ABSTRACT Over the years organisational performance and effectiveness has been linked directly or indirectly to the type of leadership style employed in such organisation, establishment or firms. It is easy to understand that in every organisation there exist two chambers-the higher or senior personnel and the lower or junior personnel. Most times commands, instructions and directives flow from top-down. So in as much as the lower or junior staffs depend on the top management for directives...
ABSTRACT Over the years organisational performance and effectiveness has been linked directly or indirectly to the type of leadership style employed in such organisation, establishment or firms. It is easy to understand that in every organisation there exist two chambers-the higher or senior personnel and the lower or junior personnel. Most times commands, instructions and directives flow from top-down. So in as much as the lower or junior staffs depend on the top management for directives ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine The Effect of Organisation Policy on Recruitment Procedure. It is going to be a Survey on two selected Manufacturing Organisations in Southeast Nigeria namely Bons Nigeria Limited and Benix Nigeria Limited. The general data needed to achieve the objective of the survey was gathered through the use of questionnaire given to fourty staffs of the two manufacturing organisations- making up the sample population. To broaden the researchers’ ...
ABSTRACT In every developing economy large, medium and small scale businesses are bound to have challenges because of course every good venture that’s meant to be useful in any way to man does not come easy. Therefore the establishment of small scale is bound to be met with stiff problems which require detailed plan at managerial and implementation scope to subdue. This clearly explains the need for the study of problems and prospects of establishing small scale enterprises in Nigeria- the ...
ABSTRACT The specific perspective of this research study on small scale business operation in Nigeria today is based on their impact and potential contribution on broad and diversified production base, income distribution and development of Nigeria, as well as challenges encountered in its day to day operations.This research work on the CHALLENGES OF SMALL SCALE BUSINESS IN NIGERIA (A CASE STUDY OF GARRI PROCESSING INDUSTRY IN ABAKPA NIKE ENUGU)was born out of the desire of the researcher to ...
ABSTRACT The success backbone of any firm, organisation or institution lies largely on the effectiveness and management of the human resources under its control. Therefore the role of human resource management in organizational performance as well as manpower training and development in an organization can never be over-emphasized in any way. This is because no work would be done if there were no persons to drive a particular organisations goal to implementation and completion in other to ach...
In Nigeria today many petty businesses are springing up in every nook and cranny of the country almost on daily basis. Though the poor job employment opportunities available in the nation may have stimulated this trend but such businesses render services ranging from production to technology to manufacturing etc. all to the growth of the nation’s economy. The vibrancy noticed in this sector in the recent years has attracted the attention of government and global agencies clamouring for bet...
INTRODUCTIONOut of the twenty three (23) local government councils in Kaduna State none has met the expectations and aspirations of the electorate who voted them into office. Some people blamed the disappointment on the council leaders. Studies in leadership is as controversial as the concept itself. At the local government level there are numerous leaders. The Local government chairman is a leader, just as the Director of Human Resources. The Treasurer is a leader just as the Director of wo...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to determine the problems and prospects of establishing garri processing industry at Ugbene in Abakpa, Enugu Metropolis. In carrying out the study, care was therefore taken to ensure that relevant and adequate date were collected and analysed. Thus, the researcher obtained such data from primary and secondary sources. The research method adopted was the survey method in which the sample was selected through random sampling. The data collection instrum...
ABSTARCT The continued decline in productivity government parastatals despite huge financial and material resources invested in them has been a matter of concern to all well meaning Nigerians. This has in its part contributed to the economic crisis which the country is currently facing. This research work is designed to look into the motivational aspect of the work environment and its relative effect on productivity in these parastatals. Some how workers in the public sectors of the e...
ABSTRACT This project is an attempt to examine the study of managing industrial disputes in higher institution with particular reference to Enugu state university of science and technology (ESUT) Enugu. And to suggest ways by which the management of higher institutions in Enugu State will follow to manage the disputes efficiently and effectively. Chapter one consists of the general introduction of the research topic statement of the problems objectives of the research topic scope of the study...
ABSTRACT Several literature and publications in delight concerning the contrition of service of the Nigerian manager have not been anything to write home about most of the writer point to the face that Nigerian managers are finding it more difficult to carry on with their job tasks responsible and to meet their role expectation both personal and societal. It is in light of this that the researcher chose to study the consequence of such difficult situation on the managers. There is no dust t...
ABSTRACT In this project attempt was made of evaluate the performance of social responsibility of Nigeria firm in effort to satisfy the demand of host community towards provision of basic amenities. Also managers attitudes towards performance of social responsibilities is also analyzed. We pen scoped the short coming of social responsibilities performance which led to the establishment of the objectives of the study which included the identification of factors limitating the performance of so...
INTRODUCTION One of the many problems facing the business community has been the problem of integrating the objectives of the employees with that of the organization for the achievement of the organization objectives. Even when such integration has been made there should be a dear method or system of measurement of the contribution of employees to the organizational achievement. Organizations that practice management by objectives seem to be on the positive threshold of solving this probl...
ABSTRACT This research work deals with the impact of time management in some selected commercial Banks in Enugu, as a field of study. This research work comprises five chapters. Chapter one deals with general discussion of the impact of time management how and where it was discover their significant also the objectives. It went further to state the problems and why this study was carried out, and finally stated some research questions. A number of past related literature examined by other stu...