Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

The Response of The Seventh-Day Adventist Church on Management of Youth Drop-Out Rate in Nyamira County, Kenya

Abstract This study examines the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church's response to the management of youth dropout rates in Nyamira County, Kenya. Youth disengagement from the educational system has profound implications for their social and academic outcomes. Recognizing the significance of addressing this issue, the SDA Church, as a central institution in the community, plays a vital role in providing effective solutions. Using a critical youth development lens, the study investigates how a...

Youth participation in smallholder livestock production and marketing

Abstract/Overview Agriculture is a leading source of employment for rural populations in Kenya. Through a mixed methods approach, this study sought to investigate youth participation in smallholder livestock production and marketing in Baringo County. The specific focus is on how social norms and micropolitics enable or constrain participation of particular groups of young people. The study established that personal choice, preference for paid over unpaid labour and gender norms in asset ...


This study focused on the effectiveness of communication channels in tertiary educational institutions in the Northern Region of Ghana using the University for Development Studies in Tamale as a case study. A case study research design and mixed method approach was used to guide data collection and analysis. A sample size of 285 was used out of a target population of 1,077 staff based on Krejcie and Morgan’s formula. Most of the respondents were young people aged between 26 and 45 years, mo...


The study examined smallholder yam farmer’s perception and response to climate variability and change. A multistage sampling technique was used to select the study districts, study communities and the sample size of four hundred respondents. Questionnaires, key informant interviews and focus group discussions were conducted to elicit relevant information from the respondents. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, qualitative narratives, community resource maps, seasonal calendars...


There is little information about the quality of the milk and its derived products either at farm level or at market level in Ghana. As a result it is important to investigate the quality and safety of milk and its derived products in order to improve the nutritional base of the increasing Ghanaian population and the marketing of the milk and its derived products. The purpose of this study was therefore to detect and determine the prevalence of Listeria species and L. monocytonenes in milk an...

Assessing the Humanitarian-Development Nexus within Protracted Crisis Contexts: A Case Study of Somalia

Abstract: A comment made by Trygve Lie, the first Secretary General of the United Nations, endures to date. He said, “There is a close connection between the peace problem and the economic and social conditions of the countries of the world. The creation of better economic and social conditions for all people is one of the principal aims of the United Nations.” Humanitarian crises have become increasingly complex, protracted and commonly caused by conflict. The incumbent sustainable deve...

Youth Unemployment and Insecurity in the Greater Horn of Africa: A Case Study of Munuki Payam In South Sudan

Abstract: This thesis investigates the relationship between youth unemployment and insecurity in Munuki Payam, a suburb in Juba county of South Sudan. The youth of South Sudan live in a precarious state characterized by limited access to education, abject poverty and inadequate economic opportunities; they constitute over 70% of the country’s population. Unfortunately, the country’s independence in 2011 did not change the situation as many young lives are spent in violence and illegal ac...

The Challenges of the Youth in the Post-Conflict Reconstruction: A Case of Juba County of Central State, South Sudan

Abstract: It is imperative to note that the South Sudan war of independence negatively affected almost all aspects of life. There is no stone that remained unturned. The women, children, young girls and boys, the elderly etcetera all suffered and some of them perished in cold blood. In April 2012, a study was conducted and the specific objectives of the study was to assess the post conflict reconstruction agenda for the youth; to find out the challenges of the youths in relation to the recon...

Securitization of Foreign Aid in Africa: A Case Study of Kenya

Abstract: This research is considered timely because although the key donors have continued to advance foreign aid into to Kenya, there exists little economic development in the country. With three years to the deadline of achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the country is less likely to achieve any of them. Evidently, Kenya is increasingly becoming a terrorist target especially after the Kenyan Defense Forces (KDF) ventured into Somalia to fight the Al Shabaab. Increased fore...

Harnessing Foreign Direct Investment for Employment Creation for the Youth in Kenya. A Case Study of Nairobi and Kiambu Counties (2005-2019)

Abstract: Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) play a key role in developing countries. Employment creation is one of the benefits that comes with FDI Employment creation is a major problem facing developing countries especially African states that are experiencing youth bulge. Youth unemployment is a major challenge that is facing Kenya. The study sought to examine ways that Kenya can attract more FDI and create employment opportunities for its youthful population. The study sought to answer th...

The Role of School Feeding Programme in Increasing Performance and Retention Levels in ASAL Areas: A Case Study of Kajiado County (2014-2019)

Abstract: School enrollment to basic education in Arid and Semi-Arid lands (ASAL) are low as result of traditional cultural practices, poor learning facilities and human poverty. The School Feeding Program (SFP) was adopted by the Kenyan government in 1980 to incentivize school age children to learn and reduce absenteeism. The aim of the study was to examine school feeding programs as a strategy to increase performance and retention levels in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Kenya. In this study,...

Youth Economic Empowerment and Sustainable Development Goal on Decent Work: A Case of Kenya Commercial Bank 2jiajiri Program

Abstract: Authoritarian developmentalism has been the justification for making the government assumes the role of primary agent in promoting development through youth economic empowerment. The taxpayer funded programmes which were launched after the promulgation of the National Youth Policy (NYP) have failed because of corruption and overall mismanagement. The net result of this top to bottom approach has been the high unemployment and under-employment of Kenyan youth. On the other hand, KCB...

An Assessment of Disaster Risk Management in Urban Informal Settlements and its Effectiveness on the Urban Poor Case Study: Mukuru Kwa Njenga

Abstract: Informal settlements, where mostly the urban poor reside, tend to be located in hotspots of natural hazards such as floods, fire, and even earthquakes. The devastating impacts of these natural hazards on such settlements can be attributed to the higher levels of physical, economic, social and environmental vulnerability in conjunction with inadequate and poor level of disaster preparedness. Conceptualizing a detailed risk profile, in the context of informal settlement characteristi...

Diminishing Impact of Foreign Aid, Grants and Loans on the Endemic, That Is Hunger and Poverty in Africa: Focus on Kenya

Abstract: Africa's main ailment is hunger and poverty. This has been given much attention, by the African people and the International community in pursuit of its end. Hunger and poverty in Africa is on a fast increase. The main causes of hunger in Africa are; natural causes like drought, floods, famine and diseases that attack livestock and crops. This is why the poverty reduction strategies have mainly focused on venues to increase crop production like irrigation, fertilization and subsist...

The Role of Bridge International Academy In Modernization: The Case of Kenya

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to look at a relatively new International Academies (hereafter Bridge), and the role it plays education as a tool for assisting Kenya reach its Vision 2030 development Bridge is a for-profit company dedicated to providing low-cost education million children around the globe, beginning with Kenya. Bridge differs educational players because it uses a cookie cutter model most often consumer products like the fast food chain McDonalds. However, educational ...

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