Intelligence and Security Services Research Papers/Topics

Influence of Social Media on National Security in Kenya, 2014-2022

Abstract: Technological advancements have transformed every sphere of human life. The advent of technology and social media has improved interaction and communication between people. This is because social media offers a fast and a cheap means of interacting and sharing information. Freedom of expression allows one to hold their own opinions and to express them freely. However, availability and convenience of social media, coupled up with freedom of expression and the inability to differenti...

Exploitation of Kenya’s Public Institutions of Higher Learning by Terrorists: A Case of Three Public Universities

Abstract: Terrorism has grown despite efforts from National Leaders around the world. One thing that has propelled this growth is the sophisticated way in which they are able to plan and execute their attack. The main reason behind this growth and sophistication is the recruitment of terrorists with technical stills. This thesis sought to examine the exploitation of Kenya's Public Institutions of Higher Learning by terrorists: A case of three public Universities. The study targeted Public In...

Afghanistan: A Future Threat to US Interest Due to Durrand Line

ABSTRACT The result of this paper have fully addressed the hypothesis--the perceptions of the four national “actors--Afghanistan, India, Iran, and Pakistan,” regarding the issue of Durand Line as the international border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, differ significantly and willeventually lead to extreme armed conflict resulting in an “all-out-war,” wherein the involvement of Afghanistan in this issue can be considered as Afghanistan becoming a future threat to US Interest. The a...

Determinants Of Physical Violence On Married Women By Their Spouses In Kisii County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Kenya is an endemic that has affected the lives of women across the country. Violence against women can cause long-term physical and mental health problems. Violence and abuse affect not just the women involved but also their children, fami-lies, and communities. These effects include harm to an individual’s health, possibly long-term harm to children, and harm to communities such as lost work and homelessness. As a result many initiatives have been c...

Emotional Intelligence and Conscientiousness as predictors of Job Performance

Abstract   The objectives of this research is to investigate the predictive power of Emotional Intelligence, its four composite scales and Conscientiousness among the inspector, rank and file of the Nigeria Police Force. A survey design method was adopted and data were collected through self-administered questionnaire from a sample of 189 personnel of the categories identified. The standard multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the predictive power of each of the independ...

Global Terrorism and Challenges of Contemporary International Relations.

ABSTRACT   Global terrorism have in recent times assumed a very dangerous dimension. The various ways and manner in which terrorists attempt to achieve their goals have altered the operation of the contemporary international relations. This constitutes a striking problem to contemporary international relations.  Against this background therefore, this work is primarily aimed at pin-pointing the major causes of global terrorism and its implications in the contemporary global politics.  In...


1.1     INTRODUCTION The purpose of military strategy is to win wars; the scholarship over the last thirty years has shown that the period from 1914 through 1918 introduced the biggest changes in war fighting strategies, tactics and technologies in all human history. With a few significant exceptions, almost everything about how large-scale combat operations are conducted today traces its origins to World War I. If an infantry battalion commander of August 1914 were to jump ahead a sc...