also shows the conformity of filling stations in regards to the rules and regulations of the DPR (Department of Petroleum Resources) in Nigeria.
ABSTRACT In Nigeria and particularly in Zaria city of Kaduna state, open dumping is still the most common household waste disposal method/practice. This type of practice is un hygienic and environmentally unfriendly. This research is aimed at effective household waste management practices in the study area. The research found that there are some other types of management or disposal method in practice in the study area, these include the use of packing and burning, dumping in pits outside the...
ABSTRACT This study examines the socio-economic problems of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Yerwa district of Maiduguri Borno State. There are IDPs in host communities apart from those in government IDPs camps, taking a host community of Yerwa district as my study area, to research on their socio economic problems, to analyze their demographic characteristics of the IDPs and the economic conditions of IDPs in Yerwa district. In my attempt to analyze and address the problem we used pers...
ABSTRACT This project examines the use of GIS and Remote Sensing in mapping Land Use Land Cover in Ilorin between 1972 and 2001 so as to detect the changes that has taken place in this status between these periods. Subsequently, an attempt was made at projecting the observed land use land cover in the next 14 years. In achieving this, Land Consumption Rate and Land Absorption Coefficient were introduced to aid in the quantitative assessment of the change. The result of the work shows a rapid ...
ABSTRACT Transport services are inadequate in quality and qualitative terms in most developing countries such as Nigeria which, relies on the importation of fairly used vehicles to meet the travel demands. The poor service delivery of transport system had created impediment towards the smooth movement of people, goods and services in some of urban centres in Nigeria. This study is designed to investigate the quality of transport services in Ibadan metropolis. The study area covered the eleven...