Social Anthropology Research Papers/Topics

Postulating ‘Ethnography of Enculturation’: A high-level overview of various social science research techniques that can be used to study human enculturation processes

We had first introduced the concept of “Ethnography of enculturation” in our paper on generic identity theory. We had also published two other papers on ethnography, the gist of which can be understood to enhance the readership experience of this paper. This is however, not mandatory. We believe the “Ethnography of enculturation” would constitute a very important concept and component of twentyfirst century social sciences since it would give us an insight and understanding into how h...

A Critical Review of Environmental Conservation in Zimbabwe

Abstract: The discourse on "environmental conservation" is highly dynamic and has generated controversies of epic proportions in conservation sciences and environmental anthropology. Given the nebulous nature of conservation, coupled with the varying interpretations evoked by the deployment of the concept across different disciplines, a more robust understanding of the no tion calls into question its practical manifestations and application in particular situated contexts — particularly wit...

Critical reflections on the principle of beneficence in biomedicine

Abstract Medical ethics as a scholarly discipline and a system of moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine encompasses its practical application in clinical settings as well as work on its history, philosophy, theology, anthropology and sociology. As such there are a number of values in medical ethics such as autonomy, non-maleficence, confidentiality, dignity, honesty, justice and beneficence, among others. These values act as guidelines for professionals ...

Ethical quandaries in spiritual healing and herbal medicine: A critical analysis of the morality of traditional medicine advertising in southern African urban societies

Abstract This paper critically examines the morality of advertising by practitioners in spiritual healing and herbal medicine heretofore referred to as traditional medicine, in southern African urban societies. While the subject of traditional medicine has been heavily contested in medical studies in the last few decades, the monumental studies on the subject have emphasised the place of traditional medicine in basic health services. Insignificant attention has been devoted to examine the eth...