Accounting and Finance Research Papers/Topics

The Effect Of Asset And Liability Management On Profitability Of Commercial Banks In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Asset and Liability Management (ALM) becomes an important and critical issue in financial institutions particularly in commercial banks. The uncertainty of returns expected from their assets, risks associated with those assets and the need of liquidity enforces banks to give more attention for their assets and liability composition. Therefore, this study sought to examine the effect of asset and liability management on profitability of commercial banks in Tanzania. Specific objectiv...

The Relationship Between Portfolio Selection And Performance Of Large Capitalization Stocks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Stock markets form a very important component of wealth generation and wealth redistribution in the Kenyan economy. Given that Kenya is one of the fast Developing countries Africa, it has attracted a wide range of investors both local and foreign who have a high appetite in investing in local firms which have a high growth potential. Moreover, the Kenyan economy is growing at a significantly positive way reflecting to an increase in disposable income for the population such that they...

Factors Influencing Capital Structure Of Manufacturing Companies Listed At Dar Es Salaam Stock Exchange (Dse)

ABSTRACT The manufacturing sector in Tanzania is ranked as third most important to the Tanzania‟s economy after Agriculture and Tourism. However, the sector‟s internal financing is insufficient. The general objective of the study was to examine the factors which influence the capital structure of the manufacturing companies listed at Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange. The „study used a sample of five manufacturing companies listed at Dar es salaam Stock Exchange, to represent all listed man...


Abstract: The study’s main goal was to examine the influence of employee empowerment on employee performance in organizations. The descriptive research design with a focus of questionnaire instruments developed around the main variables for the study. The target population for the study included all the 264 officers of Goaso Divisional of the Ghana Police Service. Out of which a sample of 132 officers invited to participate in the study using the stratified sampling technique. Data was anal...

Effect Of Capital Investment On Stock Returns Among Selected Non-Financial Listed Companiies At Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

ABSTRACT Company’s investments are one of the factors that affect the market capitalization mainly because investment decisions are associated with the decisions about the allocation and the use of funds for the short-term and long-term purposes. Capital investment decisions are also irreversible and highly risky, thus a wrong investment decision can lead companies even to financial distress, which may negatively affect the firm’s stock returns. This study therefore sought to determine th...

Effect Of Integrated Financial Management Information System On Performance Of Public Finance: A Case Of County Government Of Kisumu

ABSTRACT The Government of Kenya in its endeavor to enhance service delivery and accountability in the public finance management has introduced Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) for all its financial and accounting processes such as revenue collection, fiscal planning, supply chain management and expenditure control. Since its inception in 2003, it is evident that IFMIS implementation has had challenges in driving day-to-day operations of the government systems. A num...

Effect Of Risk Based Audit Practices On Financial Performance In Selected Public Owned Sugar Companies In Kenya

ABSTRACT Risk based internal auditing being a methodology that links internal auditing to an organization’s overall risk management framework, provides risk management process, annual audit planning, internal audit capacity and internal auditing standards which improves the efficiency of the internal control system of an organization thereby improving the overall financial performance. Existing literature demonstrate that RBA has capacity of risk identification and reduction i.e. its adopti...

Effects Of Board Structure To The Financial Performance Of The Listed Manufacturing Firms In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Since independence in 1961, the government of Tanzania invested heavily in manufacturing sector allowing it to grow smoothly. Despite improvement in macroeconomic stability in the 2000s, the performance of Tanzania‟s manufacturing sector remains unimpressive. It is believed that a good composition of board structure is necessary to ensure sound financial performance of manufacturing firms. Therefore, this study examines the effects of board structure to the financial performance o...

The Role Of Consulting Firms On The Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Tanzania: The Case Of Dodoma Region

ABSTRACT The role of consulting services from the consulting firms like SIDO, Audit and Accounting Firms, and Ministry of Industry and commerce for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) growth and sustainability is poorly known especially their influence in the SMEs performance. The main objective of this study was to examine the role of consulting services in the performance of SMEs, using Dodoma Region as a case study. The study used a cross-sectional design method to collect data from one p...

Factors Influencing Revenue Collection In Selected Local Government Authorities In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study examines factors affecting revenue collection in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania. Specifically, the study focused on identifying revenue sources in selected six LGAs (Kilolo, Uvinza, Nyang’wale, Rorya, Chemba and Kakonko), to determine the influence of internal control system in revenue collection, organization factors, and individual characteristics of the responsible personnel in revenue collection in selected LGAs. A cross section research design was employed...

Factors Influencing Management Of Donor Funded Water Projects In Dar-Es-Salaam Region

ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining factors influencing management of donor-funded water projects in Dar es Salaam region. Specifically, the study focused on determining the influence of project monitoring and evaluation capacity of contractors and political influence on management of donor-funded water projects in Dare es Salaam region respectively. The study used a cross sectional research design and a sample of 49 respondents was involved. Data collection methods included interview, que...

Corporate Governance and Its Impact On Capital Structure Of SMEs In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Despite the good development and vital role played by SMEs in Tanzania the corporate governance of SMEs and its effects on capital structure has been a puzzle. Therefore, this study assesses the impact of corporate governance on capital structure of SMEs in Tanzania. The study examined board compositions, board size, number of non-executive directors and CEO duality on capital structure. The study adopted causal research design where simple random sampling was used to select 400 SMEs...

The Influence Of Intellectual Capital On Financial Performance Of Manufacturing Firms In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Intellectual capital is considered as a knowledge that is of value to the business organization. Despite vast of studies in intellectual capital (IC), the status has remained unknown with regard to Africa, Tanzania in specifics. This research intended to study the influence of intellectual capital on financial performance of manufacturing firms in Tanzania. The study employed quantitative research approach and diagnostic research design to measure the influence of intellectual capita...

Tax Revenue Instability In Tanzania From 1996 To 2015 - Causes And Consequences

ABSTRACT This study examined tax revenue instability, and its consequences in Tanzania from 1996 to 2015. To identify the determinants of revenue stability, this study adopted case study analysis. The study mainly based on secondary data maintained by the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) and World Development Indicators (WDI). The dependent variables in this study are Public spending and Public Investment which have regressed against revenue instability as an independent variable. Overall tax...

The Influence Of Rural Microcredit Facilities On Post-Harvest Practices And Adoption Of Technologies In Tanzania: A Case Of Gairo District

ABSTRACT Microcredit is now important for agriculture, innovation, post harvest practices and adoption of technologies. This study was proposed to explore the types of microcredit facilities that finance the households in rural areas to adopt PHT and PHP in Gairo District, the pressing constraints against access to microcredit among households in Gairo District. The study was further extended into looking at the effect of access to microcredit on the adoption of PHT and PHP in Gairo District....

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