ABSTRACT SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is suitable progressively more essential nowadays. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) supports the strategy for goal of the business. Standard of web services along with their implementations are the Key for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Successful implementations are growing for these technologies. Therefore solving wider business issues involves SOA designing at high quality at the premature period. Within the article there is a motivati...
ABSTRACT This term paper presents the subject matter in a simple, coherent and critical manner. It takes the reader from an introductory to a higher level gradually this work provides basic knowledge of what company asset as a security for bank lending is all about, the framework within which the bank conduct their operation concerning banking lending is been discussed. The reader with a desire to have a general knowledge about using company asset as a security for bank lending will find h...
ABSTRACT The banking industry has been known to provide lending to support activities of Corporate, businesses as well as individuals. This loan offered by bank is derived from shareholders whose interest is simply to make profits. This makes banks key role to be lending and making a margin from funds lent so that it can provide a return on investment for the shareholders. It has been difficult for banks to play this role with ease as the market is bedeviled with risks, risks which cannot be ...
INTRODUCTION The Nigeria banking industry has witnessed a lot of changes since the mid 1980’s and this is reflected in the increased volume and complexity of bank operations, increased innovations and varieties in product and service delivery. These development have not only been technology driven but have influenced move technological advances. Information technology which is the foundation of modern electronic banking through desktop computers and terminals provide the tools for deliver...
ABSTRACT Over the years mismanagement of public funds and improper standards for financial accountability has been a reoccurring decimal in various parts of the world Africa and Nigeria inclusive. It was against this backdrop that Nigeria adopted international financial reporting standard (IFRS) in January, 2012 after several years of negotiations. This study therefore examined the extent to which adoption of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) can enhance financial reporti...
ABSTRACT This proposal is purely based on corporate governance and Bank failure in Nigeria and to see if a significant relationship exists between corporate governance and Banks failure. Corporate governance, as a concept, can be viewed from at least two perspectives. The narrow view is concerned with the structures within a corporate entity or enterprise receives its basic orientation and direction. The broad perspective is regarded as being the heart of both a market economy and a democr...
Pricing Policy 1.0Pricing Theory: Pricing is an important and complex element of the marketing mix and generates the highest level of external interference because of its place as a major determinant of the volume of goods and services available for the consumers in any economy. TABLE OF CONTENT Title PageDedicationAcknowledgementTable of ContentsChapter OnePricing Policy1.0Pricing Theory1.1Concepts of Price/PricingChapter Two2.0Price Fixing under Perfect Competition2.1Price Fixing under Per...
Abstract This paper provides an in-depth study on the history and evolution of Commercial Bank characteristic factors and other Macroeconomic variables on the financial industry performance indices in Nigeria from 1977 to 2010. The work employed a 3-stage procedure in the assessment of Commercial Bank characteristic factors and other Macroeconomic variables on Total Credit, Investment, and Commercial Bank Lending and Deposit Rate. The essence is to assess the impact of environmental factors o...
Abstract This study examines the effect of stock market on economic growth in Nigeria.Ordinary least squares regression (OLS) was employed using the data from 1989 to 2008. The results indicated that there is a positive relationship between economic growth and all the stock market development variables used. With 99 percent R-squared and 98 percent adjusted R-squared, the result showed that economic growth in Nigeria is adequately explained by the model for the period between 1989 and 2008. B...
This study investigates the effects of ATM on the performance of Nigerian banks. Available studies have concentrated on the significant dimensions of ATM (automated teller machine) service quality and its effect on customer satisfaction with a bias against ATM producers. The study is motivated by the astronomical challenges confronting the proliferation of ATM infrastructure and attendant financial losss to banks which are often under-reported. Also, there are serious debate on the relevance ...
Professionalism in banking is violated when ethical or legal fundamentals are breached or blatantly disregarded. Ethics is a strong code of morality, which for an occupation such as banking, plays an important role in the well being of individuals, businesses, national and international economies. Unethical conduct manifests itself in various ways, including insider abuse, fraudulent dealings; irregularity/inaccuracy in rendition of reports, these are problems bordering on business ethics as ...
This paper presents empirical findings on the impact of the industrial sector on the performance of firms in a culturally diverse nation like Nigeria. The main objective of the study is to determine the overall effect of the industry in which a firm operates in a multicultural economy on its performance. The study opines that the cultural diversity of the Nigerian citizenry could determine to an extent the performance of a given firm in an industry and how the national economic policies affec...