ABSTRACTThis examine the role of mass medial in educational development in Nigeria. The background centre on the role of mass medial in educational development in Nigeria finding out whether television plays an effective role in formal education.The researcher has attempted to carry out series of analysis and study to confirm that the NTA programme-“Science for schools” actually perform its educational role.This study confirms that the programme actually projects the educational contrib...
ABSTRACTThe variable instrument for the control of the organizational resources is the internal control, which has internal audit as its instrument. This important father makes the researcher to choose “Internal auditing as an instrument for effective management”.For this project on institution of management and technology (IMT) Enugu as a case studying, the researcher made use of both primary and secondary data. Structured questionnaires were the method used for the collection of pri...
Abstract The nature of hospitality refers to the sharing of food, drink and accommodation to the people who are not regular members of a household. These people here can be strangers, neighbours, outsiders etc. basically, the host provides food, drink and shelter in their own home and share them with guest without concern for financial payback. Telfer (1996) The hospitality industry is comprised of commercial organizations that specialize in providing accommodation and/or food and/or drinks,...
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Manufacturing sector plays a catalytic role in a modern economy and has many dynamic benefits crucial for economic transformation. In typical advanced countries, the manufacturing sector is leading, sector in many respects. It is an avenue for increasing productivity related to import replacement and export expansion, creating foreign exchange earning capacity; and raising employment and per capital income which causes unique consumption patterns. Furthermore, it creat...
ABSTRACT In totality the project is concerning the problem encountered by social workers in social work practice. In details, this project consists of five chapters, the first chapter is the introduction part were the researcher highlights the background, aims, objectives and significance of the study as well as research question. Constitute the chapter one, second chapter the researcher review the different contribution made by authors about the problems encountered by social workers in so...
ABSTRACT The issue of gender inequality is one which has been publicly reverberating through society for decades. The problem of inequality in employment being one of the most pressing issues today in order to examine this situation, one must try to get to the root of the problem and must understand the sociological factors that cause women to have much more difficult time getting the same benefits wages and job opportunities or their male counterparts therefore, this research work will exami...
INTRODUCTION In Nigeria, youth activities date back to the pre-colonial era within youth, in spite of their limited number, organized themselves on age grade basis in their various communities. Today, youth in Nigeria constitute of bulk of the population, from statistics available, persons between the ages of 12 plus and 30 years account for about 43% (forty three percent) of our population. Consequently, youth are not merely an object of passing concern on academic study, but a factor to be ...