Biotechnology Research Papers/Topics

Control of stem borers and striga in African cereals: a low input push-pull approach with rapidly expanding impact

Abstract: A system which comprises intercropping between rows of maize with plants that repel stem borers and attract natural enemies, and which also dramatically reduce the level of striga infestation, combined with a surrounding crop of plants that trap out pests, has been developed for use by resource-poor farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.The intercrop and trap crops provide forage for cattle and goats. The technology is called “push-pull”. It is knowledge-intensive and there are lessons...

Containment Studies of TransgenicMosquitoes in Disease Endemic Countries:The Broad Concept of Facilities Readiness

Abstract: Genetic strategies for large scale pest or vector control using modified insects are not yet operational in Africa,and currently rely on import of the modified strains to begin preliminary, contained studies. Early involvementof research teams from participating countries is crucial to evaluate candidate field interventions. Following therecommended phased approach for novel strategies, evaluation should begin with studies in containmentfacilities. Experiences to prepare facilities...

Research Grant Proposal - Improvement of microbial cells for the generation of biofuel from solid

A grant proposal presenting plans for a research project, possibly closely related to current research project, written in the form of a case for support for a small grant, such as an international short-term visit, a travel grant for a conference, or a studentship. This was submitted to the University of Lincoln as an assessment in one of the modules.

A lignin-eating bacterium could aid in the clean-up of some dye-contaminated sites

A research news short article featuring two published research papers in the field of biosciences. This was submitted to the University of Lincoln as an assessment.


Abstract Background: Essential oil from Mesembryanthemum edule leaves have been used by the Eastern Cape traditional healers for the treatment of respiratory tract infections, tuberculosis, dysentery, diabetic mellitus, laryngitis and vaginal infections. The investigation of bioactive compounds in the essential oil of this plant could help to verify the efficacy of the plant in the management or treatment of these illnesses. Materials and methods: Various concentrations of the hydro-distill...