Political Science Research Papers/Topics

Decision Making Autonomy And Service Delivery In Local Authorities: The Case Of Bulawayo City Council

Abstract World over, municipalities or local authorities have been blamed for poor service delivery by both central government and local residents. Central government which has devolved power to local government accuses municipalities for poor service delivery, just as residents (tax payers) also point fingers at municipalities for the same reasons. It is with this project which aims to unveil some these constraints that affect service delivery, from the service providers angle of view. In ad...

An Analysis Of Service Delivery Satisfaction Levels For Local Authorities In Zimbabwe. The Case Of Victoria Falls Municipality (2010- 2015)

ABSTRACT Public service delivery is of paramount importance to citizens around the globe. Service delivery is therefore meant to ensure good living conditions to the people thus there is need for good public service delivery. It can be noted that there are many factors that have been alluded to as causes of poor service delivery by local authorities and these factors are financial constraints, economic instability, political interference into the local authority issues and management thereby ...

State And Oil In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study critically examines the linkage between the Nigerian State and oil as a commodity produced and marketed within capitalist relations. It analyzes its impact on the crisis of development in Nigeria, characterized by pervasive economic crisis, political instability and social tension. And deals with how this critical linkage can be subjected to a transformation which will bring about national control, and the use of oil for the benefit of most Nigeria. We commence from a theor...

Tensions In Rural Water Governance: The Elusive Functioning Of Rural Water Points In Tanzania

Abstract Public water services are still failing rural Tanzanians. Emboldened by advances in information communication technologies, the Ministry of Water has been developing computing, financial and administrative technologies to update and visualise the status of rural water points. This amalgam of technologies marks the emergence of an information infrastructure for rural water governance. The information infrastructure will enable the ministry to “see” the functionality status of all...

Essential medicine stock-outs in rural primary health care – exploring the contribution of politics and resulting perceptions in Kasulu District, Tanzania

Abstract Stock-outs of essential medicines and medical items remains a persistent problem in Tanzania, despite the several policy initiatives and interventions since the 1990s. We conducted a qualitative case study, which involved 24 in-depth interviews and eight focus group discussions with the Community Health Fund stakeholders who were facility in-charges, grassroots leaders, and members of Health Facility Governance Committees from eight primary health facilities in Kasulu District Counci...

Higher Education and Prospects of Graduates’ Employability in Tanzania

Abstract This paper is about the challenges of employment for graduates of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Tanzania which has been a serious issue of concern for both the students, parents, universities, the government, and the public. With the rapid expansion of higher education in Tanzania, there is a widely shared concern that graduates face substantial difficulties in the job search and are often forced to accept unfavourable early employment. This article focuses on the relat...

Globalization And Conflict Management in Africa : An Analysis of Peacekeeping Operations in Cote Ivoire And Sudan

Abstract  Dominant scholarships on globalization and conflict management take one of two basic approaches. The providentialists describe it as a process of unifying the world into a one happy and peaceful family of 7 God. The constructionists conceive it as a human effort towards the creation of a borderless world through technological inventions. Both approaches failed to recognize resource inequalities as the driving force of both processes. It is against this backdrop that this study sou...

Assessing The Performance Of An Executive Agency In Ghana: The Case Of The Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, 2008-2018

ABSTRACT The weaknesses of the public sector in the delivery of effective and efficient services in developing countries is a policy problem that is well documented in the literature. The public sector is noted for being unresponsive to customer needs and also fraught with corruption and rigid regulations. Consequently, the new public management ideas including the executive agency concept were proposed as an antidote to the problems associated with quality in public service provision. Agains...

Educational Problems of Muslims in India

Education gives you wings! If you want to fly high in 21st century you must be highly educated and this applies to individuals as well as to all communities. Though the overall literacy rate of India has improved over past few years , its largest minority is still struggling to make its presence felt in the educational field. Here I try to find out various reasons for educational backwardness of Muslims in India and the role played by the State and the community to improve the level of educat...

Multiple Sexual Partnerships And Sexually Transmitted Infections

ABSTRACT Multiple sexual partners (MSPs) are one of the major risk factors in the acquisition and spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The socio-cultural dynamics and high level of mobility especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) such as Ghana for socio-economic advancement increase the exposure and the risk of MSPs and STIs. This study assesses the relationship between multiple sexual partnerships and the incidence of STIs among adult Ghanaians, using data from th...

A Discourse on Accumulation and the Contradictions of Capitalist Development in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examines and conceptualizes accumulation in the context of Nigeria‟s neocolonial state. It investigates the nature of accumulation in Nigeria and, the role of the state and social classes in the accumulation process; the implication of the hegemony of foreign capital and transnational accumulation for the development of underdevelopment in Nigeria; the impact of the state-capital model of primitive accumulation on the crisis and contradictions of capitalist underdevelopm...

Government Policy on The Creation of The Federal Capital Territory- An Impact Assessment 1976-1996

ABSTRACT This study is mainly concerned with examination of the role of government's policy on the creation of Abuja as the Federal Capital of Nigeria. Generally speaking, we examined the philosophy that governed the policy for the development of Abuja. Creating new towns and especially capital cities is not new in history. f n fact, quite a number of countries in the world have had cause to change their capital cities. Be that as it may, the research had essentially focused at investigating...

Niger Delta Minorities And The Quest For Social Justice

ABSTRACT The perceived inequitable distribution of economic and social resources remains a perennial feature of Nigeria’s political history. The rise of ethnic minority organisations and the concomitant violent struggles for justice has continued to militate against economic growth and political stability of Nigeria. Although, there are several studies on the conflicts and intervention programmes in the Niger Delta, these have not been done from the perspective of a Theory of Justice. This ...


ABSTRACT This study examined the deprivation and discrimination of human rights of homosexuals in Ghana and the measures to protect their rights. An explorative qualitative research approach was considered as appropriate method for the study. Primary data from semi structured open ended interviews with ten homosexuals and individuals deeply informed of the human rights situation in Ghana and secondary data from verifiable sources were employed. Data retrieved was scrutinised using thematic an...


ABSTRACT Non-enforcement of policies regarding persons with disability (PWDs) is a major national problem, especially when it comes to the hearing impaired and acquisition of drivers’ licenses in Ghana. The hearing impaired persons mobility to accessing some basic services such as education, social and economic activities, health and other cultural activities could depend on their mandate to drive to places in seeking for these basic services, hence the need for drivers’ licenses to ply t...

91 - 105 Of 110 Results