Economics Research Papers/Topics

Corruption and Economic Growth in Kenya: A county-level analysis

While there's an outsized consensus within the empirical literature on the negative impact of corruption on the economic process, some studies still argue that corruption could also be economically justified. There is, however, little empirical evidence to validate the impact of corruption on economic growth within the devolved units. The effect of the corruption rate on the economic activities is examined using ordinary least squares regression analysis and Kenya county-level data. The resul...

Effect of Fiscal and Monetary Policy on Gross Domestic Savings in Kenya

Domestic savings is a vital source of investment funds, especially for developing economies. It is thus essentialthat internal savings capacity in these economies is increased to enhance investment financing and economicgrowth. Since increased reliance on external capital flows can result in economic instability, achieving a highernational saving rate is a critical macroeconomic objective for many developing countries. However, domesticsavings remain low in many of them including Kenya, posin...

Exchange Rate and Capital Flight: An Empirical Analysis

Exchange rate volatility and declining capital inflow are important policy issues that inform macroeconomic policies and strategies of developing countries. Most developing economies have small potential resource base, faces foreign exchange volatility and limited market of agricultural products, thus investigating the role of capital flight is significant for these states. Cognizant of this, the study will try to answer the paradox of capital outflow and exchange uncertainty. The research wi...

External Debt and Capital Flight in East Africa

Capital flight remains significant for public officials in East Africa member states, especially since the emergenceof the foreign debt crisis and the associated drastic decline in capital inflows from developed nations and BrettonWoods institutions. Given their smaller resource base, debt accumulation and budget deficit, the problem of capitalflight in developing nations requires examination. The study examined the effect of accumulating external debt oncapital flight in East African countri...

Inflation and Saving: A Puzzle

In the wake of the steep fall in the national savings due to economic shocks, among them the COVID-19 pandemic macroeconomic consequences, this study examines to what extent inflation explains the variation in the saving behavior in developing countries. Most past empirical studies investigated the role of inflation on savings only in advanced nations. The current study will investigate the effect of inflation on savings culture in Kenya. To determine how inflation explains saving, the study ...

The Work Participation of the Elderly during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Palu City

This study examines the work participation of the elderly population (≥ 60 years) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Palu City. The sample was 80 respondents. The data analysis used probit regression. The results showed that only 36.26 percent of all respondents are still working. The COVID-19 pandemic changes variables affecting work participation of the elderly. The results of the analysis show that only two variables have a significant influence, namely age and health status of the e...

Study of Regional Competitiveness in Central Sulawesi

This research aims for measure the regional competitiveness in Central Sulawesi Province. The analysis method used is algorithm models developed by Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI) by using 4 scopes, those are; Macro Economy Stability; Government and Institution Planning; Financial Condition, Business and Labor; Life Quality and Infrastructural Development. The result discovers the index of regency/city in Central Sulawesi Province that is Banggai regency 3.6763, Palu city 3.4010, an...

Strategy of Developing Tomini Bay for Economic Growth of Coastal Community in Central Sulawesi

This research aims to analyze the potential and the strategy of developing Tomini Bay to improve the economic growth of the coastal community in Central Sulawesi. The research is located in four regencies in Central Sulawesi. The method uses the descriptive analysis using SWOT analysis. The research result shows that the potential of fisheries resources in Poso Regency, Parigi Moutong Regency, Tojo Una-Una Regency, and Banggai Regency can support the development of Tomini Bay region based on ...

Relationship Between Economic Growth, Income Inequality and Poverty by Provinces in Indonesia: Panel Data Regression Approach

Researchers found that the decrease in income inequality affects poverty reduction through redistribution policies. This redistribution policy has also accelerated poverty reduction. In addition, the researcher found that the element of growth led to the achievement of poverty reduction in the long term. Researchers show that economic growth has the power to determine poverty reduction. The type of data in this study uses secondary data sourced from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), namely...

Human Development Index and Labor Productivity in Central Sulawesi Province: Granger Causality Test and Panel Data Regression

This study aims to analyze the effect of the human development index (HDI) on labor productivity. This study used panel data by district/city in Central Sulawesi Province in 2017-2020. The analytical method used is the Granger Causality Test and the panel data regression model. This study found that first labor Productivity (LP) had a positive and significant effect on the productivity index (PI). Second is the open unemployment rate (OUR) has a positive and significant effect on the h...


Abstract This research aims to know the impact of development and gender empowerment on the condition of income inequality and poverty in Indonesia. This study uses data on the gender development index (IPG), gender empowerment index (IDG), income inequality or Gini ratio/GR), and the number of poor people (POV) according to data from 34 provinces in Indonesia for the period 2015-2020. The analytical method used is the Granger causality test and panel regression model (common effect model/CEM...

Economic Growth, Income Inequality, and Poverty in Central Sulawesi

This study examines the relationship and effect of economic growth with poverty and income inequality in Central Sulawesi Province. The source of data used in this study is secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Central Sulawesi Province. This study also uses the Granger causality test analysis method to test the relationship between the three variables and then panel data regression is carried out to see the effect of each independent variable on the dependent vari...

An Empirical Investigation into the Determinants of External Debt in Asian Developing and Transitioning Economies

Abstract This paper investigates the determinants of external debt in 32 Asian developing and transitioning economies for the period 1995–2019. Estimation is carried out using the generalized method of moments (GMM), which is capable of dealing with potential endogeneity problems. The results show that in both the short- and long-run, economic growth and investment reduce external debt, whereas exchange rate, trade, and government expenditure increase external debt. Diagnostic tests co...

E-Procurement And Organizational Performance: A Case Study Of National Medical Stores Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between e-procurement and organizational performance a case study of national Medical Stores Kampala Uganda. The study was guided by the following objectives, to establish the benefits and challenges of e-procurement at National Medical Stores, to establish the performance of the organization using eprocurement to establish the relationship between e-procurement and organizational performance. The researcher employed quali...

An Economic Comparison of Biological and Conventional Control Strategies for Insect Pests in Cashew and Mango Plantations in Tanzania

Abstract This study was undertaken to compare alternative methods of pest control for insect pests in order to determine which methods has the highest efficacy against insect pests and the least detrimental side effects, while maintaining production and profits. The analysis was based on the experimental trials for three treatments: weaver ants, chemical insecticides and control. Data on yields, quantities and prices of inputs and output were collected and analyzed using inferential statisti...

106 - 120 Of 194 Results