Psychology Research Papers/Topics

Strategies used by Midlands State University Students to cope with academic stress.

ABSTRACT The researcher sought to study on the strategies used by Midlands State University students to cope with academic stress. The research was enriched with a couple of theories,relavant literature by other authors and previous studies that supported the research. The students were sampled using stratified random sampling. Stratification comprised of strata that are first, second and fourth year students from the Psychology Department in the Faculty of Social Sciences who made up a total...

Contextual Influence On Psychological Adjustment Of Pupils With Learning Disabilities In Inclusive Primary Schools In Kisumu East Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Learning disabilities (LDs) encompass a very extensive range of academic problems which can give rise to social and psychological problems. Apart from experiencing academic problems, pupils with LDs experience strong feelings of frustrations, sadness and shame as a result of repeated failure and this can lead to psychological difficulties. These psychological problems are experienced at home and at school and if not addressed they add to the burden of the condition and could find the...

Effectiveness Of Mantel-Haenszel And Logistic Regression Statistics In Detecting Differential Item Functioning Under Different Conditions

ABSTRACT Differential Item Functioning (DIF) is the different probability of responding to a test item by individuals with the same ability level, but from two different groups. The groups may be based on gender, race or disability. DIF can be detected by methods such as Mantel-Haenszel (MH) and Logistic Regression (LR) which classify DIF items into negligible, moderate, and large DIF. Conditions such as Sample size, Ability distribution and Test length may have a significant effect on DIF de...

Developmental Deafness And Psychopathology In Deaf Nigerian Children

ABSTRACT The research investigated the presence of psychopathology in deaf Nigerian children. It also sought to determine the factors that may be responsible for the presence of psychopathology. Additionally the research investigated the possibility of deafness impacting on the psychopathological development of deaf children in age related ways. Data for the study was drawn from a sample of six hundred and fifty seven (657) participants. These were made up of the children's group of four hund...

Assessment And Management Of Negative Self-Image Among Selected Categories Of Nigerians

Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the nature and characteristics of negative self- image among selected categories of Nigerians and manage those that manifested high negative self-image. In doing this, the study was carried out in two phases namely: the test development and standardization of Negative Self-Image phase and the assessment and management phase. In the test development phase, test items that constitute the Negative Self-Image Inventory (NSII) were generated and pilot-t...

Relationship Between Meaning Making And Coping Strategies In Women Incarcerated At Kisumu Women Prison, Kenya

ABSTRACT Incarceration of women in KWP produces various indices of existential harms experienced cognitively as meaninglessness and functionally as ineffective coping. The women enter prison in perilous states which potentially disrupt their lives, restrict their liberties, challenge their self-identity, and distort their global meaning, diminishing their prospects for mental and behavioral health recovery. Thus, women need to restore coherence and transform the prison experience into optimal...

Adolescents’ Dating And Academic Achievement Among Pupils In Public Primary Schools In Rachuonyo North Subcounty, Kenya

ABSTRACT Reports from Homa Bay County Education Office (HCEO) indicated that out of its five sub-counties(Rachuonyo North and South, Homa Bay, Ndhiwa and Mbita), K.C.P.E grades for Rachuonyo North sub-county (RNSC) continued to be below average despite County ranking relatively well nationally in KCPE (position 18 and 14 out of 47 counties in 2012 and 2013 respectively). In the 2010 KCPE, unlike for the other four sub-counties in RNSC only 21 girls out of 1630 and 41 boys out of 2167 scored b...

Psychophysiological Patterns Of Anxiety In The Development Of Psychopathology

SUMMARY The project was aimed at achieving two objectives. To determine, first the quantitative value of anxiety that differentiates normals from psychopathological groups and second the magnitude of anxiety at different developmental stages of psychopathology. These objectives which have implications for research and therapy have been notable problems in clinical psychology (Martin & Sroufe, 1970). The objectives were achieved in three interrelated studies with a total of 1,330 subjects. In ...

Psychological And Ethnic Factors As Determinants Of Organizational Behviour Of Nigerian Workers In The Oil Refineries

ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between psychosocial and ethnic factors on organizational behaviour of workers in the oil refineries The objectives of the research were to determine the differential impact of psychosocial and ethnic factors on organizational behaviour. The psychosocial factors addressed were personality variables and work groups within the organization. The organisational behaviour variables studied were job involvement, organizational commitment and job sat...

Relationship Between Health Beliefs And Breast Self Examination Among Female Workers In Owerri

Abstract The study investigated the relationship between health beliefs and breast self examination. Two hundred and twenty eight (228) female workers from the state ministries in Owerri participated in the study. Participants were within the age range of 20 to 59 years with mean age of 35.28. Six hypotheses are tested for the study. Two instruments for data collection were Champion Health Belief Model Scale (CHBMS) and Breast self Examination questionnaire (BSE). Data analysis using Linear R...

Parent-Child And Teacher-Pupil Relationships As Predictors Of Academic Motivation And Achievement Among School Children

ABSTRACT This study investigated Parent-Child and Teacher-Pupil relationship as predictors of academic motivation and achievement among school children. Participants were 299 Primary 5 and 6 school pupils who were randomly selected from University of Nigeria, Nsukka primary school and St Mary’s primary school Ibeagwa-Aka, Nsukka. Their ages ranged between 7-12 years, with a mean age of 10.1. Cross sectional design was adopted. Three instruments were used for data collection. Parent as a Soc...

Perceived Leadership-Behaviour And Personality Factors As Predictors Of Job-Behaviours Among Nigerian Workers

Abstract The study examined perceived leadership-behaviour and personality factors as predictors of job-behaviours among Nigerian workers. Employees’ perceptions constituted the central features of a model underlying the study, as they were believed to be related to the individual level of change outcomes. A sample of 8 work group comprising 504 employees (made up of 285 males and 219 females) drawn from human service oriented private and public sectors participated in the study. Precisely...

Manifestations Of Creativity And Its Therapeutic Effects Among Psychotics

ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to investigate two inter-related respects of the postulated reciprocal association between creativity and psychosis, namely the effects of psychosis on creativity and the impact of creativity on psychosis. The study was carried out in three phases Participants were one hundred and twenty in patient psychoties and one hundred and twenty normal participants drawn from students and workers of higher institutions in Lagos. The standardization of Instruments w...

Experiences Of Bereavement And Coping Strategies Among People Who Have Lost Their Significant Others To Suicide

ABSTRACT Suicide is one of the leading cause of death around the world. All age groups are targets of suicide. Major causes of suicide are depression, mental illness and even different life constraints. Pesticides, guns, poison and hanging are some of the other risk factors to suicide. The study reviewed that even though research has been done on suicide a blind eye has been paid to the experiences of people bereaved by suicide hence the purpose of this study. The qualitative approach was use...

Development Of Two Psychological Instruments For Predicting Safety Management Practices In Selected Work Organisations

ABSTRACT The main objectives of this study are to: (i). develop two valid and reliable psychological instruments for assessing safety management practices (SMP) and situation awareness (SA) in accident-prone Nigerian work organizations; (ii). investigate the relationships between situation awareness and safety management practices in the selected Nigerian work organizations; ;(iii) determine how situation awareness and safety management practices would predict effective performance (commitme...

106 - 120 Of 263 Results