ABSTRACT This research project is a very crucial study for the formation of co-operative societies in Enugu metropolis. From the history of co-operative it’s all about people working together or working mutually. The project will stress about the need for the formation of co-operative society and also how co-operative societies are being registered in Enugu state. The steps that must be taken in the formation of co-operative societies, the conditions for registration and also the Econom...
INTRODUCTION Bus 213 is a code given to a course titled Co-operative Development. The course is being offered the whole students in the school of business studies, but housed in the Department of Co-operative Economics and Management (CEM). It was offered during the first semester of my NDII. The course was provided with the aim to enrich the students involved, with the knowledge of the growth and development of modern co-operative in the world. The course was in mimeography written...
ABSTRACT Unemployment in Our Society”. Unemployment is just a common household word in Our Society. Many individual today are unemployed not because they are not fit for any job or that they lack the knowledge, the answer to this problem is unemployment. Many able-bodied young men and women remains unemployed after wasting a good number of years in school. A waste in the sense that after what seems like size years in school come out just to find yourself doing nothing to the...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to determine and assess challenges of cooperative extension service in Neni; causes and prospects (a case study of selected cooperative societies in Neni Anaocha L.G.A 2012-2013). In the cause of this study, questionnaires were administered and review of existing literature in field was also carried out. In the findings, it shows that so many cooperatives in Neni Anaocha has challenges and causes in cooperative extension service. In pursuance of this object...
ABSTRACT In this five chapter research work, an exposé is carried out on the role of cooperative societies in ensuring the success of the FADAMA III project. Chapter one presents an introduction to the research while chapter two consists of a review of related literatures, in which subject matters such as the scope, benefits and implementation arrangement of FADAMA III as well as the importance, problems of cooperative societies and their possible solutions are identified. Chapter three and ...
ABSTRACT This project work was an attempt to investigate the contributions of Agricultural Co-operative societies in improving food production in Ebonyi State. The main objectives were; To find out how agricultural co-operatives have contributed in improving food production in Ebonyi State, To identify factors that can cause low food production in Ebonyi State and to identify forms of supports and incentives provided by government to agricultural in Ebonyi State. Based on the objectives of th...
ABSTRACT The study systematically examined the benefits of cooperative thrift and loan to staff of federal establishment in Enugu State using Power Holding Company Nigeria as a case study. The study population covered al the member of Power Holding Company Nigeria of CTLS, and data was collected from both primary and secondary sources. This was divided into five chapter. The chapter one contained the introductory part of the project. Literature review, research design, data presenting and a...
ABSTRACT This research is carried out for an investigation into the impact of enhancing the effectiveness of Cooperative Management Committee through cooperative education and training. (A case study of Awgu Local Government Area.) In the course of study, questionnaires here administered and review of existing literature in that field was carried out. The respondents were randomly selected from the various cooperatives organization in the local government. The finding showed that emphasis on ...
ABSTRACT Women economic and social empowerment has become very topical in Nigeria’s development since last thirty years or so. The general objective of this research work is to examine the instrumentality of cooperatives for women economic empowerment in Awgu local government Area of Enugu State, among the specific objectives are : To Find out why women join or form co-operative societies; To find out the types of co-operative societies women most often form or join; To determine extent...
ABSTRACT This study aims to examine analysis of agricultural financing in Nigeria (A study of Umuchinmere Procredit and First Bank PLC, Enugu). It is believed that generalization will be made on the entire nation based on the results arrived at in the research. The project is divided into five (5) chapter to enhance understanding and convenience. In chapter one, an introduction of the study was made. The statement of the problems were enumerated which includes lack of credit facilitie...
ABSTRACT This study examines the role of Voluntary and Open Membership Principle in societies. A survey method was used for the study. They were members of NNPC-KRPC Staff Multipurpose Cooperative Society. A 5-item questionnaire was used for the study. The questionnaire was based on liker scale. Four (4) research questions were developed to guide the study. Frequencies and mean scores were used as statistical analysis. Research findings show that Voluntary and Open Membership Principle is wel...
ABSTRACT This study examines the role of leadership participation in promoting cooperative. A survey method was used for the study 310 respondents were included in the study. They were member of Kaduna refinery petrochemical company (KRPC). A 18 item questionnaire was used for the study. The questionnaire was based on five likert scale. Three research questions were developed to guide the study. Frequencies and mean score were used as statistical analysis. Research findings show that leadersh...
INTRODUCTION This research work focuses on the effects of credit administration and control on the development of cooperative society. Credit administration and control functions as a good instrument that brings about rapid development in the cooperative sector. It can be regarded as the essence of financial instruction in an economy, therefore the formulation and implementation of sound and solid credit polices and control are among the most crucial responsibilities of t...
INTRODUCTION In order to get a clear picture of the subject matter it is imperative to defined cooperative. ICA Statement on the cooperative defines cooperative as an autonomous association of persons economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. However, primary cooperative which is the subject matter is defined as a society which has as its object the promotion of the socio-economic interest of its members through a co...
ABSTRACT This study investigates the prevailing practices of women primary cooperative and their effects on women socio-economic stability. A survey method was used for the study. The research questions that guided the study were: what are the prevailing practices of women primary cooperative society? To what extents do cooperatives affect women on socio-economic stability? What are the possible problems affecting cooperatives on women socio-economic stability? Frequency and mean score were u...