INTRODUCTION From the book cooperative identity (1998) “the modern cooperative movement began England during the fist part of the nineteenth century. There were many years of experimentation, and many failed attempts, before a successful cooperative was established. The turning point came in 1944 when the first successful cooperative, called the Rochdale, an industrial town close to Manchester. The society was registered under the friendly societies Act. On October 28th 1844, but the shop d...
ABSTRACT This study is on the Roles play by specialized Banks in promoting the activities of Agricultural cooperative, using a case study on Bank of Agriculture, Enugu Zone Office Independence Layout Enugu State. The objective of this study is to: Identify the actual roles play by Bank OF Agriculture in promoting the activities of Agricultural cooperatives; determine to what extent agricultural cooperative have benefited from the bank in terms of financing, equipment leasing in promoting th...
ABSTRACT Co-operative Operation and Administration has been written primarily o satisfy the demands many student in the school of financial studies who have for a factual and authoritative course on Co-operative development. This project thus been written with clarity of exposition focused on the practical requirements for standing and operating a co-operative society successfully. But for years the general public particularly the axious co-operators and professionals whose activities ...
INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF STUDY Agricultural credit in Nigeria dates back to the 1930s. But organized credit to farmers, but it did not start until 1772 when Nigerian agriculture and co-operative bank (N.A.C.B) was established. The awareness of the serous decline in agricultural production was partly responsible for the establishment of the bank. The N.A.C.B was not the only financial institution, which provides agricultural credit. Prior to establishment of N.A.C.B, agricultural credit sc...
ABSTRACT Co-operative society was introduced into Nigeria in 1935.The objective include the pooling of sources together to achieve common goal and the substances of rural economy through marking fund available to the enterprising rural populace. However, members have been too much reluctant over the service offered to them by these co-operative societies, especially in Oji-River local Government Area of Enugu state. There is need to ensure effective and efficient management system in order to...
ABSTRACT In co-operative Economic and Management, I.M.T. like in other departments in the institution, there are many course or subjects students are required to cover at various levels of their study in qualifying them for the award of O.N.D or H.N.D in C.E.M. Among the courses subject leveled or studied for the award of O.N.D award in C.E.M is snubbed at by student. This is the basis for chosen the research topic “The Importance of studying principles and practice of co-operative as a qua...
ABSTRACT This research project titled “Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society of Federal Ministry of Industry and Technology, Owerri, Imo state. The study was motivated by the necessity of requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma in Co-operative Economics and Management of Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu. It aimed at identifying the causes of the study of co-operative thrift and loan society in Owerri, Imo State. To solve the research problems both primary ...
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF STUDY Agriculture, from the beginning of time, the first concern of man has been food clothing and shelter in that order. Agriculture being one of the oldest industries, its origin can be traced to the earliest human societies. the existence of man fro the prehistoric era up to the era ancient civilization depended on the ability of the individual to hunt and gather food for consumption. Food was, however the basic source of life which provided him energy...
ABSTRACT Modern form of Co-operative leave their origin in the tension and opportunities created by industrialization and urbanization in the nineteenth Century in Europe. Much of the early interested in co-operative structure seemed from deep regards to the social consequence of industrial capitalism, critics of the new order not simply a framework for business organisation but also as a vehicle for the reutilization of radical social and political goals. However, much concepts of c-operativ...
ABSTRACT This project is written to be useful to all who are interested in Co-operative Organizations, Management, students and the general public. This is to reveal the process of effective Management of Credit in Co-operative society in Enugu South. In this project, one finds out the means of which this co-operative organizations generate fund, for example, through loan contract. More so, proper strictly and critical examination showed that co-operative could raise fund for their goal...
ABSTRACT This research project titled “Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society of Federal Ministry of Industry and Technology, Owerri, Imo state. The study was motivated by the necessity of requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma in Co-operative Economics and Management of Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu. It aimed at identifying the causes of the study of co-operative thrift and loan society in Owerri, Imo State. To solve the research problems both primary ...
MEANING OF CO-OPERATIVE The co-operative institution will tell us that the co-operative institution is about people. It’s about a business. It is in line with these assertion that various definitions of this subject have been postulated by some school of thoughts. Whereas some scholars see co-operative or define co-operative as an association of person usually of limited means who have voluntarily joined together to achieve a common Economic goals through the formation of a democratical...
ABTRACTS Over the years, there has been a high rate of business failure in both private and public sector . analysis and the review of the problem has shown that the provision of capital and technology alone cannot avert the situation. The situation can be change through a communal living. Establishment of co-operative society and there stay under the umbrella might contribute more to the efficient and effective management. This research project was done to determine the impact of co-operat...
INTRODUCTION The planning of the establishment of Institute of Management and Technology Enugu, there not in progressive forms till 1967 to a college of technology up to the ordinary diploma level. An institution of administration which provide short come in-service training courses for civil servants of various grades and a co-operative college offered a certificate course in co-operative studies to co-operative inspector from the ministry of industry, trade and co-operative. These insti...
ABSTRACT The study is to examine the project titled “Co-operative Development and Government of Enugu State (A Case Study of Oji River Local Government Area). Co-operative development is not the same in all countries as the researcher wants to find out the extent government of Enugu State is involved in co-operative development. The researcher further divided this study into five chapters. The background of the study, the statement of problem, scope and limitation of the study, objecti...