Accounting Research Papers/Topics

The Impact of Internal Audit in Nigeria Manufacturing Industries (A Case Study of Heritage Pure Water Industries Ltd Ilorin Kwara State)

TABLE CONTENT Title page                                                                      i Certification                                                                  ii Dedication                                                                     iii Acknowledgement         ...

The Relevance of Accounting Information in Management Decision Making (A Case Study of Okin Biscuit Nigeria Limited, Offa)

ABSTRACT The project concentrates mostly on the relevance of accounting information to the management decision-making process of which Okin Biscuit Nigeria limited of is the case study. Financial accounting deals with the periodic measurement and reporting of the profit or loss and asset and liabilities of the organization and the Balance sheet of the year ended. The balance sheet is a statement of financial position and its report is on the status of the assets as individual items as a cla...

The Effect of Budgetary Control on the Profit Performance of Companying in Nigeria (A Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1             Background to the study 1.2             Statement of research problem 1.3             Objectives of the study 1.4             Scope of the study 1.5             Significant of the study 1.6             Hypothesis testing 1.7             Limitation of the study 1.8      �...

Cooperate Objective and Disclosure of Accounting Data (A Case Study of Seven-Up Bottling Company Plc Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Pages Certification Dedication Acknowgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1      Background of the study 1.2      Statement of the problem 1.3      Objectives of the study 1.4      Significance of the study 1.5      Scope and limited of the study 1.6      Definition of terms   CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1      Accounting information report 2.2      Objective of an enterprises 2.3      Conflicting objec...

The use of Accounting Information in Public Corporation (A Case Study of NNPC, Ilorin)

TITLE PAGE                                                                                                   CERTIFICATION                                                                                            DEDICATION                                         ...

An Evaluation of Share and Security Dealing in the Nigeria Capital Market (A Case Study of Nigeria Stock Exchange Lagos)

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The importance of a capital market as a catalyst of economic growth and development through its ability to mobilize surplus funds for investment purposes has long been realized. It is not surprising. Therefore those countries all over the world strive to build a solid capital market with a verity of financial instruments and dynamic instrument capable of enhancing the “National wealth”. A capital market exists to assist in the transfer of found from the “excess...

Assessing the Problems of Financial Management in Local Government (A Case Study of Ilorin South Local Government)

     INTRODUCTION Financial Management is primarily concerned with the management process of planning the provision and effective utilization of funds.  In the context of this study, financial management is more than mere receipt and disbursement of funds.  It entails the proper use of available resources which are usually limited financial resources for the accomplishment of set goals and objective which would have been arrived at through and arduous and painful process of choosing amon...

An Evaluation of the Relationship Between Literature and Practice of Tax Revenue in Local Government of Nigeria (A Case Study Of Isin Local Government Area Of Kwara State)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of Contents Chapter one: Introduction 1.1         Background of the Study 1.2         Statement of the Research Problem 1.3         Objective of the Study 1.4         Significance of the Study 1.5         Research Questions 1.6         Scope of the Study 1.7         Limitation of the Study 1.8         Study Plan 1.9         Definition of Key Ter...

An Evaluation of Accounting System in a Media Organization (A Case Study of Nta Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                     PAGE TITLE PAGE                                                      CERTIFICATION                                                DEDICATION                   �...

An Assessment of the Relevance of Audit Practice in Business Organisation in Nigeria (A Case Study of Dunlop Nig. Ltd Lagos)

TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE                                                                                                   CERTIFICATION                                                                                            DEDICATION                               �...

An Assessment of Financial Statement in Decision Making (A Case Study of Cocacola Company, Ilorin)

ABSTRACT An assessment of financial statement in decision making is of great important in any organization the coca cola in ilorin. Assessment and statement in decision making. However the prominent of financial and other decision making cannot be over emphasized most especially in coca cola depot. Chapter one contain the historical background of the coca cola which happen to be the mother of companies. Chapter two contain literature review, the introduction, the concept of the study and ...

An Assessment of Audit Practice in Business Organisation in Nigeria (A Case Study of Okin Biscuit Nig. Plc, Ijagbo, Offa)

TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE                                                                                                                  CERTIFICATION                                                                                            DEDICATION                 ...

An Appraisal of the Effective Of Globalization on the Nigeria Capital Market (A Case Study of the Lagos Stock Exchange)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                               i Certification                                                                           ii Dedication                                                                    ...

An Appraisal Of Accounting Ratio in Measuring Corporate Performance ( A Case Study of Texaco Nig., Ilorin Branch)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Proposal Table of content CHAPTER ONE   1.0      Introduction 1.1      Statement of Problem 1.2      Purpose of the Study         1.3      Research Methodology 1.4      Significant of Study 1.5      Definition of Terms 1.6      Limitation, and Scope of Study 1.7      Plan of the Study CHAPTER TWO 2.1      Literature Review 2.2      Uses of Finan...

Critical Evaluation of Accounting System in Non-Profit Making Organizations (A Case Study of Kwara State Water Coporation Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                               i Certification                                                                           ii Dedication                                                                   �...

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